Heaven Knows
Chapter 3

Taka stayed awake till God knows how long until he could hear the soft snores of the other boy. He gave a soft sigh and relaxed his limbs. He rested his arms behind his head, and stared at the other boy, a faint sense of dread coming over him. He knew he should hurry up at taking him to camp. Jem was having too much an influence on him. It was probably the first time in a long time he didn't act like a complete…well, ungentlemanly.

He could hear everyone at camp already, giving their two-cents and opinions.

'Oh, Takashi, you're acting like such a merchants son,' or 'Taka, ya' dog, what's a little kid like that got on you?'

He groaned. Yeah, he could sure use the self-esteem push. As if he needed that on his reputation. One of the youngest assassins, already getting cozy with his mark. No, he was certain. He had to lose the kid at camp, let him fend for himself. It didn't matter what happened, he just needed to give the boy over to Adalai, and his job would be finished.

Taka closed his eyes, and tried to think of all the praise he would receive to ease his guilt.


Jem was waiting.

Waiting for when Taka would open his mesmerizing eyes, and he would be caught under his gaze. He knew it was wrong, but it gave him chills seeing them. He had never seen another person's eyes before. Well, maybe he had, when he was just a babe, but eye contact was forbidden in the law of Inios. Strictly forbidden. It was said by the chieftains that the eye was the window to the soul, and to see through this window was to violate the soul of another person. He was always reasonable to the laws of his people, but seeing the eyes of another, he knew now that rule was so completely idiotic.

Jem leaned on his elbows, his hands cupping his face. The stranger's eyes reminded him of his own eyes. He didn't know people could have the same colored eyes. Jem was awfully naïve towards the eyes of others. He felt sheepish admitting, but he thought the foreigner looked even more stunning when his eyes could be seen. It felt as though a burden had been lifted off his chest as he saw the whole face.

"When are you going to stop staring at me?"

Jem ducked his head as his face turned a shade of light pink. "Uhm…how long have you been awake?" he asked shyly. Taka grinned.

"Since you have." Jem blinked.


"Yeah, oh. Can you look away now? You're not exactly supposed to be looking into my eyes."

Jem nodded and turned round, feeling sheepish. "Can I ask you a question?" He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Taka laughed, and took off his coat.

"You just did."

"But—I mean, I didn't mean—"

"Haha, sure, go ahead."

"Hmph." Jem crossed his arms. "I was just wondering, you're….foreign, right?"


"Well, it's just, does everyone have law like Inios? Does everyone have to avoid people's eyes?" Taka slipped on a boot, adjusting it with dexterous hands. He thought about the question; it was complicated.

"Well, all major cities and villages have laws like the one at your hometown. There are exceptions for citizens who live outside the city limit, if they live near a city. They aren't required to follow by this rule, since they aren't actually citizens of the city or village. Refugee camps and settlements are required to follow this law, but none of them do, of course." He yawned loudly into the air. "Some people even live there just to be free from this law. Most people who break it find themselves not wanting to live by it. Many people are thrown into jail or worse if they do break it in a city, but if you're traveling most people can't tell if you're breaking the law or are simply aren't accustomed to it. The polite thing to do would be to avoid it altogether, just in case. Of course, this doesn't apply to young ones."

Jem stared with an open mouth. "Wow…how….how do you know so much about it? My father barely tells me anything!"

Taka laughed, and rummaged through his sack. "Ah, well…if you've traveled as much as I have, you find some interesting things." He finished without so much as a stutter or change of voice, but he was biting through his lip, a habit. The lie was almost true.

Jem sighed wistfully. "You're so lucky, getting to look people in the eye. It's incredible!" He shouted, throwing his hands in the air and laughing at the early morning. Taka gave a small smile and tossed him a fruit from his sack.

"There's your breakfast."

Jem thanked him and bit into the peach when a thought occurred to him that made him burn with shame.

"What's your name?" He asked slowly, as if cautiously.

"That's not something you need to know." Taka slipped his sack over his shoulder before remembering who was sitting on his mat. He put his pack down and sighed. "You're on my mat."

"But I wanna know." Jem stood up, cocking his head and looking eagerly into Taka's eyes. Taka turned away, scowling.

"And I'm the younger one?" Jem blushed, and crossed his arms, turning away with an equal scowl. He felt embarrassed. Taka ignored him and rolled the mat together, stuffing it in his sack. Jem rung his hands together, and looking into the sky. The sun's coming up, he thought with a smile. Then he pursed his lips.

"About yesterday, I—"

"Forget it."

Jem frowned, and gave a small shrug to remind himself of his post. He was being kidnapped. At those words, he cringed. When he got back, father would be awful angry. If he got back, he reminded himself again. Jem shocked himself at his absolute coolness in the situation. Usually, people are hysterical at being captured, right? Jem glanced at Taka as he was cursing and fumbling with the strings of his pack. He blinked. Maybe it was because Taka never acted as if though he was in danger. If felt as if they were spending the night in the forest, as some people do for fun.

He shook his head. He wasn't supposed to be analyzing every little detail. But it felt so good. Good to understand everything, when there aren't any hitches or unwanted surprises. He hung his head and ruffled his own hair with a small frown. Maybe that's why he couldn't keep any friends. A hand on his shoulder took him from his thoughts.

"Are done with your internal dialogue?"

Jem nodded. Taka grinned.


Then he swung and for the second time that week, Jem was unconscious.


Taka was a bit uncomfortable.

He didn't know why, he was thoroughly used to this sort of thing. Used to the kidnapping, used to knocking their heads unconscious. Taka was used to befriending his opponent and finding his point of weakness to cut him down. He should have felt absolutely nothing when he hit Jem. He just didn't understand why it was affecting him so greatly, compared to his other missions.

Taka was right there—just outside the camp. But his overwhelming guilt held him fast. Certainly it wasn't the fact that Jem had the cutest damn smile he had ever seen. He groaned and popped his fingers, one by one. He was almost out of fingers when he heard a shuffle behind him.

Taka whirled around, alert, several knifes in his hand, ready at his disposal. All he saw was another clan member, so he eased his stance a bit, but the knives remained in his hand. He grinned. A man somewhat his age was standing in a cocky position, a smirk on his features. He wore a mask that covered the top half of his face, including the outline of his eyes. His smiling eyes were a murky green, almost brown, almost gray, while his hair was a dirty blonde that touched the tips of his shoulders. His clothes were similar to Taka's attire. He took several steps closer, twirling a thin long sword in his right hand. He whistled a light tune, and Taka's fingers twitched as he stepped closer.

"Oh, Taka, it's you. I didn't see you there," he said in a false voice. The man kicked at the leaves near his feet before blinking at Taka and scrunching his nose, pretending to peep over Taka's shoulder. "Say, what's a respectable assassin such as yourself doing carrying a boy from the village of Inios?"

"Jinn," His grin grew broader, "you're looking lovely today. Did you do something with your hair? Or did you forget to brush it, as always? You know, I'd run my hand through it every now and then, never know what you might find," he added with an innocent shrug.

"Actually Takashi, I was just thinking the same thing. I was sayin' to myself, right, 'What what good ol' Takashi do?' And then it hit me! He'd just run it through the local sewer for a good rinse, he would."

"Jackass," he spat


"Girls girls, let's not get our panties in a twist." Another figure stepped from the trees. A man slightly thinner than Taka and Jinn, with sharper features. His thin framed glasses covered his eyes and his short black hair was hidden beneath a simple hat. He was smiling an easy smile. Taka noted he was unarmed. For the moment.

"Specs, shouldn't you be asleep or something?" Jinn almost growled, irritation in his voice. Specs crossed his arms and pouted.

"Aw, come on, when I could keep you two company? Why sleep when I could do that later?"

"Yeah, why…" Taka mumbled, more to himself. Jinn snickered. Specs rolled his eyes, and began to walk to where they stood. He was almost there when he jerked his head up and spied the lump behind Taka. He blinked.

"Taka, why are you carrying a boy?" Taka gave a loud sigh.

"Geez, why is whatever I bring home anyone elses business but mine?" He whirled on his heel, shouting over his shoulder. "Besides, I'm not carrying it." To prove his point, he grabbed the unconscious Jem by his collar and dragged him mercilessly.

"If you bring him to Adalai scathed, he'll hang you."

Taka stopped and sighed, looking to the skies for help. His brow was furrowed slightly. He nimbly gathered the boy in his arms, and after much internal debating, slung him harshly over his shoulder. Taka continued walking, and did not hear footsteps behind him, but knew Specs and Jinn were following nonetheless. Probably to hear him get scolded. Bastards.

When he reached the doors of the camp, he whistled a certain tune through the side of his mouth. The large wooden doors slowly opened to reveal a woman standing, a smirk on her face.

"What is it with everyone and their smirks today? I swear, you and Jinn..." He spoke his thoughts aloud to the tall woman standing in front of Taka, her hands laying haughtily on her hips. Her dark bronze skin shimmered in the morning sun, and her long hair was tied up into a tight bun, enveloped by a small ribbon. Her lips curved upward and her thin fingers drummed against her hip.

"You're jealous, Taka. You don't share our joy." She began to walk towards him, rather seductively, if he could add.

"What is there to be joyful about?" He laid the boy on the ground and stretched lazily, eyeing her legs longingly. The woman took in the body but said nothing. She looked back at Taka.

"Adalai has given us the day for celebration. Kitts has brought valuable information regarding Inios." Taka cursed. Damn Kitts!

"When did he come in?"

"He came early morning. It was still dark. Taka, why do you carry a boy?" She squatted down and peered curiously at him. He brushed a stray strand of his hair to the side, smiling motherly at him.

"Aw, don't baby him Leilia. God knows what Adalai'll do to him." Leila stood, smoothing her clothes of any wrinkles.

"He's very cute. Where did you pick him up?" Taka glanced at him. He looked away, growing warm.

"Ah," he began casually, "picked 'im up in Inios. His father's a chieftain."

Leilia raised her eyebrows, placing a hand on her hip once more.

"Adalai will certainly be glad with this." A member yelled to her from afar, calling her attention. She began to walk away. Before she did, however, she turned back, saying, "You're too attached Takashi. Free your thoughts of him and you will have the serenity in your soul to kill again."

Taka grunted and picked up Jem once more, ignoring her words. He headed in the direction of Adalai's tent, tired and rather restless.

When he came to the tent, he called out.

"Does the eagle rest?" There was a pause.

"The eagle rests," came a voice from within. He pushed aside the flap, dumping the boy on the ground. At that moment he felt rather sorry for him. Jem was covered in dirt and stray leaves. Taka, nonetheless, kept it to himself.

In the middle of the tent was an intricately woven mat. A man with long cherry red hair sat there, his legs crossed and his face filled with deep equilibrium. He wore a thick cloak made of animal skin, and his long hair was braided, several beads mixed in. Taka bowed lowly to him.

"Adalai I come to you with good news," he addressed the man. Adalai looked up at him with old eyes.

"Who is it you bring me?" Taka kneeled down and turned Jem over, showing his face. He nonchalantly brushed the dirt from his face.

"This boy is the son of a chieftain. And," he added, "the most gullible person I have ever met. He comes straight from Inios." He looked expectantly at the man. Adalai rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Kitts came this morning with news of a secret passage into the city, near the west gate. But you, my son, bring me someone who can show us the way personally. A person with authority as the son of a respected person. People will most likely listen to him. He will be good to use for the victory over the city."

Taka smiled to himself, pleased.

"Adalai, he is so easy, I swear. And he knocks out quickly as well. He will be perfect for our plan to overrun Inios." Adalai nodded.

"Let the boy stay in your tent for tonight. I give you authority over him. We will discuss this more tomorrow night, for that is when we all met. It is well you came tonight, for now you have time to prepare and convince your peers to follow you in your plan." Taka's face broke.

"You will not convince them?"

"No, my son. I will not. You will learn that to be a leader, it must often take persuasion. I know you are skilled in this area, and I do not doubt you the least. Show to me you can lead." He paused and Taka breathed in deeply. "You are young, Takashi, but you show promise. You are dismissed."

Taka bowed once more, and said his thanks. He then picked up Jem and walked out to his tent, absorbed in his thoughts.