A/N: Hi. I'm a jerk. Yes I know. I never/rarely update. But it's January 22! I feel like it's a necessity that I update on this day since it's such an important date in the story.

ALSO: Yeah, this story needs a massive rewrite. I hadn't realized how like...terribly written this was and how rushed and all that crap. So for right now, just go with it. I'm just going to be spewing out crap so I can finish and then I will revise whatever. I mean, I'm not just effortlessly doing this, I'm kinda trying to put at least something interesting happening. I had a wonderful love affair with Reid when I first thought of his story, but I've lost the ardor and I'm just tring to regain it.

He jerked me out of the building. I couldn't see the expression on his face, as if he wasn't difficult to figure out already. I saw Jesse with a cigarette in his mouth, leaning against Reid's car. We approached.

"Get the fuck off my car," Reid said to him. Jesse rolled his eyes, adding, "Well fuck me…"

We all gathered into the car, Jesse in the back seat and me next to Reid. It was awkward. I didn't feel like I could ask anything to Reid with Jesse in the car listening to us. To make it worse, Reid had no music playing, so all we heard was the engine of the car. I wondered what either boy was thinking. As for me, on my part, I considered how I acted around Reid; pathetic. I was practically a mouse around him. I had never been like that with anyone else. I guess I never had to; everyone else had relatively simple problems and took my advice without question. With Reid it was like…what was the point?

Reid's eyes didn't move away from the road in front of him. Was he really that hard to break down? All of this mystery built up around him and then he nearly loses it, just like that?

"Where am I going, Reid?"



"We're going to Bryant Park." Jesse answered for him.

At a red light, Reid pulled out a small bottle of pills. Popped a few.

"Reid, what are those?" I asked with some urgency.

"I need them." He said grimly.

Silence the rest of the way, until we reached the park.

Getting out and walking around, I decided I would talk again.

"Why are we here?"

"Lots of reasons." Reid said finally, with a strange lingering of…I don't know what in his voice.

"Like what?"

"Patience, Adeline."

"So what, you're no longer angry?"

"It's why we're here. I always feel so much better here. Forget what you saw. Talking about…that subject…I can't control it. It's not something I've gotten over yet."

I didn't push it, so I just walked behind the two boys, our feet shuffling against snow and leaves, the sun setting on our faces.

No one spoke. Not even Jesse, who was normally a talkative guy. I decided to follow suit in order to not disturb Reid's 'feeling better'.

"Here we are," Reid said.

Bryant Park…Cemetery.

I looked to Jesse in question, but he ignored my stare, and kept straight.

"I want you to meet my mother, Adeline." He took my hand and led me through rows of head stones, finally setting on the eleventh row, seventh column where we both sat. Jesse was in the distance. We sat in front of the stone for a few moments. I spent them looking at all of the dead and withered plants and flowers messily arranged around the stone.

"This is my mother. Adelaide."

Adelaide? Was it a coincidence that our names are so similar?

"Um…hi Adelaide." I said to the tombstone awkwardly.

"You don't have to be shy. She's really nice." He said with some foreign glaze over his eyes.

"This is Adeline, mom. She's…my new friend. She has such a similar name to you…I knew she had to be different than the others. Such a pretty name, like yours." What was he saying? I stared at him the whole while as he talked to her headstone as if she could hear him. It wasn't normal. Yes, people talk to their loved one's grave, but he was talking to her as if she was responding and replying. He had this crazed look in his eye. He kept rambling on to her. Getting hysterical. Telling her nonsense. He was spasmodic.

"Reid, Reid, Reid!!" I screamed, disturbing some of the weeds and flowers.

He stopped suddenly. So did I. For two reasons, though.

I stopped because I realized her dates of birth and death.

Birth. September 17 Death. January 22. And something told me these weren't just coincidences. Reid would have caught that. Did he believe in some kind of strange twisted fate?

Reid stopped because he saw a small pot with fresh flowers in it. But why was that so…bad?

"He was here." He said quietly.

"Who, Reid? Who was here?" I shook him slightly. He was in a trance-like state, scaring me nearly to death.

"He was here! He was here! The bastard was fucking here! He had the goddamn balls to come here!" He started pounding the earth, screaming as Jesse started to run over.

"Jesse! I don't know what's wrong with him! Do something!" I was truly scared and at a complete loss for solutions.

"How the fuck should I know what to do?!"

"Reid! Stop! Calm down!"

He fainted. I rushed to him.

"Back off," Jesse said. "He's fine. Just…too much hype for him to be combining with drugs."

"What was it that he took?"


"Reid takes Anti-depressants?" That was confusing. Reid was angry. Not depressed. But apparently I was wrong.

"Well, it takes a little while to get over the death of your mother, you know," He said flippantly. "Plus, how would you feel with everyone thinking it was your fault she's dead?"

"What?""Fuck, I shouldn't have had said that." He lifted Reid up onto his shoulder, urging me to get his other side. We carried him back the way we came, back to the car.

"Why would people think that?"

"Adeline. Not my place." He said sharply.

Silence for a while.

"Today was the anniversary." I said softly.


"I know why he had me come, but…why were you with us, if you knew where we were going?"

"He makes me come every year. On her birthday and on her…death day." He said the word hesitantly.


"I really don't know. I guess…he just feels better that I'm there. To have a good friend with him. I was there…" He shrugged.

"That day it happened?" I pressed. He shook his head. The excitement died.

"I mean in the sense that I lost my parents too when I was really young. I guess he feels better that he has a good friend that can sow empathy instead of sympathy."

I thought Reid said he didn't have any real friends?

"Did his parents die on the same day? Can you tell me that?"

He sighed heavily. "Yes. He lost them both on the same day. No more questions. If he wakes up hearing this conversation he'll kill the both of us." Jesse held onto Reid stronger.

We put Reid in the backseat, Jesse driving, and me in the passenger's seat.

"I'll drive you home. Where do you live?" He asked me.

I told him my address and he drove through all the winding roads to my house. Reid would stir here and there, but he hadn't woken up yet.

"Will he be alright?" I asked Jesse.

He looked back. "Yeah. He'll be fine. I'll drive him home."

And that was it. I walked into my house to find Alexis watching TV.

"You're home extremely late. Whatever happened to that cell phone we gave you?" Was my mother's greeting.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. "Study group. We have a midterm tomorrow."

She sighed. "Well, how was your day then?"


"Interesting? Not something I'm used to hearing in regards to a school day. When I used to ask you when you were in elementary school all you said was 'I don't wanna go back!'" She joked.

I contemplated on whether or not I should tell her about Reid. No. She would freak out. I better keep this under wraps.

But what if she finds out?

I'll just have to be careful.

"So why was it so interesting?"

"Arj really pissed off our teacher. Who, by the way we think is having an affair with a student."

"Wow. That's what you call interesting? More like…creepy…and illegal."

I laughed. "Yeah. The girl is really dumb which kind of makes it all the more…laughable."

"Well…stay away from him please?"

"How can I, mom? I'm pining for him!" I said sarcastically. After some more chit chat, I went upstairs to my room. Too many things. Too many secrets. Too many winding roads.

Only the beginning.