A/N: This is my first story on Fiction press so don't be too harsh. Please R&R and tell me what you think. If you like it enough where you want to read more just tell me and I'll try my best. Anyways, Enjoy!
Forever Yours
By: aikidokachick15
Chapter 1 The Beginning
I just hate high school? All the girls drooling over one popular guy, calling out that they love him and he just waltzes right by not even knowing you exist. And what really ticks me off is that the 'popular' boys, or whatever you call them, can say whatever they want to us unpopular indivuals. Basically, if someone isn't 'popular', and I don't use that term loosely, if they make a mistake they are officially dubbed Queen of Losers. Just one little itty bitty mistake and their life could come crashing down right on top of them like bricks, really heavy bricks, which makes it hard to pick up and replace the pieces. Just like the other day, I was at school hanging out with my friends at lunch.
"Hey look there goes the Justin!" My friend Kelly shrieks quietly in my ear, but loud enough to me that it can bust an eardrum.
"Oh my gosh!" I whispered sarcastically. "I can't believe he is so nice of him to bless us with his beautiful presence by showing himself in this very lunchroom."
"Whatever." She said sitting down on her bottom, but still staring at him in this dazed look.
"You know he is not that bad to look at." My other friend Trisha said pushing me in my shoulder.
"Well, yeah but he still doesn't have the authority to act like he's all that and act like he's better than everyone else in the whole entire world." I said opening my soda can and taking a small sip.
"He is the son of the creator of this school, Yaka!" Trisha yelled back at me as I rolled my eyes.
Yeah, that's me Yaka. Well, that's my nickname; my real name is Sayaka Edwards. I'm a 16-year-old non-driving student attending La Moirés School of arts. With my long black hair and bright green eyes I'm a pretty average student with average grades, average hair, average everything pretty much. I got a weird family though. My mom is Japanese, which is where I get my unique name, and my dad, really my step dad, is American, which where I get my new last name. But, if I was to describe myself with one word it would be: rebel. Unlike everyone else who grovels at the rich family feet, I rather stomp on their ugly toes. Instead of being flatter when Justin looks my way I rather ask him what he's looking at in an angry tone. Yeah, that's what I call a rebel, not letting The Man get to me. Call me hippie, but don't come crying to me when The Man got everyone swallowed up in debt. Oh yeah, back to my story.
"Whatever." I said grabbing a hold of my red food tray and standing up. I really don't eat much, but that's no reason to waste getting a free meal. I started for the closes, or only trash can in the cafeteria.
"Don't be hating!" Kelly said cupping her hands around her mouth.
"Like I said before," I said turning around as I continued walking. Already bad idea. "Whatever!"
I crashed right into the rich boy himself. I added to his wardrobe a nice yellow nacho cheese sauce to his shoes and a couple of cocktail fruit on what I can infer his new jacket from…The Man. I looked up at his face, scrunched up with anger. "S-sorry." I said in a whisper as I cover my mouth with my hand. It was just my luck that everyone notices the itsy bitsy mistake I made. Okay, I know I'm exaggerating just a bit, okay a lot. But, the next thing he did was took hold of my arm and dragged me out the cafeteria, down the hall, around the corner to his locker. That's when he looked around to see if the coast is clear before pulling me close to him. Next thing I knew he was practicing his CPR on me if you catch my drift. Then, I broke away and pushed him away from me.
"Who do you think you are!? Just, because you are rich doesn't give you the authority to go kiss whomever you want." I yelled shaking my index finger at him.
"You're right." He dropped down to one knee. "Will you marry me?" he asked pulling a ring out of his pocket.
"Yes!" I said falling into his open arms, allowing him to embrace me in a tight hug.
Then we all live happily ever after. The End. Too bad it all wasn't true. I know I don't like him, but hey if getting married to him was going to stop every girl from attacking me from what I did earlier then call the priest so we can get this show on the road.
But, for real, the next thing he did disgusted me, he removed his shoes and his jacket and handed them to me in a snobbish manner.
"Get rid of these, just throw them away." He said as he pulled out a different pair of shoes. I grabbed the shoes reluctantly and headed for the trashcan.
Hold up! When did I say I was a servant? I remember saying I am a rebel a rebel not the rich's servant. "Wait!" I said turning around. He looked at me as he finish tying his shoes and stood up. "I am not your servant!" I threw his shoes at him and turn around.
"Are you talking to me?" he asked shocked. "'Cause if you are do you know how much trouble you can get in?"
"Yeah." I said over my shoulder and then I hit the ground running. I ran like there was no tomorrow or at least until I made it to the girls' restroom. I sat down on the toilet seat and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe what I just did. Was that even me? But hey didn't I tell I'm a rebel, and I'm going to be till I grow out of my hippie stage in life. Suddenly, my cell phone vibrated against my hip as I pulled it out of my pocket. "Hello?" I whispered into the phone just in case anyone else was in the restroom.
"Where are you!?" Kelly yelled on the other side of the line.
I held the phone away from ear as I scrunched up my face. "I'm hiding." I said placing the phone back on my ear.
"Why?" she asked quietly, copying off of me.
"Well, after that whole crashing into Justin stuff he took me to his locker and made me get rid of his dirty belongings." I said trying to keep my anger from getting out of hand.
"Really?" she asked. " Then what happen?"
"Well, I said no and threw his shoes at him. Then he warned me about possible consequences and then I ran for it." I said getting scared.
"Oh, too bad. I have the go the teacher is coming." Then she hung up, leaving me in solitude. Believe or not this is where I been hiding for the last two hours. Of course it doesn't really matter, because the school doesn't care that you attend their classes just as long as they get their capital. But, as soon as that last bell rings I'm sprinting out of this school so fast everyone is going to do a double take. Until then I'm stuck on this icky toilet seat waiting for the bell to ring. I silently prayed to myself that the bells would ring now. Just as I finish my prayers were answers immediately.
"Thank You!" I yelled before leaving the stall and sprinting down the swarming corridors of La Moirés School for Art. As I ran down the halls students were giving me peculiar looks, but I just disregarded them. What really matter to me was getting out of this school and home before Justin spots me.
"Hey, Sayaka where are you going?" Kelly asked running alongside of me.
"I don't know I just got to get out of this school and then…somewhere!" I said as I continued to dash.
"Well, have fun." She said halting. "Call me if you need me." She yelled to my retreating body.
Well, after many minutes I was nearing Central Park and I decided to take a break. I could of stopped by my house and admit defeat there in the safety ness of my bed, but I knew I was going to undergo paranoia. Thinking about what to do next I took a seat on the bench in front of wishing well that had water soaring and spatter in it.
"Enjoying yourself?" Ask a deep voice from behind me. I turn around to see who it was.
"Uh…hello." I said timidly.
A/N: So that's the first chapter of my first story. So what do you think? I will take anything from constructive criticism to what you think of the story. So please Review and it will definitely make me happy. I won't write more unless I get reviews. So see ya. Sayonara!