Chapter One
Klutz meets poise
"Stop laughing! Stop it!" I commanded to Dilly, my so-called best freind who was currently doubled over in hysterics in the hallway.
At this point in time I didn't know what I wanted to do, hide in the toilets or slap the next person who laughed at me. Either way there was going to be a messy outcome.
"I'm sorry but the thought of you Kayla…." She trailed off into another laughing fit and a few passing students shot weary glances at each other before picking up their walking pace. I didn't blame them. She took two deep breathes before she could finish off her sentence, with an odd giggle resurfacing every now and then. "...dancing!"
"Why is that so hard to believe?" I exploded, throwing my hands up into the air in exasperation and almost knocking a red headed girl into a nearby classroom. Dilly was the tenth person who didn't believe me, giving me a huge urge to annoy her by caqlling her by her real name.
But if you said that to her face you wouldn't know what hit you. Well it would have been Dilly of course, but you get the idea. If she ever asks you how you know it wasn't me, got it?
"Why?" she repeated after she had pulled herself back together, wiping away the tears that had formed from laughing so hard.
"Yes, why?" I said, walking away from the stares that the pair of us had been getting from nearby groups.
"You're a klutz, pure and simple," she replied with a slight shrug of her shoulders, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"A proud klutz," I defended myself "Tripping over thin air is a skill that very few people have, thank you very much." Which it was, the fact that I sometimes forgot my left from my right - something my six-year-old cousin could easily do - does help prove her point.
Dilly looked at me with a small smile. "So you're going to dancing lessons because-"
"Because of my mother," I replied, sidestepping a group of rowdy cross dressing drama students.
"New man?" Dilly sympathised.
You see my mother, to put it bluntly, is a whore. To be more specific a man whore. Dilly knows it, I know it, my mother knows it, heck I think even my cat knows it. I love her like any daughter would but with her man whore tendencies and the fact she wants me to (in her words not mine) become 'a more rounded person' our relationship at times can become very strained.
I nodded, causing my fringe fall onto my face "That's the main reason she's enrolled me. To get some 'alone' time with him. I don't even want to think about what they would get up to." I shuddered at the thought that inevitably entered my mind. There were just some things a child should never think about their parents doing for the sake of their own sanity.
"Kayla, you have a sick mind" Dilly laughed lightly, shaking her head. "So when's the first lesson?" she asked quickly before we were both scarred for life.
"Today after school," I scowled. There were plenty of other important things I could be doing instead of the physical torture they called 'dancing'. Such as possibly surfing the internet for no apparent reason other than boredom. Fighting with my mother which happened most days but then who doesn't. Mooching on the sofa a favourite past time of mine. Hanging out with friends like every one else did or if all else failed there would always be homework.
"I'll have to find my camera," Dilly grinned evilly, trying not to laugh at the horror-stricken face I was currently pulling.
"You live to torment me," I replied woefully, placing a hand across my forehead in a dramatic fashion.
"That's what friends are for," Dilly gleefully replied, hugging me.
"Yeah, yeah," I replied grinning pushing her playfully away.
"I do feel sorry though," she said suddenly after a minute's silence between the two of us.
"I'll be fine," I assured her, thinking that Dilly was concerned for my welfare. She was like all best friends out there, very protective.
"Who said I was talking about you?" She grinned "I was thinking about the poor soul that becomes your dancing partner."
"Ha ha." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
Save me! No, seriously, save me. I stared wide-eyed at the girls around me. I had never been self-conscious about my weight (no I'm not going to tell you what it is) or how I looked. But being here with these people made me seriously rethink myself. These creatures seemed to take being thin to another level all together. I let out a heavy sigh. This was going to be a long lesson.
"Okay, class," an older version of the girls around me called, clipboard held menacingly in her hand, "I'm going to partner you off." A serious of groans echoed around the room. "Don't be like that, it's good to work with someone new," she said enthusiastically, to which she just received nineteen girls scowling back at her.
I must admit that I zoned out as soon as she started to call out the partners. I fixed my eyes on the clock and just willed it to tick by faster. I only came back to reality when I heard my name being called.
"Kayla and Riley." I waited for one of the sticks to come forward but no one did.
"Riley Jacobs?"
"Here!" some one called from the door way breathlessly, "Sorry I'm late, car trouble." I turned my head to see who the voice belonged to and nearly choked in surprise. I just assumed that Riley would be a girl like everyone else here. In fact Riley was a guy!
His grey eyes locked with my blue as we stared one another down, both too stubborn to be the first to look away.
"Today you'll just be getting to know your partner. You can talk about anything and everything, but the hard work starts next week so enjoy this while you can," our teacher warned us with a smile. I'm sure she said her name but I must have been in my own world when she did. I should really start paying attention.
Riley continued to stare at me before giving a lopsided grin extending his hand.
" I'm Riley, I guess I'm your partner." Someone give this kid a gold medal for being obvious.
" I'm Kayla," I replied, shaking his hand after a moment's pause. He had a nice firm handshake, I noted.
"Ever dance before?" he inquired.
"No, you?" I asked.
"All my life, but this is my first proper dance class."
"Any good?" I said, trying to keep the conversation going between us. I couldn't stand silences.
"The best," he announced to me with a smug smile on his face.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Isn't that a bit arrogant of you to say"
"It's the truth."
"Of course it is," I said a little more sarcastically then I meant to.
"You don't believe me, do you?" he asked, looking slightly irritated with me. Well someone thinks highly of themselves.
"Well done for catching onto my sarcasm!" I replied, actually clapping and making him even more annoyed than he already was. Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea in hindsight, but when you have someone this highly strung, why not.
"Are you always this sarcastically annoying?" he asked.
"Why, does it bother you?" I mocked.
"Yeah, it does actually." Well that was the whole idea, I seethed inwardly.
"Then yes, I'm always like this," I replied.
"This partnership is never going to work then," he huffed crossing his arms like he knew everything.
"Because you're a jerk with a big ego?" I suggested.
"More like because you're an annoyingly sarcastic girl who wouldn't hurt losing a few pounds here and there," he shot back. Had no one told this boy to never mention a girl's weight unless he wants to get hurt?
"Did you just call me fat!?" I narrowed my eyes at him amd contemplated stomping hard on his foot.
"Add slow to that list too," he chuckled to himself with a slight roll of his eyes.
"Well if we're adding, best put selfish and single minded to your list too." I said.
"I bet you think you're so clever," Riley replied.
"No, not at all, unlike you, Mr. High and Mighty, I'm quite happy being average." Well actually I'm a bit off average but he doesn't need to know that.
"Bitch!" he scowled. I couldn't belive he would actually scowled at me!
"Bastard!" I retaliated.
"I CAN'T WORK WITH YOU!" we both shouted at each other, making everyone turn their heads towards us. I seem to be getting a lot of attention lately.
"Class is dismissed, see you all next week." Our teacher quickly said. I had a feeling she didn't like confrontation.
"But –" Riley started.
"Have a good week!" she chirped before she was out the door with out a single glance back.
"I can't believe I'm stuck with you," he groaned. Charming.
"See you next week, Riley." I gushed overenthusiastically making him scowl. Deep down I was just as annoyed about us being partners as he was. But in a strange way I did kind of feel sorry for him. He didn't know he had a klutz for a partner, or at least not yet.
A/n Yes its my new story, it has been floating around for a while so i decided to post it up for two reasons. The first because i haven't updated promise this week (i'm working on it okay?) and second i just really wanted to post it.
So please review.