The soft breeze cooled down my skin in the shade of a tall oak tree. It was unusually hot this time of year. My strawberry blonde hair was thrown into a messy bun up off my neck. I wore knee length basketball shorts and a tank top slashed down the sides to reveal a blue under shirt. Black Vans adorned my feet, my softball glove and ball lay down next to me.
"Watch out!"
A deep voice reverberated across the field; a loud thump above my head caused me to wince. Opening my eyes, I glared down at my feet where a soccer ball lay.
"That could have been my head!" I yelled towards the accused,
"I told you to watch out!" Tristan Walker shrugged as he swaggered towards me.
His deep smoldering green eyes framed by dark lashes bored into mine. He was the soccer star of my school, the popular kind, everyone knew him, everyone wanted to be him, every girl wanted him. Unfortunately, for me, he was my brother Hal's best friend since we were toddlers.
His dark brown, almost black hair curled around his ears. His skin was deeply tanned, part from soccer and part from his Greek heritage. His body was lean and muscular, he wore tan cargo shorts, a grey shirt under and a white long sleeve shirt rolled up to his forearms. I mumbled incoherently under my breath and kicked the ball back to him; I squinted into the sun and looked at my watch.
"Shit," I bellowed.
I was late for softball, taking off my shoes so they would flop around, I sprinted towards the field. Grabbing my duffle bag, I threw my shoes into it and took off towards the ball diamond.
"Wait where are you going," Tristan's voice called out from behind me.
"Softball," I yelled into the air, pressing myself harder.
Arriving at the softball field, I was panting, holding the stitch in my side, people had just started showing up. Oh thank god, I thought I was late. Rummaging through my bag, I pulled out my cleats and looked for my glove. I wasnt there, I couldn't find it, wait what no it has to be. I frantically searched, throwing everything out.
Falling to the ground, I looked up at the sky, "Tristan" I mumbled.
"Looking for this?" his deep voice jolted me, my glove fell into my lap. Bewildered, I looked up into the deep eyes of Tristan Walker.
"Thanks, I must have left it on the ground," I forced out.
"Yeah well, I'll be seeing you." He scratched the back of his neck; I nodded tugging on my cleats.
"Tristan!" I heard the screeching of my fellow players. I looked up just in time to see his back tense and he winced. They threw themselves at him and I chuckled. That's what he gets for being Tristan Walker, Bishop High's soccer captain.
I saw my best friend Lacy Johnston making her way over to me, her black catching gear covering her body.
"Hey Lacy. You ready?" she grinned and nodded. Lacy was my best friend, she was wild and I loved it. She had bright pink hair that went well with her sparkling blue eyes. She was my catcher, had been since we started playing when we were four years old in t-ball.
I fixed up the pitcher's mound the way I liked it, bent down and wiped the loose limestone from my mound, and started warming up.
The sun blared down, baking the limestone with freshly painted lines. The grass in the outfield reached towards the light, drinking in the warmth. I stood on my mound, foot resting on the rubber, knees slightly bent, glove resting on my thight.
Beads of sweat dripped down my face, I haphazardly brushed them away with the back of my wrist of my gloved hand. Spitting to the side of me, I took a deep breath, calming the adrenaline pumping furiously through my viens.
I glanced towards Lacy's hand and received the sing for what pitch to throw. Nodding, I straightened.
Rocking back, I shifted my weight and exploded off the mound and firing the ball down the inside line, "strike three, your out!" Lacy screamed through her mask in her deep Ump voice.
The thwack the ball made in the glove, made all the tension leave my body. Breathing deeply, I threw another strike.
"Go Kyra" Lacy yelled through her mask, and I grinned devilishly. I threw as many strikes as I could before my arm got sore. Taking of my visor, I dropped down next to my bag and gulped down my water, the cool liquid soothing my parched throat.
"You're pretty good." A smooth voice interrupted my relaxation. I squinted into the sunlight to see Tristan smirking down at me.
"mhmm" I mumbled, his eyes narrowed at my reaction,
"Why are you like that?" he snapped.
"Like what?" I was confused, I didn't understand why he was angry with me, I didn't even say anything.
"Bitchy." He stated, my eyes widened.
"I am not bitchy" I muttered. His mood shifted, he did this quite often, I honestly think he's bipolar. Hal always smacked me across the head when I mentioned it.
"Yes you are." He snapped once again and turned around, storming off kicking a soccer ball all the way. I growled and snatched up my bag walking angrily all the way home. I breathed deeply before entering the house, releasing the anger.
"Honey, take a shower the Walkers are coming over." My mother's voice called from the kitchen, I winced, and the anger came rushing back.
"MOM" I wailed, "I just saw Tristan, can't I just stay away, we aren't on the greatest of terms…never have been, never will be."
"Oh, honey, you know you two are going to end up together." She called teasingly back.
"What!" I screeched in horror. I sprinted up the stairs and slammed my door shut. God damn my mother, the last time she told me that, we were five and arguing about who got the last cookie from the pan.
Moaning, I peeled off my sweaty clothes and climbed into the shower. I relished in the beating water that massaged my aching muscles, and hummed the song 'Pain' by Three Days Grace under my breath, I shut off the water.
Drying myself off, I realized if forgot pants and shirt. Rolling my eyes at my stupidity I ran across the hall to my room, I sifted through my dresser searching for shirt to wear.
"You know, I never thought you'd go for teenage mutant ninja turtles." a voice called from behind me. Yelping, I turned around, banging my side into the dresser.
"What the hell Tristan." I was standing before my archenemy in my TMNT underwear and my sports bra. I glared at him my grey eyes flashed, the flecks of green flickering.
He smirked at me, "your mom said I could come up."
"Yeah, yeah of course she did" I waved my hand no longer caring, wearing your underwear was the same thing as wearing a bathing suit; at least to me it was. Picking out an old softball t-shirt, I threw on a pair jeans.
"I see your out of your mood" I said, as I tugged on the jeans.
He sighed laying down on my bed, "yeah well I was until I saw your red face just a couple minutes ago." I glared at him.
"So how's Jake?" he asked, fiddling with a loose thread on my comforter. I stiffened, and turned to him.
"I broke up with him." I stated firmly.
"why?" he persisted.
I swallowed the lump that rose in my throat, "he cheated on me with Brianna Lancaster."
"Oh" I he answered in monotonously. I sat on my floor and leaned my head back, against my wall, "why do guys always ruin a good thing?" I whispered almost to myself.
"I don't know Ky I don't know," he Muttered back
Okay so I'm re-editing this whole story, I reread it and decided that was moving way to fast so there will probably be old chapters broken up to lengthen this whole story once more.
So review and tell me what you think about the editing and rewriting:D