Fire! Fire! Fire!

I woke up to the sound my sister yelling at the top of her lungs, "Fire! Fire! Fire!" That's when I scrambled out of bed, falling face first on my wood floors. Owwww!

My sister, Catrina, who is going just into high school today was just trying to cause a scene.

"CATRINA!" I shouted, lifting myself from the floor and opened my door to find her jumping around in her pajamas. "Can you shut up?! People are trying to sleep!"

"Fire! Fire! Fire!" was all she chanted.

I boinked her on the head. "Okay, I get it, alarm clock. I turned you off now shut up!"

Cat just smiled innocently, still dancing her stupid little dance.


"Bella!" I heard my mom scream from downstairs. "Did I just hear you swear at your sister?"

I saw mom come bounding up the stairs, a hand on her hip, her face mad. "No..." I twiddled my thumbs, smiling just like Cat had, innocent.

"I do not want to hear you swear ever again in this house, you hear me? Especially with that stunt you pulled yesterday. That was not funny, Bella. I honestly don't know where your brain has gone!"

Ah, after I punched Jared whateverhislastnameis, Sammy went yelling off to mommy how wonderful of a sister I am and how I punched this guy in the face for him. Hahaha. Actually, I shouldn't be laughing since I am grounded for two months.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

"Catrina!" my mom and I both yelled. She shut up and I smiled happily. I asked, "Why are you yelling fire anyway?"

"Some kids thought it would be funny to play matches yesterday," mom answered, hand still on her hip. She was looking at me as if I had done it. Me? Pshh. I don't go that low, mother dearest. "It was on the news. Your school is getting it fixed but it'll take a couple months."

All I could do was jump for joy. "Yipee! No school!"

I was about to go back inside my room to fall in endless sleep when my mom stopped me with her "not so fast, young lady."

I twirled back around, seeing Catrina gape at our mom like she had gone crazy. "There is no school right? Right?" she asked, looking at mom. She looked like she was trying to hypnotize her or something.

Yeah, keep going. Keep going...

"You two are not missing another two months of school," mom said sternly. "So I called up your principal, they informed me that most students are going to F.D. Sinclair for awhile. You know, I was going to send you both to that school this year but do you know how expensive it just to enroll?"

I blinked at her. Send us to Sinclair? That school was for snobby rich kids who drive to school in convertibles and have Gucci backpacks. If there was even a thing as Gucci backpacks. Moving on...

Mom looked at me, "... understand?"


"Bella, were you listening to me?"

"Um, yeah, what did you say?" I asked, grinning at her red face. Ah, shit. She's giving the mother-is-mad-and-you'll-get-your-punishment-later look. "Never mind."

"What do you mean, never mind? I need for you to behave in this school, Bella," she sighed dramatically. Behave? Mom that's my middle name.

"Okay, got it, can I change now?"

She stopped Catrina and I, bringing us into her bedroom where dad was still sleeping like a dog. "Here are your uniforms, I advise that you keep these clean and make sure you don't rip the sleeves like you always do, Cat."

"Yeah, Catty," I drawled and she glowered up at me, snatching the uniform from mom. I took it from mom as she passed it to me.

Cat shoved me into the door as we turned to go.

"And Belle? Please no punching today, okay?"

"Okay! Whatever you say!" I skipped out of her room, passing Catrina's and into my own before slamming the door shut behind me. Alright, we've got a navy blue plaid skirt, white polo, navy blue blazer and black shoes that I would trade for my ballet flats later. After I laid the contents on my bed, smoothing the wrinkles off the skirt, I trudged to my bathroom.

"Augh," I groaned, as sand fell from my mid-length, cow-brown, straight hair. I combed through it, spraying some volumizing all over and tossled my hair for that messy look. After I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I was ready to change.

I sighed, looking at my body in the full-length mirror. I pulled the skirt more lower down my leg. So, the skirt met just above my knee, the polo sleeves stopped at my elbow, and the blazer fit perfectly and comfortably. I was glad for long legs and tanned skin from many days at the beach.

"Bella?" I heard Cat from my closed door.

"Yeah? What?" I yelled, putting on some mascara as she entered my room. She was in her uniform. "Now, we look like sisters. What's wrong?"

She sighed, fumbling with her skirt. "I, do I look okay?"

"Yeah, you look great. Nervous? There's gonna be a bunch of cute guys there probably," I told her smiling.

"Yeah..." she said slowly, nodding. Cat was like my copy-cat except smaller. She had the same brown straight hair, emerald eyes, skinny form. She was tall for her age, already meeting my shoulder. I was 5"6.

"Don't worry about it too much, alright? High school is supposed to be fun."

"You would know, you're graduating this year," she mumbled. "What if they don't like me?"

"Remember, this isn't your school. We'll be gone in two months."

"Yeah... are you almost done? Mom said she'll drop us off there in five."

I sighed, picking up my bulky aristsia shoulder bag. Putting an arm around her shoulders, I said, "Sinclair here we come."


"Where are you?" I asked into the phone, hearing Miranda's paniced voice. "Miranda?!"

Miranda's my best friend over at Hefferson High School. She's a tiny ballerina. She is, really. "Miranda!" I growled into the phone, losing my patience.

"Belle? Hey, sorry about that. I was asking this guy for directions. I'm already in Sinclair, where are you?"

"Mom is letting us take school off," I said to her, putting on a serious voice. At her scream, I laughed. "Mir, I'm kidding. Don't get your panties in a twist."

"Hardy har har," she muttered. "So you're going to Sinclair too? Gordan is too. So is Heath, Jessica and Alanna."

"Yeah!" I said, a smile spreading on my face. Gang's all there. "Whoopie, we're nearing. Where should we meet?"

"Oh wait! I see Heath, he's with Jessica. We'll meet you in the caf. Good luck finding your way."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically, flipping my phone off and jamming into my blazer pocket. Cat fixed her skirt again for the 100th time as mom turned into the parking lot and let us out.

"Have fun, girls. Bella, behave. Cat, love you."

I sneered at her, getting out first since I was in the front seat. Cat kissed mom like she does everytime we depart and I waved lazily goodbye. Mom just smiled.

I studied the school. Everything was near perfect, the sign (not like at our school) was probably painted regularly since it was a flashy navy blue colour (who knew?) and looked like a fresh new coating, there was a greener than green colour and there was no sign of litter anywhere.

Cat and I walked side by side as we walked into the school, already seeing probably a few decent looking guys and smiled when one held the door open for us.

"Thanks," I said and the guy only nodded, grinning charmingly. Sighing, I turned to Cat who was looking around. "He was cute."

She waved me away, grabbing something from her pocket. It was her schedule. I peered over her shoulder as we stood awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, people speeding around us. She had French 8, English 8, keyboarding 8 and cooking. I took mine from my pocket. Mom had given us them when we were in the car. When she found about the fire, she put it into her hands and got everything ready for us.

Mom's the best.

"Hey, I'm gonna meet a few friends in the caf. If you need me, find me there. I'll see you after school here, you got it?" I told Cat who just nodded. I pushed her a little. "Go find your friends or something."

Waving, I went to the right, looking over my schedule. Calculous 12 , Digital Photography 12, library science 12 and English Honours 12. Wow, supppper. I had English hon -.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" someone shouted and I was shoved to the side. I glanced up, my eyes automatically meeting with blue eyes, icy cold blue eyes. It was the girl from the beach the other day. Oh shit. I never thought I'd have to see her again. She put her hand on my arm, her nails digging into my arm.

Yelping, I pulled away. "Holy shit, let go of me."

I was about to walk away when she tugged me back to her. "How dare you."

Were we gonna do this again? Isn't one time enough? I looked behind her and at her pawsy. They were wearing the uniform but more slutty-ish. They had the skirt hiked up more on their thighs and their polos were opened a few buttons to many. I rolled my eyes.

"This is my school," she went on, looking at me dangerously. "We don't have to tolerate you."

"Then let go of my arm," I told her, slowly pulling away from her death grip. She flicked her blonde hair from her face and smiled. I narrowed my eyes at her. Wow, her mood swings were like from one end of an eraser to the other end.

"Now that we've got that straightened out," she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Whitney Wesley, who're you?"

"Bella Johnson," I said. "Excuse me but I have to get to class."

"Sure..." she said slowly eyeing me.

Shaking it off, I made my way down the long hall in efforts to find the cafeteria. "Hello there," a guy said in efforts to woo me off my feet. "What's your name pretty lady?"

What the hell, I just want to meet my friends in peace! Mother!

"Bella," I answered quickly, my legs not stopping. He followed, smiling. "Can you show me the direction of the cafeteria?"

"Sure, sweetheart, it's back there." I glanced at him, pointing to the other end of the hall. "Are you new here?"

"No," I answered, turning around slowly. He continued to follow. Go away! I wanted to yell but said instead, "Actually, sort of. My school caught on fire."

"Ah, you're over at Hefferson." He nodded knowingly. He's got that surfer look to him with his sandy-blonde hair, freckles across his nose, toned upper body.

"Yeah," I said off-handedly, staring into his . He let out his hand, keeping up with my long strides.

"Marcus Madison, nice to meet you."

"Bella Johnson," I flashed him a smile, finally seeing the cafeteria. "There you go! Thanks for your help."

He grinned, waving. "No prob. See ya 'round Bella." Then winking, he turned around and began walking away.

I scanned the cafeteria. It was huge! With white chairs and tables in the middle, the actual kitchen was to the left, windows were ahead, there were snack machines in the corner and a few benches here and there. I stopped.

I wasn't surprised to see him because I knew he would go here. Him and his girlfriend, they just looked snobby and rich and looked as if they drove freaking convertibles. He was staring at me, a waterbottle in his hand. He looked undeniably hot in his uniform: loose navy blue trousers, white polo shirt the ends rolled up to his elbows. His ebony-black hair was spiked perfectly and he looked just about perfect, standing there.


If he didn't have that cut on his lip he would definantly be perfect.

I quickly looked away, spotting Miranda, Gordan, Heath and Jessica. No Alanna which wasn't odd. She was usally always late. Gordan saw me and waved me over. Crap. I would have to pass Jared to get to them. There were two ways: straight ahead meaning I would have to pass Jared or move around the tables meaning avoiding Jared at all costs.

Going with number two.

"Hey," I said, sitting next to Miranda. We all exchanged our heys and hellos and what's up and how are yous. "This school is gigantic."

Gordan laughed. "Mmhm especially since this school is rich-ass."

Jessica snorted beside him and I snatched a look at Jared, who was sitting with his friends. He just looked so comfortable in his surroundings. It irked me. Princess, my ass. Son of a -

"... yoohoo, Bella! Earth to Belle!" Gordan snapped a finger in my face.

"Wha-?" I turned back to my friends who were looking at me. "Oh hey, sorry... still kind of sleepy."

"You think?" Miranda joked. "Anyway, can you believe Richie got sent to jail for smoking up our school?"

"Richie did it?! ... Not a surprise, actually," I said after a moment. Miranda nodded beside me.

Jessica gave her two cents in, "I think he deserves to go to jail. I hate Sinclair."

"Ah right because of that ex," Heath piped up, smiling sweetly. "Who is the bastard?"

I rolled my eyes at Heath. He could be so overprotective over us girls. Once Miranda went out with this guy and we were at the mall spieing on her (really, we have no life) and when Miranda's date reached over to hold her hand, Heath jumped from behind the fountain and punched him in the face.


"He graduated this year, too bad," Jessica chimed and we laughed. Heath just looked mad.

"Anyway, I think the bell is gonna ring," Gordan said, standing up from the bench.

"Hey, where's your goatee?" I asked the guy who looked down at me, smiling.

"Shaved it," he shrugged. "It wasn't me."

Heath started singing, standing up also, "it wasn't me. Honey came in and she caught me red-handed, creeping with the girl next door, picture this we were both butt-naked, banging on the bathroom floor."

"Ah, my ears!"

Hahaha, today was gonna be great.


A/N - oh my gosh, THANK you so much for all of the reviews. Hopefull chapter two is to your guys liking. Love yous to: crazystar0, tornangelwings, double-life and iLovefiction. Thank you, thank you, thank you!