"You are a wonderfully mysterious creature," a soft, rich baritone voice rang in my head as Alga bustled around me, picking up the garments I had carelessly discarded the night before. I sat before my vanity brushing my hair absently while analyzing the night in my head. Richard had been very amorous throughout the evening, even after Jeremy, duke of asses, had demolished my good disposition. Although, Jeremy's arms around me were a bit more, well, intriguing than Richard's. His blasé attitude towards what was proper, and what was not, woke something within me that I never knew was there before. I was a bit afraid of the new self that was rising within me. I shook the thoughts from my head, wondering when I had acquired such a deep understanding of myself and turned my attention to what the following day held for me.
I knew without a doubt that I needed to call on Richard's sisters and mother, so I told Alga to prepare me for riding. She just scoffed and continued cleaning the mess I had created. Realizing that today I would need to prepare myself, I sighed and rang for a bath. I cleaned myself thoroughly as I could and chose a brown riding habit that complimented my hair color and made me look fashionably pale instead of hideously wan. I pinned my straight blonde hair into as neat of a bun as possible and slipped my black leather riding boots onto my large feet. I went to leave but Alga stayed me with her hand, she led me to the cushioned seat before my mirror, sat me down roughly, and viciously pinned a matching hat to my head. I smiled, knowing that this was her way of showing affection. I patted the hand she left resting on my shoulder, and walked from the room with my spirits high.
I walked into the hallway, checking my appearance one last time in the full length mirror. I was still plain and tall, even with the well cut clothes and merry hat perched on my head. I shrugged my too thin shoulders and walked downstairs to the dining room where my parents had finished breakfasting and were off on their own business. I took a cup of coffee and a biscuit and left word with the housekeeper that I was calling on the Duchess of Albermarle and her daughters. I tucked one of my embossed cards into my hand bag and went out to the stables and ordered my mare saddled.
"Will ye need a body to accompany ye, missie?" the young stable boy asked, bringing the mare to a halt and clasping his hands so he could boost me into the saddle. When I had my seat and I was assured that I wouldn't fall from it I tossed the boy a sovereign.
"You'll get another on your return if you keep it quiet that I left with no escort," I said rather conspiratorially. No one would mind me going out with no chaperone, but I always loved seeing the way a child's eyes lit up when he or she was entrusted with a grave secret.
"Aye, miss, I'll keep it secret 'til I reach me grave!" he said somberly before running into the stables hooting and hollering to his young friends. I chuckled and dug my heels into the horse's side to make her go. I much preferred riding like a man, but the scandal I would create with my petticoats flying freely in the wind throughout the streets of London would possibly ruin my reputation as a sane, suitable woman. My mare handled very easily and she got me to the home of the Clemens with no event of consequence. I rode her around to the stables and signaled to a stable boy who looked as if he needed some work to do.
"Is the family at home today?" I asked him as he helped me dismount. He shrugged noncommittally and took my mare into the stable. I frowned after him and walked to the front door.
"Is the family home today?" I asked the doorman. He nodded and I handed him my card, he nodded and signaled for me to wait in the entry way. I chose, instead, to wait just outside, breathing deeply of the rich English air. My nose ignored the stench that pervaded every corner of London and concentrated instead on the smell of sweet flowers growing in flowerbeds around the house. I lifted my face to the sun and enjoyed the warmth of its rays against my face. My ears picked up the noises of the rich enjoying a lazy day. Their conversations buzzed from the park across the way, and horses' hooves clopped in front of gaily colored phaetons. The tinkle of ladies' laughter and the boom of gentlemens' laughter also made its way to me and I suddenly had a yearning to be one of the young couples enjoying a stroll in the park. A throat cleared behind me, and I turned to see the butler looking down his nose at me. "The ladies will see you in the drawing room."
"Thank you," I said, frowning at his holier-than-thou attitude, and I followed him to the room he'd indicated. As we walked through the house I took notice of everything I'd missed the night before such as the marble staircase that led to the sleeping quarters and the wonderful trinkets that sat on wood tables throughout the halls. When we reached the drawing room he bowed me in and introduced me.
"Miss Frances Morgan," he said with due formality, then bowed himself out.
"Miss Morgan! Oh, I am so happy that you came!" Miss Clemens from the night before rose from the chaise where she had been reading. I smiled and took her outstretched hand. She sat me beside her and introduced me to the four other women in the room.
"You may call me Ana and this is Harriet, Wilhelmina, and Charlotte," she said indicating each girl in turn. I nodded to each of them and they responded in the same manner. "And this," she said indicating the middle aged woman, "is our mother." I nodded to her and she returned my greeting in the like.
"You may call me Caitlin, there is no need for formality," she said. Her rosy cheeks and welcome smile put me at ease.
"You barely know me, and I barely know you. There does seem to be some need for formality," I responded demurely.
"Oh, child, I know you. Our Richard has done nothing but speak of you since the two of you met two days ago. I feel as if you are as close to me as my girls are," she said with a chuckle. I felt my face heat with the knowledge that Richard had been speaking so highly of me, and so I decided that if I was not to be formal with them, they were not to be formal with me.
"You may all call me Scott, I much prefer it to Frances," I said, wrinkling my nose slightly at my first name. The women laughed and I felt immediately as if they were all dear friends. As had been of my custom lately, I didn't feel as if I were the dull and common girl I'd felt like all my life. "I'm sure that you're all wondering why I came to call upon you at such a time of the day."
"It is of no consequence what time of day it is, you are always welcome in our home," Caitlin said, "but I assume that you are here because of your rather abrupt departure from the ball yesterday."
My face flamed. "Yes, I'm afraid that I was not feeling quite well enough to continue dancing and watching the couples whirling around the floor was making me a bit nauseous."
"You needn't lie to maintain propriety," Harriet said from the piano, smiling at her music. "Richard told us that that awful Duke of Greensten was pestering you."
"He may be awful, but he is so handsome," the youngest girl, Charlotte, exclaimed dramatically. "I may be only thirteen but I know a looker when I see one." She pretended to swoon and we all shared a laugh.
"Do not let the faces of men misguide you, Charlotte," her mother scolded lightly, "Be sure that the man you choose has more behind his eyes than gambling and lust."
"Yes mother," the girls chorused in unison.
Caitlin turned to me, "I lecture them more often than I should, I suppose. I am proud to say, though, that I must have brought them up correctly somehow. I have two girls married off already and Wilhelmina has just received a proposal from the Earl of Pamberly."
I looked at Wilhelmina to see her reaction to her mother's information. Her cheeks were a lovely shade of pink and she looked genuinely pleased to be marrying the man. Her brown hair looked very soft and her brown eyes shone with pride. Her skin was a light tan from an obvious love of the outdoors and I found myself envying her with all my might.
"Congratulations," I said to her, "I wish you all happiness."
"Thank you," she said in a soft lyrical voice. "Would you be interested in hearing how we met?" Her sisters and mother groaned, but I nodded and signaled for her to tell the story. "Well, the first time we met was at my first ball of my first season. Our eyes met across a crowded room and I knew that he was the man for me . . ."
I listened politely to her story, but I also felt a tiny part inside of me wilting because nothing as fanciful as that had happened to me. When she had finished her tale Ana rang for tea and we were all enjoying biscuits and tea, and gossiping until the butler entered again.
"There is another visitor for you, ma'am," he said. He walked forward and handed a card to Caitlin. She frowned, but told him to bring the girl in.
"Who is it mama?" Charlotte asked.
"Someone named Christabel Knight," she said, pausing over the pronunciation. A collective gasp came from all of the girls and I looked questioningly at them.
"She's the sister of your duke!" Ana whispered conspiratorially.
"He isn't my duke!" I whispered back, blushing furiously. We all waited in suspense for her arrival. When the butler returned with her he bowed her in and announced her. "Miss Christabel Knight."
A gorgeous young woman walked into the room in a rich emerald green riding habit and I felt as if I had shrunk to the size of a speck of dust. Her condescending eyes landed on me after perusing the Clemens women and her mouth twisted into a smirk.
"I didn't know that you were in such," she coughed discreetly, "lovely company. Perhaps I should call again some other time."
"No, Miss Knight," Caitlin said rather coldly, "please join us, we were just taking tea. Please, bring us another setting, Allen." The butler nodded and bowed himself out. Christabel entered and took a seat without being asked to and I noticed an immediate rigidity in Caitlin's spine.
"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," the girl said pulling off her dainty doeskin gloves. "I wanted to extend my apologies for not attending your ball last night. I'm sure my thoughtless brother chose to follow his own endeavors and ignore my request. I fell rather ill last night and did not care to be seen by the gossip mongers of the ton. Will you ever be able to forgive me?"
The long winded, yet vaguely insincere apology did nothing to relax Caitlin, but she nodded and graciously accepted the girl's apology. "I accept your apology, Miss Knight, and you need not worry. You've done nothing offensive by not attending a simple ball. Unfortunate things happen to all of us."
"Yes," Christabel responded, looking pointedly at me. I wondered whether she was thinking of the first night we ever saw each other, or if her brother had disclosed his improper activities of the night before to her. Either way, I wanted to get away before the annoyance that was building inside me burst and I clawed the chit's eyes out. "If I am not mistaken, you are Frances Morgan," she said to me in her sickly sweet voice.
"You heard correctly, Miss Knight," I responded in a tight voice. "Perhaps you remember me from the Duke of Herrington's party two evenings ago, we were not introduced, but I was unforgettable if the rumors are any indication."
"Oh yes, you were the girl who was the ring leader. I believe that my brother called you a . . ."
"Lovely young woman," Wilhelmina cut in, throwing a hard look in Christabel's direction. The vicious girl sat relaxing comfortably as if she'd not said anything that could be taken as out of line.
I stood rather abruptly, sending my teacup and saucer crashing to the ground. "Oh, I am so sorry," I said, blushing with mortification. I went to my knees and began picking up all of the pieces.
"Don't worry yourself, I will go get a maid to clean it up," Caitlin said warmly, rising and walking into the hallway. When she was gone Christabel leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
"Perhaps you should make your leave. I saw Richard coming in and you wouldn't want to be seen on your knees." Her soft voice cut deeply, and I wondered if her brother had told her about last night. "After all, he has promised to take me for a ride in his curriclem and you wouldn't want to be the third wheel."
I felt my anger bubble over within me, but I wisely kept my mouth shut, because just then an exclamation came from the doorway, "Scott!" Richard walked to me and offered me his hand. He helped me to stand and I brushed the bits of glass from the skirt of my habit, feeling my face flame further. "What on earth were you doing on the floor?"
"She had a clumsy moment, dear," Christabel said sweetly, sidling up to his side and looping her arm through his. "Your mother sent for a maid, but she insisted on doing it herself."
"Miss Knight," he said discreetly removing her hand from his arm. "Are you here calling on my sisters?"
"No, dear, remember you promised me a ride in your curricle at a ball last week," she batted her eyelashes and held herself in a demure stance.
"Miss Knight, you should have sent for me before just showing up and requesting a ride. I would gladly take you out had I more notice, but I have just put it away." He looked at me significantly while she looked at the floor and I understood that he was just appeasing her prideful manner. I brightened considerably as I came to the realization that Christabel had created an illusion for herself that Richard cared for her as more than an acquaintance.
She pouted the way a spoiled child denied a sweet meat would, then brightened. "Then perhaps we could go for a walk, it is such a fine afternoon."
"I think perhaps another time," he said and began to escort her to the door. "It was nice to see you again; perhaps we will go for that ride another time, hm?"
Christabel's face hardened, "Fine then." She plastered on a fake smile and addressed his sisters. "Thank you for the lovely afternoon." They nodded and said their goodbyes and she left with her spine held very rigidly.
Richard turned to me and smiled, "I'm very glad you're here. I had business in town and was going to visit you after coming home for a short rest period."
"Why, you came calling just yesterday, Richard," I said teasingly, "What will everyone think, you calling twice in as many days?"
"They will think that I am desperately enamored with you," he said lightly and we shared a private laugh. When I looked around I noted his sisters looking at each other conspiratorially, but I found that I didn't care. If these women would become my in-laws . . ., I shook my head free of those thoughts. I had known Richard for only three days and he wasn't about to fall to his knees and declare his everlasting love for me. But the interrupted kiss . . ., I cursed Jeremy Knight for walking in at the absolute wrong time the evening before. Who knew what the kiss would have meant for us.
"Will you join me for a walk, my dear Scott?" he asked offering me his arm. I nodded happily and took it. "Tell mother to send word to Scott's family that she will be joining us for dinner." I smiled up at him, and he smiled down at me. I felt in my heart that I wanted to be on his arm for as long as I could. He led me out to the gardens and he stopped me before a bush of red roses. He picked one and carefully removed the thorns before tucking it behind my ear. "You are so enchanting, Scott."
"And you, Richard, are spoiling me. I know I am not the most wonderful looking woman in the world and you need not lie to make me feel better about myself." I leaned down to the roses and smelled their sweet scent. Richard took my hand in his and raised my palm to his lips.
"You are more beautiful than any other woman I've seen," he said against my palm. "And you need not worry about me lying." My heart leapt within my chest as he kissed my palm and kissed his way down to the soft skin of my wrist. We were suspended in time. I prayed that we could stay this way forever. When he finally straightened and tucked my arm in his and we began to walk again, I could barely control my thoughts and things slipped out of my mouth I never would have said if I had any sense at all.
"You make me quite breathless," I said. "Does your heart pound wildly when I'm near you? Because whenever you come near me I can barely hear anything but my heart pounding in my ears."
Richard laughed and said in a caressing baritone, "My heart beats so loudly that I am surprised you've never yet heard it. Just having you on my arm makes me feel like the luckiest man to walk the earth." It took a few minutes for me to realize that we were no longer moving. He had my upper arms in his grip and I was staring into his wonderful warm brown eyes then his lips were on mine and I was caught up in the bliss of my first kiss. His moved softly against mine and after a few moments I felt his tongue taste the seam of my lips. I parted them instinctually, but he pulled away. His breath came heavily and I heard my own just as heavily as his. I knew instinctively that we had been on the brink of doing something more, but he'd stopped. His hair was disheveled from where my hands had, without my knowledge, run through his think mane. I was certain that I looked as disheveled as he did and I found that fact unbearably funny. The laughter bubbled up inside of me and came out quite without warning. Richard stared at me for a moment before joining me, adding his rich baritone to the high pitch of mine. As tears flowed down my face Richard began to snort and I couldn't bear it, I leaned against him and he leaned against me and we both sank to the ground. As we were laughing the storm clouds had gathered and the raindrops fell on us, soaking us thoroughly and we just continued to laugh.
When we got a hold of ourselves we finally registered the rain and Richard stood to help me up. It took three tries to get me up and when we were done we were laughing again. He took my hand in his and we ran back to the town house, we entered the back kitchen door and stood there dripping wet and laughing as the cook swore wildly at us for desecrating her kitchen.
"I think we need some towels," I said between guffaws. Richard nodded and pulled me out of the kitchen and into the entry hall. He looked around carefully to make sure no one was looking and enveloped me in his arms and kissed me soundly. When he let go I was sure I would swoon.
"Go upstairs to the room three doors down on your right. I'll send a maid in with some of my sister's clothing for you to choose from," he kissed my forehead and sent me up the stairs. I walked up in a daze, wondering how I was so lucky to have found a man like Richard.
I entered the elegant guest room and stood dripping on the Persian rug until a robust black woman entered with a blue silk gown and undergarments draped over her arm.
"Well, missie, you sure did get yourself soaked," she said bustling about, "I'll get you a bath and we'll have you all prettied up for Master Richard tonight."
"Thank you, . . .?"
"You just call me Mama, that's what everyone around here does," she said smiling. "Girl, I will have you looking like a brand new sovereign when you go down them steps."
"I'm indebted to you, Mama," I said, enjoying her ways much more than Alga's abrupt, rough manner.
"No, chile, you don't owe me nothin'," she said adding water to the bath the footmen had brought up. She turned back to me and stripped me faster than I've ever been stripped before and had me clean in no time at all. I was surprised when she began to clean my hair and I began to protest, but she said that she had a special conditioner that would have my hair shining like gold, so I shut my mouth. She dried me briskly when she was done and got me dressed in record time. I was surprised that she didn't nearly crack my ribs as Alga did, but the overall effect was much nicer. When I wasn't pulled to suffocation I actually had a bit of curve to my body. The blue gown fit like a glove, though it was a bit loose in the bosom area. Then came my hair. She dried it and it fell softly to my shoulders in straight, shining locks. I nearly cried with joy. I flung my arms around her and she pushed me away in embarrassment. "Just vinegar and lemon juice honey." She arranged the gleaming tresses in an elegant coiffure and when I was done I felt as if I actually did belong in the house of a duke, dining with the family of a man I fancied I had come to love in just three days.
"Thank you, Mama," I said kissing her cheek. Then I left the room and there stood Richard in the hallway, waiting for me. I stopped and posed for him and I could see his eyes travel the entire length of me. He came forward and kissed me softly on the cheek, and I noticed for the first time that he was just the right height. He was taller than me, but not too tall. I walked to dinner that night feeling as if I were in a dream. But all dreams have to come to an end, and they did when as we were descending the stairs the footman let a man in the door and there stood Jeremy Knight, Duke of Greensten, and his sister.
"Thank you for inviting us to dinner, Harriet," Christabel said to Harriet who was hurrying forward to greet them.
"It was no trouble at all," Harriet said.
"Good evening, my lord duke," Richard said coldly from the stairway, catching Jeremy's attention.
"Frances," Jeremy said softly, smiling sensuously.