
By Samantha Ballast


(Year: 7027)

"Mommy, mommy," the hidden figure of a short feminine form turned to the sound of a little boy tugging at her sleeve, "I did it! I finished my painting!" The mother turned to the smiling boy and took the piece of paper in her hand. A smile formed over her shadowy face.

"It's beautiful," the mother smiled down at her son: playing with his hair, then giving him a kiss on the head, "You're a true artist."

"Do you think daddy will like it?" The mother set the picture on the table beside her. She turned to her smiling son and gave him her own generous smile.

"I'm sure he will," the boy hopped with glee.

"I'm going to draw another," the mother watched her son vanish through the kitchen door. Going back to her cleaning, the mother did not turn at the sound of the backdoor opening.

"You're home early," the mother turned to greet her husband, "Did something happen?" Though her voice sounded cheery, as soon as she had turned to hear the door open, the mother gasped in terror to see her husband being held hostage by some taller shadowy figure.

"Hello gorgeous," the sinister shadow sneered: his voice dark and low, "Been a long time."

"Ra," the mother spoke with a fright in her voice.

"I knew I'd find you," the man snickered, "You should never have left America, especially for this Asian man. Hiding in Tokyo was not your best choice, Alice." Alice kept her eyes on her husband, "It's a shame," Ra snickered again, "he seemed like a really nice man." Ra grasped tighter around Alice's husband's neck. Alice's husband let out a sharp gasp before his neck began to bleed. Alice's eyes widened at the sight of her husband's neck literally exploding: blood squirted to the floor, along with the head. Alice let a scream escape her lips as Ra grinned wickedly, licking his bloody fingers clean, "It's such a sad fate. You and I could've had something special, my darling puppet." Alice let out another shrieking scream as Ra suddenly vanished and reappeared behind her, grasping her tightly around the waist.

After hearing his mother scream, the little boy took a run for the kitchen. He took a peak to see his mother being held against her will. An evil looking man with long, silvery hair had her in his grasp.

"Please," Alice winced, "Please Ra, I beg of you. Let me go." Ra cackled at Alice's innocence. He loved the way she begged. Lowering his face to her reddened face, Ra stuck out his wet tongue and slowly licked Alice's salty tears. She shivered at his touch.

"You disappoint me, Alice," Ra nearly whispered, making the little boy strain to hear, "You knew well enough that you could not escape your fate." Alice's already frightened eyes widened as Ra's swift, smooth hands quickly unbuttoned the tiny purple buttons on her blouse. Alice was frozen in place as her lovely breasts were revealed. On her left breast was a strange tattoo. Ra, with a grin planted over his evil face, took hold of Alice's left breast, "This is proof that you belong to me, yet you keep denying it! So," Ra leaned closer to Alice; his warm breath on her neck, "Shall we try again?"

"Mommy," Alice and Ra turned to the little boy, who had come out from hiding, "Mommy…" the little boy's eyes were filled with a sudden horror, though with his father dead on the floor and with his mother in the arms of this stranger, the boy did not seem to understand what was going on.

"Kiyoshi," Alice shivered, "Go, go back into the other room, sweetheart."

"So," Ra gave off a wicked grin, rubbing Alice's breast in the process, "You have a son. Kiyoshi, is it? He looks just like his Asian father."

"Mommy," Kiyoshi tried stepping closer, but his feet weren't moving right, "what's going on, mommy?"

"Nothing Kiyoshi," Alice lied, hoping her son would listen to her words, "Please go back into the other room."

"No," Ra spoke suddenly, his voice darker then before, "Let him stay. He should witness who his real father should've been." Kiyoshi stared in terror as this man began to undress his mother further. Alice was screaming the whole time, but tried hard to not let this man get his way with her. Grabbing one of the roses beside the picture her son drew for her, Alice swiftly threw it across Ra's face. He gave out a sharp gasp, releasing Alice from his grasp. Alice backed up against the table and Kiyoshi stayed frozen in place. The two kept their eyes on Ra. His head was turned from them, but soon he slowly turned to glare at the two of them. His right cheek was scratched by one of the roses thorns. Blood dripped from the scar, but not for long. Both Alice and Kiyoshi watched; terrified as the wound on Ra's cheeks slowly began to fade away. It was healing itself, "You," Ra hissed, wiping the blood from his healed cheek, "Are going to regret ever being born." Suddenly, Alice felt her entire body freeze over. She could feel her heart suddenly begin to pump really hard, as if it were desperately trying to keep her alive, "You are not my puppet." Alice let out a cat-screeching shriek.

"No," Alice screamed, "Kiyoshi…" She was never able to complete her sentence. Right there, before his eyes, Kiyoshi watched as his own mother literally exploded into nothing but drops of flesh and blood. As soon as his mother's blood hit the picture he had drawn, Kiyoshi found himself fleeing from the kitchen.

Running for his bedroom, Kiyoshi could hear Ra pounding up behind him. Kiyoshi never made it to his room. He felt a sharp hand push against his body, flinging him across the floor. Kiyoshi let out a gasp, but never cried. His father had told him that crying is not something a man does. Turning to Ra, Kiyoshi leaned against the wall.

"The son of my puppet," Ra shook his head, "I'm ashamed of her." Ra stepped closer to Kiyoshi. This made Kiyoshi try getting to his feet; his loose shirt slipping in the process, "But I might as well finish you…huh?" Ra's eyes widened at the little boy. Kiyoshi gave off a sniff, but wasn't sure why this man was giving him such a bizarre look, "You, you're a puppet?" The boy had no clue what the man was talking about, but it seemed to keep Kiyoshi alive, "Damn it." Ra's hand formed a fist; his shoulders tightened, "Since you're to be an immortal's puppet someday, I cannot kill you." Ra glared at the boy before turning his back to him, "Let's just hope the death of your parents haunt your dreams for a long, long time." Ra gave off another laugh, "Farewell, little mortal." With that, the evil Ra flew out the window to never be seen again. Little Kiyoshi's eyes finally released the tears he had held in. He watched the man disappear, but did not know what to do from there. He thought he had heard sirens coming from outside, but he was too scared to move.

Soon a group of uniformed officers raced up to check on the scared Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi could only stare motionless as the officers carried him from the house, never to be brought back again.

End of Chapter 1