I decided to try and actually finish another rewrite of this. It's my pride and joy and it's been almost 15 years since the original posting of the story. Let see how it goes, hm?
- Night Play
The Deal
It was past midnight when Shanye finally decided to sneak out of his own dorm to go see Sabin, his best friend. He didn't have to do any spectacular spy moves, though he knew he could figure a few out if needed but he did do it somewhat quietly since they were in a fancy school that had a shit ton of rules to follow. It would have been embarrassing and the worst thing that could ever happen to him if he ever was expelled from The School and sent back to the streets but he could never not bend them a little. He loved to bend things over so it was only natural for him to continue to do it in every aspect of his life. He was confident enough that if he ever was caught that he could wiggle (his tongue) out of any situation though he rather not deal with it.
He exhaled softly when he finally made it out of his building and onto the sidewalk that would eventually lead him to Sabin's and enjoyed the breezy weather of late August. It wasn't exactly the best kind of weather since there was still a touch of humidity lingering in the air but it was always nice to get out and spread his legs after he had just spread another's. His cobalt eyes looked up towards the streetlights he passed and focused on the cloudless sky above him with the few twinkling stars he could see with the light pollution that filled the air. It was calming and really made him think just how lucky he was to be here, to be able to even be in a place that had clean streets and sidewalks to walk on, to not hear a rattling shopping cart squeak by with a wrinkly old man murmuring to himself.
Heh. If only his parents could see him now, right?
It was a short walk to Shanye's building since the dorms were all clustered together on one part of the campus and as he snuck up to the door he peered inside to see if anyone was in the lobby to let him in. Nope. He frowned heavily and slumped his shoulders, his head pressing against the glass door as he thought about what he could do. He turned his head a bit and threaded his fingers through his hair before he saw a cracked window near the front door that also led into the lobby and slowly moved to it so he could poke at it as if it was some illusion because this was all too easy suddenly. He raised a brow when the window swayed a bit in the breeze and chuckled to himself softly as he pushed the window open and hopped up to let himself in.
It was quick work once he was in the building. Shanye made his way to the elevator so he could get on and make his way to the fourth floor and within a few minutes, he was pushing open Sabin's door and grinning wildly. He inhaled with triumph, his nose filling with the clean linin Lysol spray Sabin loved to use and exhaled as he kicked the door shut,
"That was easier than expected - what's up, Bin?"
The room was ice cold compared to the weather outside and it sent a chill down Shanye's back as his body adjusted. His eyes found his long-haired best friend right where he usually was - at his desk plopped in front of his overpriced gaming computer shooting away at enemy soldiers. Everything in the room was nice though and since Sabin was loaded, or his father was, he had the room to himself. Lucky him.
Sabin didn't turn to greet him, a small smirk on his lips since he already knew who it was prancing into his room without a knock to be heard. His fingers clicked at the keys and the mouse connected to his keyboard and the computer praised him with 'headshot!' and 'Kill!' as he played. It seemed to brighten Sabin's mood as he continued to trample the competitor and as he did, he finally spoke,
"Three months."
"Three months to work that Hasuls and make him love you." Sabin achieved another headshot before the stats screen showed up to show the winners, losers, and what their ratings were. At this time, he turned in his chair and grinned at Shanye, "Sounds like more than enough time for the most popular boy to get his man, right?"
"We don't even know what we're up against here…"
"You might not but I can help you with that. I think three months is pretty fair too and the reward you get is even better, don't you think? People fall in love with you all the time so it's no big deal, seriously." Sabin waved his hand and rolled his eyes before he turned back to his screen, "Three months for a six months allowance, you can hardly refuse since there is never a cap on daddy's allowance."
Shanye crossed his arms, "And what if I can't?"
"Well, then you owe me don't you?"
"Oh come on Shanye, you know I'm just fucking with you. This is just for fun - you're getting the better end of the stick anyway. You do what you always do and the guy loves you for it and you get paid. No matter what you're getting something - you and your dick will be happy."
Shanye sighed heavily and gripped at his biceps, "Four months. You know how much I hate going after the hard ones - we like 'em easy, you know? Quick in and out but the fact that you're giving me so much money tells me you know something and it's probably gonna be a hard thing to do."
Sabin grinned mischeviously and shrugged, "So you don't think you can do it either, huh? A lot of the kids in our level don't think you can do it. Obviously, they know more about them than you … Living on the streets did you know favors for our world but –" he flipped his hair back as he started his game and looked at Shanye again, "I'll give you four months but you know what that means –"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, my money is going to fund your schooling for six months and your habits… so I want everything. I want you to fuck him up real good, get in deep, really turn his world upside down - annnnd," he cooed as the loading screen started up so he turned again, "I want all your memories of it. First hand experience."
Shanye stared at Sabin and clenched his jaw. He didn't understand Sabin's determination to hurt the newbie but he needed the money, he needed to stay here, and well - he chose to be this sicko's friend and maybe the guy got off on emotional pain and suffering? Maybe he needed it to be real and fresh to get one off so… he eventually gavein and shrugged, "Fine, whatever. Four months, memories, six months allowance no limit."
Sabin nodded, "Better run off now and get all that player-juice out of your system - you gotta turn into a whole new man come Monday." he snickered and Shanye frowned even more this time waving Sabin off before he headed out.
Fuck, he didn't feel good about this one.