She felt him moving closer and closer to were she was standing. It was a lazy walk, like he didn´t have a care in the world. Like he knew that people would always wait for him. She didn´t want to wait for him, she didn´t want him to come up to her! She was breaking at the seams as it already was, she couldn´t handle some tough guy harrasing her too. Not today, I can´t handle this today. Panic was bubbling up inside her, she wanted to run away. She didn´t want to talk, see or have anything to do with guys now! Please, oh please, just walk by me!
She was shaking, badly, and she couldn´t stop. Her arms where wrapped around her and her eyes pointed fixatedely to the floor. The guy stopped in front of her now. Not to close to make her run, but close enough that she knew he wanted something from her.He was big and tall and with the torn jeans and beat up leather jacket he did a good job at intimidating her. She knew who he was, everybody at her school did. Ok, she didn´t know him, but knew of him. His reputation.You could say that he was the leader of the strange group of people he hanged with. All of them missfits. But he was older than them and scarier than them. She knew he always went to his classes, she shared two of them with him, but he was always quiet. Maybe that was what made him so scary, he just stared at people, like he was bored by them. Maybe the fights he had with Michaels and his gang contributed to it also. She, at least, didn´t want to meet him alone. What was he doing, walking up to her? He had never even given her a second look before. And why should he? The crowds they hanged with were completely opposite. He just stood in front of her now, quit. She could feel his gaze on her, so why didn´t he say something? Her eyes started tearing up. She didn´t know what to do. Her only wish had been to reach home quickly so she could collapse, break, alone in her room. Not to let out the pain and panic she was felling out on the street. She didn´t want to cry in front of anybody and she was afraid that if she started she wouldn´t be able to stop. The memories of what had happened just a couple of hours ago would just swallow her up, she would go crazy if she thought about it. And she had closed that door inside her mind, gone numb, refused to think or feel anything. And now this guy was just standing here and staring at her. Making her feel even more scared and uncomfortable. And embarrased. And she could just imagine how she looked. Her hair, her clothes, her face. Did she have to tell him to go away? To leave her alone. She didn´t know if she had strength enough to do that. And with that thought the shaking and the tears in her eyes got worse.
He took a step closer to her and she hastfully took two steps back. Is he going to hurt me too?, she wondered. She dared herself to look up at him, to make eye contact. She almost couldn´t do it. His eyes were gorgoues.Dark brown with dark thick lashes. Almost like a girl, she thought. I weird thing to think of him as the rest of him undoutedly was very male. But the emotion she saw in his eyes, in his face, was even more weird. He looked worried and maybe, she thought, compassionate.
"Are you ok, honey?", he suddenly said and a small smile spread on his face.
The questions shocked her. Not only what it meant but that he had asked her that. He wanted to know if she was ok? Him? Why would he care? But he did ask. And right now that was more horrible than if he had said something mean. Should couldn´t deal with kindness right now. She could feel her lips starting to tremble as she tried to hold in her feelings. Her eyes got all blurry with more tears and his face got all fuzzy. Oh god, she didn´t want to talk about it! She was standing here, looking a mess and crying like a big baby whilst he was looking drop dead gorgoues and his friends was nearby. And it felt like he could see right through her, see what had happened. Could she feel anymore ashamed?
Jake felt a bit of panic when he saw tears starting to run down the girls face. He hadn´t meant to upset her with his question.Him and his friends had just been standing around talking and listening to some music at the nearby parking lot, when he saw her quickly walking towards the bus stop. He had checked his watch to confirm his thought that it was much to late for girls walking around alone in this part of the neighborhood. Even his friends and him always traveled together when they were down here. It was a shame that the beach he loved had gotten such a bad name. Sure, by day time, tourists and locals alike flocked to the white sand and the warm water. But by night the homeless, criminals and all other kind shady people made the beach their home. But he still liked to drive down here and just hang, loved that he could always see the ocean. He had recognised her after a little while. She was a senior and he always saw her in the company of Michaels and his minions. No wonder that he recognised her, he had many regular alcerations with Michael.