
Chapter One

She sat upon the throne of her despair with only a few who knew the hidden torture and sadness. Not that she had a bad life, her parents took care of her well enough; she never wanted, expect for an occasional hug or greeting but she soon learned that her parents didn't know she needed that or well, they just didn't care. Anyways that was the past, she learned to deal with it and what she couldn't deal with she hid.

No, to tell you the truth the reason she held such sadness and anger close to her heart was not because her parents forgot about her now and then, but because they were paying too much attention to her at that very moment. Instead of going to Scotland and totally forgetting about her, they brought back something, something far more than just a normal gift, they brought her back a message from her future husband. "HUSBAND!!" Was her first response when the news came to her, "What the hell were they thinking, are they insane, are they stupid, are they dyeing? Did they get me a husband because they knew they were dyeing? No, yes which one and why do I need a husband. I'm fine ALL BY MYSELF!!"

The anger filled Hanna Leigh as she sat looking at her nanny, affectingly know as Connie pleading with her eyes and hoping that Connie would see the shouts for help and remove her from her untimely condition. Instead her "loyal" nanny was giving the world one of her famous smiles, angering Hanna even more than her newfound discovery. Her friend, her mother, her sister all sat within Connie and that…that wretch had the ability to smile when her own choise for a husband was being ripped from her grasp and her parents who hardly knew her picked the man that she would forever be tired to, 'till death do they part.' Ahh…that despicable scoundrel sat and watched as her life was ripped apart by idiots that her grandparents mistakenly created.

"Hanna…Hanna….HANNA!" Her concentration was disrupted by her mother's horrible bellows.

"Yes, mother." If her red face hadn't revealed her anger then her voice surly did.

"I will ignore that tone, only because I know your position is quite new to you." Before Hanna could comment on the statement her mother began again, "Your husband said he is very pleased to finally have a chance to meet you, we told him so much about you…."

"Get to the point Marcela." Her father was quite abrupt which for him unusual; he was actually a fun-loving man and when he was sober paid quite a lot of attention to her, but sober sadly was a rare aspect of her father's life.

"Fine!" She glared at her husband, "He said he would try to make time in his schedule to visit you." Her mother repaid the abruptness with rudeness and slight slurring the words, just to aggravate her husband for he demanded the almost respect and intelligence from everyone around him.