Wings of a Swan
Chapter 1
A swan glides through the air; its large pure white wings reflect the sun as it travels near a clear river, on the horizon in front of the bird is an immense castle seated at the mouth of a delta. Suddenly, the swan lets out a startled cry as a large arrow flies passed it, soon more arrows follow. The swan veers and turns into the sun blotting its form as it moves away from whatever is attacking it.
An imposing creature stands on a balcony in the castle, sneering at the birds fright and in anger at its escape. The being looks like a normal human, a large man clothed in regal attire and with spiky fire red hair, but the menacing phoenix wings sprouting from his back betrays any sense of normalcy.
"Your highness, there is talk of a water vassal seen near Taelen." The young page said with a bow, not looking in the king's eyes.
The king turned, his gaze on the messenger turning as cold as his words "Why is this vassal not on their way to the castle?" The messenger gulped, and scrambled for an answer. "W-w-we weren't sure if you wanted her brought in, you sometimes leave them b-be." The king turned away from the boy, who sighed thankfully. Suddenly, The King turned; he struck the boy, his rage becoming apparent. "Who are you to make that choice, boy!" he snarled, hoisting the boy off of the ground and hurling him against the wall, The Kings' hands seizing his throat. "Are you the King?" his voice had lost its angry edge but had turning into a chilling coldness.
"No Sir, you are…you are smarter than me and…I was…wrong to assume." The boy choked out.
The King sneered, releasing his grip, letting the messenger slide to the ground. "That's right you were. I want that vassal in route to the castle immediately." The King turns back to the window, looking towards the horizon were the swan had escaped, his sneer turning into a malicious smile.
"The Fire King will be destroyed by the one who glides on swans' wings." The King's smile grew. "That prophecy will never come to pass."
A storm was brewing, Tiora rushed down the length of the River Zerta, hoping to catch sight of that red cloak.
"Suni!" Tiora's voice fought with the deafening wind "Where are you" She saw a flash of red out of the corner of her eyes. She turned quickly, sighing with relief "there you are-" she stopped, a man dressed in a red surcoat over black chain mail stood in front of her, a broadsword clutched in both hands.
"For the king!" he yelled, swinging the sword towards her, a faint red glow surrounding him. Tiora dodged to the right, sweeping her arm in an arc towards the solder. The solder jumped back, a massive tidal wave of mud was careening towards him. He cupped his hand as if holding a ball, a spark of bright flames appeared in his hands. The wave of mud hardened and burst into dust as the solders fireball collided with it. With a sadistic grin the solder ran through the cloud of dust and small clots of earth, looking for Tiora as she attempted to use the earthen cloud as cover as she ran. Finally he cleared the cloud, the rain had mixed with the dust and dirt, turning the ground below him to mud and turning his surcoat to a bleak grey. Suddenly the ground held fast to his boots rooting him to the spot and halting his path towards the fleeing Earth Vassal. He struggled to free himself from the mud, watching the woman make it to higher ground and disappear from sight. Then with a start he realized that she wasn't getting higher... he was sinking.
Tiora listened to the struggles and yells of the solder as he attempted to escape the quicksand trap she had set, the rain put the fire solder at a sever disadvantage, but she knew he wasn't alone. She saw another splash of red and moved towards it, if it was another solder she would get rid of him before the army realized they were fighting back. With a slight flick of her hand, a small glob of mud lifted up, morphing into a sharp stalactite-like weapon. She grabbed the shoulder of the person pulling them backward and spinning them around. The red hood covering the other persons' head fell back revealing long, light blonde hair and fearful sky blue eyes.
"Suni!" Tiora gasped out, dropping her weapon and pulling the younger woman into a hug. "Your alive, I thought you were with Dorian when he was killed." A brief spark of heat was the only warning before a fireball passed between the two women. "Come on!" Tiora yelled, tugging Suni forward, running down the length of the river bank, hoping the water would dissuade the solder from following them. Suni felt herself being pushed forward; falling towards the rushing water of the river, Zerta. She twisted in midair, her back hitting the water as she watched Tiora trying to hold the solder back. The last thing she remembered was the solders sword connecting with Tiora's weapon, shattering the hardened mud, then her vision blurred with water and darkness as the cold water invaded her lungs.