Story of My Life
A/N: This really is the story of my life. However, I will leave out the boring details that no one cares about, like me hating long nails. Okay. Bad example. Anyway, on with the story.
Oh. Also, there may be added parts just for kicks. Not everything in this story will be true.
I'm starting out my life with my pre-school years. Don't worry. Only about a paragraph per grade, up until high school.
I sat there drawing circles and squares, coloring them blue, red, orange, and green. My teacher commented on how I was really good at shapes for such a young age. Little did I know, that Geometry, a LONG way off, would bring my reality into check. But at this age, I was oblivious to the tourture that was called math. I met two friends, Margaoux, and Lauren. The first of the two was a bad influence from the start. At age four, she was already stealing items from the pre-school. Lauren wasn't a bad influence until later.
We lined up at the door. Only the first day of school, but I had fortunately managed not to get a haircut with safety scissors like the kid sitting next to me. Some time during school, a bunch of my piers got together giving each other some really bad haircuts. This was my first preschool I went to. I remember having my first scavenger hunt, though I don't remember hunting anything besides my sanity.
My parents divorced last year. I was still dealing with the strangeness of living in different houses at different times. The jungle gym was the highlight of the day spent there. I was a late-bird, which meant I went to the later Kindergarten class. Each day we traced a new letter of the alphabet with all our colored crayons. I still have those crayons to this day. We say a little song to learn the days of the week. It went something like this:
Sun-day, Mon-day, Tues-day, Wednes-day, Thurs-day, Fri-day, Sat-ur-day, Sat-ur-day.
It was sung to the tune, Frarijocka, which I can't spell by the way. I know, such a lame song! Whatever. I learned the days of the week in no time at all.
First Grade
P.E. was now included in our daily learning repitoire. It was much more fun when we weren't forced to exercise. This was completely agonizing. I must have ditched P.E. half-a-dozen times with my friend from pre-school, Lauren. I hated running when it involved a path. Always loved to run, but with no path directing me, telling me where I have to go. Maybe this is some reflections on my life when I grew up.
Second Grade
How boring. There was nothing eventful, besides the fact that I only had a few friends. Oh wait! There was something. Yeah. That's right. I went to the YMCA every day after school. Most of my friends knew I bruised very easily. A slight tap on the knee would reveal an ugly bruise within minutes. One day, my "friend" Whitney, decided to check it out, seeing how many bruises she could make on my legs in one minute. I now wonder why I used to be so submissive. So I sat there on the ground, next to the cubby holes, while she kicked my legs through the jeans I was wearing. After a minute of pain shooting through my legs, each time her foot connected with my body, she stopped. I remember her smiling and telling me to pull up my jeans so she could see the bruises. I looked down at my legs in horror. They were a colorful canvas of blues, purples, browns, and blacks. The colors weren't so pretty on my skin.
Third Grade
My first crush was on Spencer. He was really good athelete. I was so fascinated by his fast mile time. I knew I could never be that fast, which is what I thought at the time. A made a little homi-bead rainbow for him. You know, the plastic beads you iron under wax paper, and you get this nifty little designs you created. Yeah. Well I made him one, and wrote in black sharpie, 'To: Spencer. From: Melanie." Then I scribbled out my name, deciding to leave it anyonomous. I put it in his desk, and when the class came back from break, I remember him opening his desk to find the rainbow I made him. He looked around the classroom curiously. He would never suspect me. Why should he? I was a total nerd. You still are. Oh shut-up, mind! My crush lasted through fifth grade before I graduated.
Fourth Grade
Had one of the best teachers in my years of Elemtary school. Mrs. Flores was awesome! I think every kid loved her. I sold her $ 40 of Girl Scout cookies. On the day of my delivery, she didn't have any money. She told me she would pay me back. She never did. To this day, my 4th grade teacher owes me $ 40.
Fifth Grade
Couldn't go by fast enough. Soon I graduated, and was gone. I knew I was going to miss the school, but couldn't help but feel over-joyed that I was soon moving on to Middle School. I graduated with the rest of my class, and that was that.
A/N: I know. This is probably a boring chapter. But I wanted to get to middle-school, so I could move onto High School. Oh! The pain and tourture! Next chapter will be about Middle School. I promise that once we get to high school, things will get interesting… I hope. Oh! Is my life that boring? I hope not. Well, I'm done with my ramblings for now.