Well, here I am. Afer unspeakable dangers; pondering new ideas over Christmas fudge, sweating like a pig over the boiling, gooey ingredients of lemon-flavored- GREEN (don't ask)- Turkish Delight (a favor for my Narnia-crazed younger sister), and multiple sacrifices to the god of the fishy crackers pleading for wisdom, battling with my mp3 to play the RIGHT song ("No! Not the Lord of The Rings soundtrack AGAIN! What? 'Concerning Hobbits'? Well… I suppose… 'The Ring Goes South'? Nawww… well… maybe…") I have finally made it this far to revise my beloved TRENCH just for YOU! (well… AND me….)
Let the de-crapitization begin!
The World Is Black
The World Is Black
A Vanishing,
The Teachers
They are GONE.
Here at Richmond High,
A Boarding School,
Grades 8- 12,
Here is where THERE begins.
And I,
Describing this tale to you,
I, Skylar,
And Someone is watching Me.
Me: NOW IT'S UP TO YOU! Review! I will return the favor!