Sincerest Doubt
The life guard told her he'd give her
Mouth to mouth if she needed it.
I watched my best friend blush
And turn her head away as if this
Was flattering.
That he had just used the lowest form
Of a pick-up line on her.
Once outside we yelled.
And I told her that he was
Baiting her.
She said he was showing concern.
I said that if she wanted 'concern' like that
Mr. David Hasselhoff meets Brad Pitt
Was the perfect person to drown
Conveniently during his shift.
She said she couldn't believe
I would suggest that
I said it was only because
she was about to let
Baywatch Barbie resuscitate her with his tongue.
We sat as far away from each other
As we could considering
We were stuck in the back seat
Of our friend's car and told
To get along.
I glanced over to see that she was texting
Someone about something
Probably me
And what a terrible person I was.
Any other time I would have
Leaned my head on my best friend's shoulder,
Looked down into the little high-tech screen
And gone, "Who ya texting?"
But not today.
I reached into my pocket and took out
My little flip phone, cleared my throat
And hit the message button,
Quickly typing out, "I'm sorry" before
Sending it on its way to a satellite somewhere
In space and back down to the girl
Sitting next to me
In less than
30 seconds.
She looked just the slightest bit surprised
As it vibrated in her hand and she
Hit the 'read' button. I looked away,
Trying desperately not to look at her reaction.
But I did hear a small sigh,
And soon enough a low growl as my phone
Received a message.
I flipped it open to see the little
Animated envelope, standing in the screen of my phone
With a smile
And a wave,
As if it was happy to see me.
I slowly moved my finger to the button
And opened my virtual note.
4 words, so inevitable
And unavoidable shone back at me.
4 little bold-faced words:
'I sincerely doubt it.'