It's only a few beers,
They won't hurt you.
When you refuse the answer is sneers,
But later they will wish they knew.
A few beers turn into more,
The fun turns to addiction.
The pleasant buzz turns to a roar,
We all know what is your affliction.
You drink a few,
And drink more still.
Till you don't know you are you,
And think all you want is a thrill.
The thrill could transform,
From fun to danger.
Your life could become a storm,
For those you know, you could become a stranger.
One drunken action,
Just one moment of fun.
Could have such a reaction,
And bring a life undone.
Someone you love could die,
And be gone forever.
This is not a lie,
No matter whatsoever.
So answer the same,
And just shake your head.
It doesn't matter if you're lame,
At least your life is not dead.
AN: Don't know if this is any good, but I means a lot to me. I recently lost my uncle in October to alcoholism. He was one of the best men I knew, and didn't deserve his fate.