Whoever said goody goodies don't get detentions was on crack. If that was true then I WOULDN'T BE SITTING HERE!!! Why am I sitting here you ask, well the sleaze ball Jack Lane slapped my ass after I told him no to. So I kneed him hard where the family jewels are located. That's why. AND I'm bored out of my mind. I pulled back my auburn hair into a messy bun. I put my ear pieces in to listen to my Dell Ditty. I heard the faint slamming of a door over Three Days Grace's Pain. Looking up the teacher looked pisses, ok moving on. I rolled my eyes another emo kid I don't know. He was pretty tall from where i was sitting. He wore dark baggy jeans and a black and white stripped shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Black shaggy hair fell into brown eyes. I ignored the conversation going on and turned back to my book. "the DaVinci code" by Dan Brown

I was so intent upon the pages I didn't notice that the emo kid sat next to me. He slapped my book shut and took it. My head whipped up and I glared at him. Taking my headphones off, I was shocked to notice that his eyes weren't brown, but navy blue that were outline with kohl eyeliner, "give it back" I growled, I smirked '"what's a goody goody like yourself in a place such as this?" The good for nothing bastard. "No of your damn business. Now give my book back or you'll find out" I spat. His smirk never wavered. "Will I now?" The bell rang and he was out the door. What a freak, wait…he still has my book. Gathering my stuff I sprinted after him. Damn there is no way in hell I'm going to find him. Looking helplessly through the sea of people.

" Lena waait up." My bestest friend ever Kaytlin yelled. "Hey Kay" Kay was gorgeous, tall, long blonde curls, big blue eyes, and a figure to die for.

And then you get me…5'6", red hair, green eyes, and athletic. Can you say goddess and mere mortal? "Have you seen the new emo kid Blaze? Gorgeous." Yadda yadda yadda…wait…emo kid?

"Kay is he wearing a striped shirt?" She paused "oh yeah" I scowled, "stupid prick" I muttered.

"Why do you know him?" She asked excitedly, "no but he stole my book dammit!" She started laughing I glared at her over her shoulder I spotted his stripped shirt. He was talking t some other guys. Stomping over to him I grabbed his arm and dragged him over to where Kaytlin was still laughing. "Give me my book" I growled.

He glanced at me and smiled lazily at Kay. She flushed; I grabbed his hair and turned his head to me. "give.me.my.book" I spoke slowly, he smirked "why should I?" I kept my face placid, "this" I kneed him just like Jack. His eyes bulged, "fuck" he moaned as he slid down to the fetal position.

"Oh my gawd Lena why did you do that to him?" I rolled my eyes as she knelt next to him, "you ok?" He long blond hair fell around her face. Damn him I still didn't have my book.

"Dude you just got played" looking up I groaned, "not another one." He was way taller than me; I came up to his chest. His black hair was shaggy and fell over his ears. His eyes were also outlined in kohl; it made the grey seem cold. He wore black baggy jeans with a white studded belt, and a tight fitted black shirt.

"Shut up Harley." Emo Blaze moaned from the ground. Emo two ginned at me, "names Harley." I blinked slowly, "Lena, can I just have my book back?" He smirked, "you mean this?" He held up my book, "what?! Hey give me that!" I reached for my book, but he just held it high above my head. "na ah ah, first tell me who this lovely thing is." He gestured to Kay,

"This is kaytlin" I grumbled, she yet again flushed. He handed me my book back, "see was that so hard?" He patted my cheek. That's it; I lashed out and punched him in the chest. "Don't touch me." I hissed, he just stared at me. "God, Lena why are you so violent today?" I stared at Kaytlin clenching my jaw, realization dawned in her eyes. "Oh Lena it's November 10th, I'm so sorry." She reached to give me a hug, I pushed her away.

"Don't, just leave me alone." I walked off. I hear Harley mumble something that sounded like "weird ass chick." I scowled down at my vans. November 10th, the dreaded day.


"Mom where's Jake?" my mother turned to me, I immediately knew something was wrong. Tears stained her face and her eyes were all puffy. Her hands limply held the cordless phone. "Jake's gone. A drunk driver hit him." My eyes glazed over, "oh" it was all I could say I was numb, Jake was gone. My best friend ripped out of my life like cloth.

Back to the present

Tears pricked my eyes as I walked down the street towards the cemetery. I looked down at my right wrist. On the inside, the letters JMC were permanently tattooed. His initials, Jacob Matthew Carter. A pair of perfectly white sneakers entered my vision. Shit, not today, please not today.

"Well Lena where are you going?" I glared into green eyes. Simon James, the hottest guy in school, personally I hate him. "Go away Simon." He smirked his tousled blonde hair falling into his eyes. "What your boyfriend gonna beat me up? Oh that's right you don't have one." My eyes narrowed. "Yes I do" shit I have no idea why I said that, cuz I don't.

"Oh really, who?" Great busted, now merciless making fun of me. "Uh…" "Me" a cold smooth voice countered, a strong arm encircled my waist pulling me against a muscular body, and I tensed at the feeling. Simon's eyes flicked, "who are you?" "Harley, her boyfriend. Should I kick your ass now?"

Simon simply stood there looking amused. I gripped Harley's arm tighter, glaring spitfire at Simon.

"Leave her the hell alone." Harley's words dripped with venom, almost making me shiver with fear.

He quirked an eyebrow, "so little Lena Carter found someone to love her. God knows how long that's been since Jacob huh Lena?" Hot tears stung at the back of my eyes; if possible I gripped his forearm as hard as I could. "Stop, Simon just stop" I chocked out.

I ripped away from Harley and ran into the cemetery away from everything. I reached Jakes tombstone, Jacob Matthew Carter, beloved brother and son. 1986-2005. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to hold back the stinging tears, back then everything was perfect. I had a great brother, my parents were still together, and a great boyfriend. Then that drunken jackass had to go a run the red stop light and ruin my life. Stupid bastard, he didn't even get half the time he deserved.

Shaking my head I tried to shove the horrible memories back into my little black box. It was working until two strong arms encircled me, looking down I noticed I tribal tattoo encompassing his tanned forearm. His chin rested on my head, I was surprised on how safe I felt in his arms, and I hadn't felt that in a long time.

"I don't even know you, why did you do that" there was silence,

"You looked completely terrified and none of the fire left in you I decided to help. Was he your boyfriend?" I shook my head,

"No" I chocked, "my brother" "oh"

Tears once again pricked to back of my eyes, my body began to shake uncontrollably. Harley's embrace tightened,

"Lena?" His voice sounded…concerned.

"Shit…not again" my teeth began to chatter. I couldn't stop, it happens once in a while. My body can't take it any more and it breaks down. Usually I'm in my room curled in the fetal position on my bed.

"Lena what's happening?"

"Lena" Kaytlin's voice shouted across the graveyard. "Oh no not again. Lena, stay with me. Harley isn't it'

"Yeah" was his gruff reply.

"Ok I need your help; her house is only down the street. You think you can carry her"

"Of course" my body shook more violently, my breathing coming in gasps. I was lazily aware of Harley carrying me.

We came up to my house, and Kaytlin hurried me in with Harley.

"Come on man, hurry up to her room. Lena honey stay with me. Ok put her on the bed." I finally felt the warmth of my bed.

"What the hell is going on?' Harley barked.

"Umm…well you see. Since her brother died, she kind of well…she locks everything away in what she calls her little black box. She rarely cries, I haven't seen her smile since I don't know when. What you see now is what she calls her 'damn breaking' state. Her body shuts down. Symptoms such as…shaking uncontrollably, paleness, loss of appetite, and right now she is about to enter the final stage where she passes out. There she goes" I blacked out, everything gone. My black abyss enveloped me.

"Ugh" I groaned, hazily opening my eyes. Kaytlin was sitting cross legged at the end of my bed.

"Glad your back buddy" she beamed. "Mph" I muffled out,

"How long?" I grimaced, my voice was scratchy and my mouth tasted bad. She put a finger to her chin "about 2 hours, it wasn't really a long one. Harley over there helped me" she nodded over to my chair.

I looked over Harley was sitting crossed armed asleep on my chair his tousled black hair fell over his eyes. I flopped back on my bed, "why does this have to happen, he shouldn't have seen that. Now he's probably going to make fun of me, like that bastard."

"What bastard?" Harley's voice was husky from sleep, my body tensed. His voice sent tingles through my body. I twisted my head towards Harley, his grey eyes cold, I blinked slowly running a hand over my face.

"Simon, that ass you met earlier. Kay can tell you the story, I have to pee." Climbing out my bed I made my way to the bathroom, trying to rid my mind of those deep, cold grey eyes.

Harley's POV

I watched her walk unsteadily out her door. Her little…episode scared me. I hate to admit that something actually scared me. I looked back at her friend Kaytlin, now that was a beauty. Long legs, blonde bombshell…perfect for my brother Blaze.

"Well" I snapped. She looked kinda shocked, "sorry" I muttered "I'm exhausted" she pursed her lips, "mhmm… well anyway you want the story right?"

I nodded impatiently "well here goes…see before Jake died everything was good for Lena. She had a brother that looked after her and was her best friend. Parents who didn't fight constantly. And…Simon. Back then he was a good guy, she absolutely adored him. Then Jake died."

She paused taking a breath. "It was a Saturday night and Jake was coming home from a game and a drunk driver ran a red light, slamming into Jake's side killing him instantly. After that Lena drew into herself. Of course she stayed with softball that was her only escape. She became depressed and zoned out a lot. People…including Simon began to walk away from her. Bit by bit it ate at her, she quite caring about what people thought, no longer smiled, put everything that bother her in her 'little black box'. When her first breakdown occurred, I thought she was dying. I rushed her to the hospital and bawled my eyes out. The doctor said she was fine, she just got exhausted and everything shut down. He told me it was most likely going to happen again, and just put her in her bed and watch over her. Gradually I got used to it, and just went with the flow."

Wow, this girl went through a lot. No wonder she was so snippy. Hmm…damn why did this intrigue me so much. She was just some messed up girl. "You Mister Harley caught her on one of her worst days. Lucky you" she grinned at me.

"Yeah lucky me" I muttered. I got up and walked out the door. Walking down the hall I stopped short. She sat on the floor knees drawn up to her chin. She buried her head in her hands.

Glancing up at me, my heart wrenched. Her eyes were exhausted, dark circles under her eyes. "Thanks" she whispered almost inaudibly. "No problem, see you tomorrow Lena" I walked out the front door.

I didn't want to, god knows I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms and never let her go. I shook my head; I have to get her out of my head. I can't let her get to me. No one has gotten to me, my dad made sure of that.

Stupid bastard leaving my mother, I picked up the broken pieces and attempted to put them together. I shut off everything from my life, excluding my dear brother of course. So why did this fiery messed up red haired, green eyed girl get to me?

Lena's POV (Back at skewl the next day)

I rubbed the sleep from eyes, and threw my hair up. Dressing in a baggy blue sweatshirt and tight fitting jeans I ran out the door. Life sucks, has anyone ever told you that? Well it does. I pushed open the school doors and made my way to my locker. Kay was already there "hey stranger" she giggled. I rolled my eyes "hey Kay. Has Harley come in yet?"

She raised an eyebrow "umm I think so. Ah yes over there." She pointed to the corner with all the dark brooding guys. His grey eyes connected with mine, I swallowed. He looked…scary. Yep that's the word.

I looked closer; he had a scar on his upper lip and one on his eyebrow. It all added to his intimidation. I broke eye contact and made my way to my classes.

"Hey sexy, want to spend a night with me. I could show you a real good time." I looked at the guy disgustedly. "And what the hell do you think I would say to that?" His long blonde hair fell into dull brown eyes. He smirked, "you'd say yes of course" he pushed me to a wall, his hand making its way to my ass. I slapped him hard, "that's what I say you disgusting pig."

He glared at me holding his face, "you bitch, you're going to pay for that." He grabbed my by the throat and held me up so my feet couldn't touch the floor. Is this guy for real, in a school. Oh god I can breathe, I struggled. He was to strong.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" A voice growled low and menacing. The hand release my throat and I gasped for breath. Harley had the creep by the throat up against a wall and was slamming him to it. He wasn't letting him go; the guys face was turning blue. I had half a mind to let him die, but nope I'm too nice.

"Harley, let him go" he wasn't listening. "Harley" I grabbed his hair and turned his eyes to me "let him go…please" I whispered. "Let him go" Harley let the guy drop to the ground and the guy gasped for air, holding his throat.

"Are you fucking crazy you bastard you could have killed me" the guy rasped out "like you could have killed her?" Harley whispered never taking his eyes off me. "What's happening" I whispered, Harley shrugged touched my face and walked away, just like that. Not even a word, he just walked away.