Wings of a Swan Chapter 2

A young man waits by a doorway into a small wooden hut, the lumber and mud making up the small dwelling creates an earthy clay aroma that invades the sensitive nose on his pale face. The lads honey brown eyes take in his surrounding in idle interest, from the other dwellings making up the small village he lived in, to the fast moving river that cut through the path in front of him.

"Zephyr what brings you here?" The teen glanced up, batting away the hand that ruffled his dark black hair. Zephyr scowled, his eyes narrow at the older man, a butchers apron hiding the man's clothes from view.

"What do you think I'm here for, Renan, the same thing everyone else comes to a butcher for." Renan laughs, his large belly jiggled as he opened the door to the small smoke house.

"You're a fisherman Zephyr, you sell me meat, not buy it." Renan said, Zephyr could barely hold back the laugh.

"Alright, Renan you win. I got a large bunch today, what will you give me for them?" Renan takes a bag from Zephyr, testing the weight of the fish within.

"I don't know the exact amount, but I'd say about….60 gold for 'em" Renan said, motioning with his large beefy hand out towards the river, "it's not like I can catch anything from that blasted river— wait, what's that!?" Renan drops the bag, rushing towards the river, as Zephyr hurries after him. As Zephyr got closer he realized the object floating down the river was a young girl, possibly around his age. Her hair was possibly blonde; it hung in wet lifeless clumps around her face. I simple farmers dress clung to her saturated body. "Is she even alive Renan?" Zephyr asked, unable to tear his eyes away from her limp body as Renan pulled her from the waters and set her on the hard ground.

"Yes Zephyr, she is alive, but I'm not sure for how long." Zephyr ran through the blankets and bedding at Renan and his house, more than enough to make the girl comfortable and dry. "Well don't just stand there, Renan, lets get her inside, she's not going to get better out here." Zephyr started towards Renan's shop, but was pulled back by a tug on the back of his tunic.

"Are you crazy, Zephyr!? Do you know what will happen if the King find's out we helped her?" Zephyr looked back at Renan, "what are you talking about, Renan, she might die if we wait, who knows how long she was in the water." Zephyr waited, when Renan did nothing he bent down and gathered the girl up in his arms and started to walk away from the village.

"Zephyr! Zephyr what are you doing?" Renan rushed after Zephyr catching up just as Zephyr reached the top of a large hill where a small hut sat hidden. Zephyr stopped in front of the door, before entering to take care of the girl he gave Renan on more parting line. "I don't care if she's a water vassal, I'm not going to stand her and let her die, Prophecy or not, no one deserves that kind of indifference.