It's Not You, It's Someone Else

Here I go again

Spiraling down the tunnel of depression

I can feel the anxiety

My heart rate is speeding up

And I can't even keep my hands steady

And yet,

It is always the same thought

It is the thought of him

The way he broke my heart again

The way he said it

Almost as if he didn't care

Or he was ashamed

No; it's not you, it's someone else


Am I not good enough?

Did I do something wrong?

Was it because I was boring you?

Or is there some physical feature that you had distasted for?

I'm hurt

I'm an injured solider of love yet again

I gave him my heart and soul

But apparently that wasn't good enough

I feel like I have failed you

But I guess, you were the one that failed me

How come you seem so unaffected?

Is it because you really are?

Or is it because you are to busy creating your new and improved bong

And getting high?!

Or, are you to busy taking ex

Or going around and having sex

Trying to forget every little piece of me

Because deep down, you are truly hurt

I'm rather rabity about our next encounter

Seeing as how I may weep

At the very sight of you

If that were to happen

Would you wipe away my tears?

Or would you try to erase them from your mind

Like you expunged me out of your life?

If we do ever encounter again

I hope I can break you spell over me

This is what was told to me…. And I hope it never gets told to any of you who reads this.