Previously: Arcum Pedator is a mercenary, who has recently retrieved a Genalx for the city of Newel. A Genalx, as it turns out, is an unstoppable weapon. Without knowing why, Delna Imperial (the last princess) had previously renewed Arcum's will to live, and the two agreed to travel together. That was before she was discovered and captured.
Doomsday Saga by beefbag
Part Ate of a future many
These People were fools. Well maybe not Criss, but the rest of them were idiots as far as that went. Arcum could see how much damage this weapon could do when left in the wrong hands, particularly these hands. No, none of them could be trusted.
Fortunately, these people trusted Arcum. They never once stopped to consider the possibility that he would betray them. The Judge was already fumbling in his robes for Arcum's money.
It was then that Arcum wondered: How many deaths had he been the cause of? How many people had died because of him? At least one little boy he knew of. What of the rest?
"I won't have it." Arcum said to himself. Then without speaking he drew his sword. He moved so quickly that only Criss realized what he was doing. A second later he had his sword at the captain's neck. The captain-who had probably never seen any sort of fighting- immediately stiffened, as did everyone else in the room, except Criss.
"Drop the Genalx." As expected The Captain dropped it. Arcum did not immediately reach for it. A second later Criss jumped at him. He blocked her blow. She swung again, as did he. Their blades collided. Criss- who was less balanced than Arcum was thrown back. Arcum did not jump after her. Instead he dove for the crowd of frightened politicians and bureaucrats huddled together in the middle of the room.
They scattered. Arcum quickly picked up the Genalx and leaned to the right, just barely missing Criss's sword. Spinning slightly backward, Arcum let fly a handful of small knives. None connected, but Criss was forced to dive for safety. Arcum rushed passed her onto the bridge.
Arcum bounded across the bridge. The Bridge Keeper was waiting at the other end, hoping perhaps for some payment or a new injury. Arcum however, simply pushed him out of the way in his rush. Criss rushed after him. Arcum knew her to be deadly. A foe to be taken seriously.
In the background he heard what sounded like screaming. Then silence. Someone down on the street had just been killed. He paid it no mind. He had bigger problems.
He ran down the stairs until he reached the Tavern. Here the patrons had taken advantage of the unguarded alcohol in the Bartenders absence. Delna wasn't there. Where was she? Arcum slipped the Genalx into one of his larger pockets. He would need to have both hands free.
Criss came bonding down the stars, sword drawn. She and Arcum began to circle. "So it comes to this, does it?" asked Criss smiling maliciously.
Arcum grimaced "Yes Criss. I suppose it does." She had once been his student. She'd become like a sister to him. Then a lover.
The tavern patrons formed a loose circle by the walls. None wanted to be caught between the two, yet few wanted to miss the action.
Arcum lunged at Criss. Their swords met. Both lunged and parried. After a moment they each resumed circling. Criss screamed and lunged. Arcum dodged to the right. Criss lunged again. Once again Arcum dodged to the right. Criss lunged a third time, and once more Arcum dodged to the right. He knew what she was thinking. He'd trained her, and seen her in action many times.
She lunged at him, this time ever so slightly to the right, hoping perhaps, to throw him off balance. But Arcum was ready. He took the smallest of steps to the left and held out his sword. Criss was unable to lessen her momentum and was grazed by Arcum's sword. Arcum acted before Criss had a chance to recover. He pushed her away from him, then swung his sword high and brought it down on her sword hand. She dropped her weapon, and clutched her wounded hand. For the time being she was no threat… for the time being.
It was only a matter of time until she came for him again, and there was always the possibility that Delna could get caught in the crossfire.
Criss looked at Arcum, her eyes blazing with anger. She screamed and rushed at him, weaponless and still clutching her hand. It was then that Arcum realized what had to be done. He raised his sword and, just as she got close enough, swung in into Criss's side. He cut her just above her hipbone.
The Blood now flowed freely. Life seemed to drain from Criss's eyes as she crumpled to the ground. She didn't move. She was dead.