Events transpired during Halloween, so posting it on the day itself! Enjoy!
PS: This is a multi-person POV
(Brooke's POV)
I wanted to go to Spade Heights to try my luck and wait for Aladdin, but when I saw the family limo, I know I have no choice but to be home tonight.
"Are you ready, Brooke?" Martin, our family driver for 18 years asked.
"Yeah, take me home." I replied.
Going home to the Walters Manor is anything but joyful. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and I love the comfort that home brings me. However, ever since my older sister left home to run away with her boyfriend, the atmosphere at home has never been the same.
"Martin, why am I being summoned by Catherine?" I asked.
"Mrs. Walters will have to answer that in person, Brooke." Martin replied. I just did not press further because Martin is too loyal to my parents and it will be futile if I annoy him with the questions. Before I know it, we're already at the Ambassador Row and then home sweet home.
"Oh Brooke! You're here! Why are you so thin? Did you not eat enough?" Lucia, the house stewardess asked. I am very close to her as she is like a second mother to me.
"No Lu, I eat a lot at Strathmore. It's just that I have to train." I smiled while going inside the manor.
"That's it. I am visiting you more often to ensure you're eating healthy." Lucia replied.
"That's enough, Lu. You're smothering her too much." a voice called out. As I turned back, I saw a face that I haven't seen in almost a year.
"River Matthew Walters! What on earth are you doing here?" I asked my 21-year-old brother who is apparently not in Wharton right now.
"Why are you only visiting her Lu? I want to be fed too!" he protested.
"Are you buying me a plane ticket then?" Lucia retorted back. See? This is how comfortable we are with each other. Lucia practically raised us when our parents are going on business trips or basically just go to their respective workplace. If not for the fact that she loves us too much, she would have gone travelling the world already. I mean, she can practically afford already to leave us and live the rest of her life without serving others. This is why we also value her the same way she values us.
"Excuse me River, Brooke, but you need to go to your rooms to dress up for dinner." Lana, one of the maids said.
"Do we have guests to dress up for?" River asked.
"Yes, so dress up smartly." Lucia smiled and off she went with Lana to the other side of the wing.
"So, what brings you here?" I asked as we went upstairs. Our rooms are just beside each other.
"Mom called me to come home and bought me a ticket before I could refuse. Sensed it was really important so I decided to come home. Anyway, it's almost the weekend so my school work will not be affected that much." River said.
"So it's really that important." I mumbled to myself.
"Talk to you later Brooke. We have to change now." River said. I headed inside my room to change and dress up.
(Samantha's POV)
I was in the middle of preparing for Zanica Harper's party when my phone rang.
"Aren't you going to answer it?" Hannah asked.
"If it will ring again, I will answer it. Otherwise, it's just Randolph and his one-call a day." I said. My dear ex-boyfriend who I caught cheating with a girl from East View Prep should just go to the other side of the world before I punch him in the balls.
"Yeah, what's up with his calls? Doesn't he get the hint that he's as good as dead to you? Eliza smirked.
Before I could answer, my phone ringing again. The worse thing is that it's a number I recognize all too well.
"What?" I asked the person on the other line who apparently was talking to someone else.
"Hello? HELLO!?" I shouted.
"Oh! I never realized you answered the phone. Sorry for that Sammie." My older half-sister Penny answered back.
"What do you want? I am busy preparing for a party." I asked.
"I'm at your school right now. Can we meet briefly? I have something important to tell you and Brooke." She said.
"And why is that? I have nothing to say to you." I hissed. I really despise my sister.
"But I have. See you at the coffee shop?" she said and ended the call.
"Was that Penelope?" Eliza asked. They always know when Penny calls because I get so pissed.
"I'll be back." I walked out from the room and went to the coffee shop and saw Penny sitting in the corner.
"Brooke's not with you?" she greeted me.
"No, she's home. Aunt Catherine summoned her." I answered.
"Well, that's too bad. I was hoping to see her." A familiar voice said. I can't really move as I was too shocked when I saw who uttered those words.
(Brooke's POV)
After taking my time in the shower, I realized there was only 30 minutes before dinner. Oh shit, I don't have any more time to put on make up and all. But then someone knocked the door.
"Who is it?" I called out. I don't have time for pleasantries. Mom's going to kill me.
"It's Mom." I hurriedly opened the door and saw my mom, Catherine Walters looking at me.
"Why aren't you dressed yet?" she asked. But before I can answer, Jessie, my Mom's main bodyguard went inside my room and then before I know it, I was knocked out.
20 minutes later…
"She's going to freak out, Cath."
"It's your mother's orders, William. There's nothing I can do about it."
"You don't have to knock her out to do this. You could have just told her."
"You know your daughter, she will not do it."
"Wazzzgoinon?" I asked. My head hurts somehow.
"Are you okay?" my father, William Walters asked.
"I'm okay, Dad. Why did Jessie do that?" I asked my dad.
"I asked him to do it." Mom said.
"WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU ASK SOMEONE TO KNOCK DOWN YOUR DAUGHTER?" I shouted in anger. My mom is a lot of things but I can never imagine her doing this.
"Look yourself on the mirror, squirt." River said.
And as I look on the mirror, I am faced with the biggest horror of my life. They cut down my bangs and they cut down my long hair. I have a shoulder-length hair now.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" was all I shouted.
"See you downstairs. You have 20 minutes to change." My Mom said before exiting my room with Dad.
"Sorry squirt. I tried stopping Mom and the hairstylist, but I was overpowered." River said before going out.
"What to do? Damn it, Catherine! She didn't have to do this!" I said to myself.
After changing, I was looking for my spare blue contacts because I wasn't wearing one when I left Strathmore when I realized that my spare ones are also in my dorm room. All I am left is the colorless one and my glasses.
"This is not my day." I said to myself.
Few moments later, I finally went down and see what this homecoming is all about. I saw Garrett and his younger brother Austin waiting for me.
(Garrett's POV)
I wouldn't lie when I say that going to the Walters Manor is uncomfortable. The last time I went there, I was still Brooke's boyfriend. Our break up was something I decided on because I know Brooke is not 100% into this relationship. But I come to regret it as soon as I saw her getting closer with Wesley Anderson. That is why I decided to come with my parents to this dinner with the Walters and ditch my date instead of going to Zanica's party.
When we arrived, the elder Harold and Alice Walters greeted my parents.
"Veronica! John! So glad you arrived." They exchanged pleasantries.
"Thank you for having us, Alice." My mother said.
"Here is a bottle of Dom for you." Austin said handling over the bottle to John.
"Thank you, Austin. You've gotten bigger!" Harold said.
"Oh, you're here! River and Brooke will be down at any moment. Please make yourself comfortable." Catherine Walters greeted us.
"John, Veronica, I want to show you the latest collection of Pierre Evanesco." Alice said.
"Do you mind if I stay here instead?" I asked.
"No dear, it's alright." Alice smiled and the adults and Austin went to the art wing.
"I know I heard guests arriving." River said as he went down the stairs.
"Oh hey River, I thought you were in Philadelphia." I greeted him.
"I'm here to kick the ass of the guy who broke my sister's heart." He said. I gulped at that. River is a good fighter.
"Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm not kicking your ass." He smirked and kicked me in the balls. Ow.
"Do you have to?" I asked him as I was on the floor about to scream bloody murder.
"What happened?" Austin asked. Great. He saw his older brother being kicked in the crotch.
"Nothing Austin. It was a friendly exchange. I should go to the dining area. By the way, Brooke is quite in a mood tonight. I thought I should just warn you" River said and walked off. As I settled down, I heard footsteps coming down and I saw the most beautiful girl in my life. I am speechless. I feel like the angels have descended from heaven.
"Brooke! Where are your bangs?" Austin asked.
"Does it look weird?" Brooke asked him. Wow, she is indeed beautiful. Lovely. Ethereal.
"No, it's pretty." Austin said and then Lucia passed by bringing chocolate cream and so Austin followed her.
"Hello? Earth to Garrett." Brooke said while waving her hand.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I said if it's weird not having bangs." Brooke said.
"No. Not weird. Okay. Pretty." I just mumbled out. Brooke raised an eyebrow at that.
"I meant it's not weird." I smiled.
"Dinner's ready." Lucia called out and off we went to the dining area.
(Wesley's POV)
I owe it to Jasmine to be here at Spade Heights at this very moment. I have to see her again to make this stay worth it. I have to see her before completely falling for Brooke Walters. It's not going to be easy at all.
"Young man, what are you doing here?" an old lady asked me.
"I am waiting for someone." I smiled as I answered her.
"You remind me of Alex. She comes here every year to wait for someone but he never shows up." The lady said.
My eyes went wide when she mentioned an 'Alex'. Is she the Jasmine that I was waiting for all these years?
"This Alex, what does she look like?" I asked. I have a strong feeling that this is the one I am looking for.
"She's quite tall. Long chestnut brown hair and she attends Strathmore since the other year, she wore the uniform." The old lady said.
"Thank you madame. I owe you one!" I shouted as I went to my car and drove to Zanica Harper's party. Everyone from Strathmore will be there, so I know my Jasmine will be there.
(Brooke's POV)
Everyone seems to be enjoying dinner except me. Don't get me wrong, the menu for tonight is exquisite. But with my hair problem and the fact that my ex and his family are eating dinner with us, something must be up. I've always looked forward for meals with family friends, including the Michelsons since it has always been full of laughter. Well, they are all laughing anyway might as well excuse myself before my sour mood upsets everyone.
"Everyone? I have to excuse myself. I have somewhere to-" I started saying.
"You're staying Brooke." Grandmother Alice said.
"I know you kids have wondered why we are having this dinner tonight." Grandfather Harold started.
"The reason why we're having this dinner tonight is first to reunite my family. I haven't seen you for so long River! You barely call us." Dad said.
"That's it? It was not even important at all?" I heard River whispered to himself. I have to chuckle at that. River values his time well. He is the most impatient person I know, so going home for something like this is making him boil.
"The main reason is that you, Brooke and Garrett, we are arranging your marriage." Grandmother said. I choked on my food and in my vision, I saw my brother smirking at me.
"WHAAATTTTT?!" Garrett and I shouted.
"Well, weren't you together before? It wouldn't be as hard to be honest." Veronica said.
"Mom, there's a reason why we're not together now. What you're asking is a commitment that high schoolers cannot really stand for." Garrett said. At least, he is standing up for this issue.
"He's right. We broke up 6 months ago. We can't enter into an arrange marriage knowing that we have issues to solve." I said. I mean, we had relationship issues in the past that ultimately lead to our break-up.
"Then solve it." Dad said.
"You agreed to this? Dad!" I turned at him.
"And over dinner? Really? You did this conversation in private with me and Hollis." River said. Everyone shut up by what he said. No one ever mentions Hollis's name ever since she run away from home right after she graduated from college 4 years ago.
"Anyway, we predicted that you would act this way. So, we're am giving you both a choice. You could either agree to this or each of you would go to blind dates chosen by our respective families." Grandfather said, as if nothing was spoken just moments ago.
"Brooke and I will talk it over before coming up with a decision." Garrett said and then grabbed me away from the table.
(Garrett's POV)
I brought Brooke at their pool side so that we can discuss what just happened.
"What did our families think? Setting us up to marry each other? They must be out of their minds." Brooke shouted while pacing around.
"Could you stop pacing? It confuses me." I said.
"Oh right. Sorry." She said and took a seat on the pool chair.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Why are you asking me that? It's your choice too." Brooke said.
"Because I already know my answer. It's you who has to think this over." Garrett said.
"Of course, you'd go with the blind date. It's your opportunity after all to expand and all that crap speech you told me when you broke up with me." Brooke said in all of her anger glory.
"What do you know? It's you who can't fully commit because of that boy!" I shouted.
"You were?" Brooke calmed down.
"Well, you know, you're a lady. I can't really-" I started to say.
"Thanks." She smiled. I smiled back.
We were now silent, enjoying the night air by the poolside. No one seems to call us, but that's okay. I noticed Brooke was nowhere in the mood to be social at dinner.
"By the way, you really look beautiful without your bangs." I said. Dang, sometimes, I can't really control the words that come out of my mouth.
"Yeah?" she turned at me.
"Yes." I turned back at her.
"Let's get engaged." She suddenly said. What now?
"W-w-what?" I asked.
"I said, let's get engaged." She said.
"Are you sure? I mean, this means a lot of restrictions and sacrifices for you." I said. I must be dreaming right now.
"Yes, I'm sure, My. But we still have a lot of things to iron out before fully committing to this." She replied.
"Then, let's go." I said while grabbing her hand.
"Oh yeah, are we going to Zanica's party tonight? I want to get out of the house." Brooke asked.
"Sure, but I only brought my casual clothes and my parents and Austin rode with me tonight." I said.
"Then, I'll change to that after we tell them." She said.
We went back to the dining area and our families were joyfully talking to each other as if the earlier outburst did not happen. Well, the joys of living with the rich. They can be social amidst all the drama and scandals.
"We decided to get engaged." I said.
And they all went too joyful for my taste. They were in a celebratory mood. They opened more wines and champagnes that I could count. Poor Austin, looks like he'll be trapped with the adults.
"Ahem. Uhh, Garrett and I will be going out. Is that okay?" Brooke asked.
"Sure, my dearest granddaughter. You made me the happiest tonight. So, do your thing." Harold said.
"I will just change. Meet you outside?" she said to me.
I went out to contemplate on what just happened. I am technically engaged already. What a strange turn of events, to be honest. But it is a joyous one. Of course, I don't know what's with Brooke right now, but really, I have a lifetime to figure that out.
(Wesley's POV)
I arrived at Zanica Harper's Halloween Party in full swing mode already. Ever since I lived in Liverpool, I don't really celebrate Halloween anymore. But, this is the US, and here, this is a huge deal.
"Glad you made it, Anderson!" Jules Reynolds greeted me.
"Yeah, but why aren't you in costume?" Zanica Harper, his girlfriend and the host, greeted me.
"This is my costume. An English boy." I said. They just laughed at that but they took it.
"Enjoy your first party, newbie." Zanica replied and walked away to get more drinks.
I keep on looking around for a girl with a chestnut brown hair. Why didn't I do that? I should have looked for Jasmine in Strathmore. Well, I mean I tried but I got distracted with a certain dark red-haired girl with blue eyes. But it's difficult to look for someone when almost everyone is drunk and in costume.
"G-Man, you dawg!" Marco Santiago called out.
"Hey, Anderson!" Ava Kennedy winked.
"You look hot!"
"Have some beer."
"Garrett, stop. This is a party. Have some fun." Hannah blocked my way.
"Hannah, excuse me-" I said.
"No, you're not going anywhere. Drink up. Being like this does not suit you at all." She said.
She smelled of beer and smoke. "You're drunk." I said.
"I can still hold my liquor. While you, you should have fun." She retorted.
"I am looking for an Alex. Do you know an Alex?" I asked.
"Alex? Alex Benison?" she asked.
"No, a female Alex." I said.
"I said Alex Benison!" she shouted. Curse you, loud music!
"No, a girl Alex." I shouted back.
"There's no girl Alex in our class or batch for that matter." Eliza chimed in.
"I'm pretty sure that there is a girl Alex in our school. Are you sure you haven't met her? She's quite tall with a chestnut brown hair." I said.
"Why are you being inquisitive? The only female Alex I know in school is Alex Sterling from the Sophomore class but she's a ginger. Are you sure you got the name right?" Eliza said.
That shut me up. Eliza is a computer whiz and popular, so she must know a lot of people in Strathmore.
"Well, there are many chestnut brown haired girls here in school though some changed their hair color. There's Doreece, Danielle, Bettina, Sammie, Brooke-" Eliza enumerated.
"Yes, yes, I know they are chestnut-" I started to speak but then I shut up when I realized that it would be futile talking to Eliza about this.
"You know, you can ask Trish Glasner. She knows everyone in this school." Eliza said and brought Hannah with her.
I searched for Trish but she's too drunk to speak, so I went out of the house to catch some fresh air before I enjoy the party, then I was blown away by the girl who just came out from the car looking chic and casual.
I apologize for all the spelling and grammatical errors. Criticisms are welcome.