Haunted (By The Person I Hate Most In The World)

I felt blood roll down my chin and to the marble floor beneath me. The pain in my bleeding nose apparently wasn't enough to stop me from running through the dark marble corridors that I had seen way too many times.

'Bree!' I heard him calling me. I cursed him for being such a fast runner and tried to increase my pace but I was weak. Not only had I managed to break my nose but I had also knocked my legs against something really hard and the throbbing pain was keeping me from running at my usual pace, at which I doubted he would catch up with me.

'Bree!' He called me again, this time his voice was coming from near me. I turned around to see how far he was.

'Damn it!' I shouted.

'Bree, look out!' He warned from behind me. Too late! I ran into something hard and instantly blacked out.

My head started pounding from the very second I woke up.

'Stupid dream…' I muttered because I was seriously getting sick of the same dream coming to haunt me every single night. The dream didn't make any sense and when I woke up every day I have to suffer from a pounding headache.

Suddenly, my alarm went off, snapping me out of my 'dream' world, and I realised that today was the first day of school.

As if I'm not pissed enough, I thought to myself.

'Bree wake up!' I heard my sister say from outside my door.

'I'm awake!' I said in an annoyed voice.

'Good because I don't want to be late for the first day of school.' I rolled my eyes.

My sister, Ashley, was the average blond-preppy-cheerleader type of girl. She was apparently perfect in every manner. Thinking of this made me groan very loudly and I really wished I could just go back to bed but I knew that I couldn't skip the first day of school. What was the point? School had to start someday, better to just get it over with.

With that I got out of my bad and stood myself in front of the mirror. I had changed a lot since the last year in school. I really doubted anyone would even recognise me. Then there was 'him'. I shudder at the very thought of him. Maybe the fact that I had changed so much would make him leave me alone. But I seriously doubted that. I shuddered one last time before getting into the bathroom to get ready for school.

When I came downstairs for breakfast (and a ride to hell a.k.a. school) Ashley's eyes widened as she looked at me.

'What's up?' I asked her.

'Well, I didn't think you'd change this much just over one summer.' Ashley said not taking her eyes off of me. I shrugged and sat down to eat breakfast, Ashley had gone to France over the summer and had just gotten back last night. Oh how much I lover the summer holidays!

'Blond hair sure makes you look different. Run out of black hair dye?' Ashley asked.

'No, I just felt like I needed a change.' I said running a hand through my shoulder-length blond hair.

'And no dorky glasses.' Ashley said.

'Like the contacts?' I asked referring to my green contact lenses now hiding my clear blue eyes. Ashley didn't say anything.

'Are you going to try out for cheerleading?' Ashley asked and I immediately burst out laughing.

'Ash,' I said when I had finally gotten over my laughing fit. 'Just because I look relatively good now doesn't mean that I'm going to change.'

'Oh!' Ashley said and immediately cheered up.

Our school was a five-minute walk from out home so we always walked there and if I'm unfortunate we see him. Today fortunately we didn't see him. So I was able to go to my locker before I met him but I was unfortunate enough to have my locker right next to his. I tried to hurry and get to class so that I didn't have to talk to him.

'Hello.' I heard the dreaded voice from behind me and my heart started beating faster and I dropped all the books I was holding. I bent down to pick up my books and felt him bend down beside me. He hurriedly picked up my books and gave them to me. I muttered a quick thank you and we both stood up at the same time finally coming face to face.

'Bree?' I heard him whisper in a voice filled with confusion and surprise. He recognised me!