Holy crap.
Well, welcome to the final chapter of Becomming What Was Desired.

I need to thank everyone for their amazing support all thoughout this story!
and a very special thanks to my friend FoxyWriter, she's been with this story since the beginning and i owe her so much for her inspitation and support!

And a super duper big thanks to everyone who's reviwed/favourtied/alerted/ whatever! THANK YOU! you guys all made this possible! and kept me going with this!

I plan on editing this book over again but not for a while. as of this chapter...It is COMPETLETE! (i can't even spell that right...XD) but when i get around to editing this i'll repost the chapters. But, until then. i'm going to take a little break, except for reading other peoples stuff and anwsereing reviews, soooo yeah. XD

Well...anyway, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
i hope the last chapter and ending is good.
thank's again!

Chapter 37

"If I see any more parchment comming my way, I'm going to run something through with my sword." Coal dropped the quill onto the wooden desk with a slight tip of his hand and ran his fingers through his restrained silver hair.

"Don't stop now your majesty, it will only get worse if you wait." Coal glanced up at Gane as the young man dropped another large pile of parchment and scrolls on top of the already considerably large pile. Coal groaned and pushed himself up from the chair.

"I'm taking a break. I leave everything in your care Gane." The young man grinned and bowed to Coal. He looked much more professional in an advisor's garb. Coal himself had refused a crown and evaded fine dress, however Gane had refused to serve someone who did not dress their part, Coal had abided his wishes and wore some simple clothing. Coal walked past Gane away from the desk.

"As you wish your Majesty." Gane murmered after his back in a slightly scarcastic voice. Coal smiled and waved him off as he walked down the long green carpet leaving the throne room. He used the servant's hall passing maids that smiled and greeted him formally. Coal responded in kind as he wove his way out of the castle into the courtyard.

The sun was setting and Coal breathed in the cool night air as it brushed over his skin. His fine white shirt fluttered against his skin as he wandered slowly to the large elegant fountain set in the centre of the courtyard. He leaned against the cool smooth stone sides and stared at his reflection. A different man stared back.

This man had a regal elegance, his jaw was soft, his coal black eyes hard beneath restrained locks of silver hair that ran down his back in a small tied tail. A single gold chain wrapped around his neck holding a small circle with the Raven and The Wolf around a moon; The crest of the kingdom. His black eyes lingered on the crest before he moved to the white shirt and black cloak. Delicate black embroidery covered the collars and cuffs of the shirt that hung loosely to his form. The shirt was tucked loosely into black pants. His feet were covered in soft black boots that folded part way up his legs and a sword hung at his hip, the hilt of it resting under a long fingered pale hand.

Coal stared a moment longer, over all the man seemed to be quite elegant and bore the aura of royalty. But under that there was a wild fire that burned in his dark eyes. Coal grinned the expression of the man he knew as himself changed. He swatted at the water and turned away from it. "Who I am, and who they believe in, is that reflection." Coal smirked; it slowly faded though, as his thoughts drifted to the others who bore a similar otherworldly appearence.

Coal turned around and walked past the bubbling fountain through the soft smell of flowers and neatly trimmed bushes. He walked the stone path around through a small orchard. He came to a stop a few feet from a small cottage, it was nestled at the outermost reaches of the large courtyard. The orchard drifted into gentle hills, and nestled among them was the tiny house. Smoke trailed from its brick chimney and Coal smiled as his eyes traveled over the gate leading to the peaceful place. A small garden was looked after tenderly by his closest friend.

Coal sighed and leaned back against the trunk of an apple tree. His hand wrapped around the handle of his polished sword. "It was the first thing I did Soun. You are not to be bothered unless you wish it. And you have the freedom to wander the castle as I do…it was the least I could do for you." Coal smiled as he remembered the discussion he had with his best friend.

"But think Soun…you could go anywhere, do anything, be anyone!" Soun shook his head and smiled. Coal sighed and leaned back in the throne shifting uncomfortably. "You don't want this life. You're not suited to it, you belong with your turnips and carrots." Coal grumbled to himself.

Soun smiled "I will stay by your side. A cottage would be nice…yes. Just past that orchard…that will do nicely." Coal shook his head laughing and Soun grinned at him "I'll be there when you need me."

"Fine…fine. As you wish." Coal smiled at the grin on his friend's happy face. "Shall we go begin the construction?" Soun laughed.

"Lead the way Coal."

He smiled softly then turned and headed back towards the castle. "I'll give you that Soun…you have no idea the comfort it gives knowing my childhood escape is only a few feet from my throne." He smiled to himself again as he passed the fountain.

The shadows fingers were extending across the courtyard, the sky blazing a brilliant orange. Coal lifted his head gazing at the castle walls. He smirked to himself then took off at a sprint at a speed only he cold carry. He leapt into the hair his feet leaving the ground far below, before landing lightly a-top the wall. He settled back on his feet letting his hands hang and turned his face towards the setting sun.

He was only alone for a few seconds before Coal started and half drew his sword when a presence landed softly next to him. Red eyes glimmered with amusement and Coal sighed relaxing his shoulders letting his sword settle back into its sheath. "Daemyn. Honestly…" the red head laughed and settled himself much the same way Coal was sitting.

"Sorry, I just saw you up here and couldn't resist." Coal rolled his eyes then gestured to the castle and then the sunset.

"Did you feel the need to see the sky too?" Daemyn smiled and nodded. Coal ran his eyes over the demon. He wore the same clothing he had the day Coal met him. The black that hid his figure perfectly in the shadows. It was travel worn and dirt smudged, and Coal loved the way it looked, it reminded him of how much he missed sleeping under the stars. "How is everyone?"

Daemyn turned his eyes onto Coal then smiled slowly "Aaralyn and Rey are doing fine. We're quite comfortable in the forests just outside the city. Rey's taken up carving, personally I think it's rather hazardous to anyone sitting near him." Coal laughed lightly then Daemyn continued "Aaralyn and I seem to have finally comes to terms with our relationship. As far as human terms go, we're engaged." Coal grinned and Daemyn laughed at his expression.

"You have the right to live freely now, and do as you wish. It was my promise and I gave it to you. You don't have to hang around here you know." Daemyn's expression was un readable for a moment before he looked away.

"Actually Coal, I had an idea…" Coal frowned slightly and swallowed waiting for his friend to continue. "You're army is pretty damn pathetic." Coal scoffed and Daemyn laughed "Well it is. You don't even have one, just men that know how to lift a sword without putting their backs out. Aaralyn Rey and I had a thought…We would do well as commanding officers and training your soldiers."

Coal was stunned for a moment "But Daemyn…you…you can go. Your freedom-"

Daemyn turned around to face him his red eyes hard with emotion. "Is my freedom and I choose to lay it in your hands." Coal and Daemyn stared at each other for a long moment before Coal finally sighed.

"You wouldn't settle for anything less…would you?" Daemyn nodded with a small smile settled on his lips. Coal shook his head chuckling lightly, then he nodded at him at him.

Daemyn flashed Coal a rare grin then said quickly "No I wouldn't, and besides what brainless soldiers would dare stand up to King Coal's army who's led by a bunch of demons!?" Coal laughed then nodded.

"Alright then, get Aaralyn and Rey, the men are all yours. Though please don't work them to death, remember, they're only human." Daemyn winked at him then lifted the whistle to his mouth and blew into it. Coal listened as the high pitched note carried though the air in piercing waves that only demons and the Diharu would be able to hear. "Say Daemyn, where exactly are the Diharu anyway?"

Daemyn lowered the whistle from his lips then smirked at Coal. "They're never far. They will be rather useful in training those men of yours." Coal rolled his eyes then watched as four blurred shapes detached themselves from the tree line and sped towards them. "They're coming." Coal laughed.

"Hey! Coal!" Coal turned around looking back down into the darkening courtyard, "Shouldn't you be doing your duties?" Coal rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but no!" Soun laughed then waved them down. Daemyn shifted next to Coal and soon they had landed softly in front of Soun.

The young man smiled,"Gane is looking for you again." Coal winced and Soun laughed "You have to stop tormenting him. You gave him the duty to make sure you do as you're supposed to do. And yet you still toy with him." Coal grinned.

"It's my nature I can't help it. Demon's don't like to sit still for too terribly long." Daemyn chuckled next to Coal and Soun looked at him.

"That we don't. I'll be kept busy training those lazy oaf's you call soldier's. Aaralyn and Rey won't be of a bother either so Coal here will have to stick to his duties." Daemyn paused with a slightly thoughtful expression "Unless of course, he wishes to spar with the commanding officer of the army." Coal rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Alright, you're named it. Commander."Coal didn't mind Daemyn giving himself that title; in fact personally he thought it suited him. He would look forbidding in his black clothing with the light armor, and that title on his shoulders. He smiled at the thought of mere humans training against a strength even he had trouble defeating. Daemyn seemed to read his thoughts because he grinned.

Soun's voice inturrupted their silent exchange, "Well, if you two are content to stand here and discuss ways to torment the soldiers I'll head home." Coal laughed and Daemyn smirked in silent amusement.

"You and your bloody plants Soun, do you ever tire of them?" Soun grinned at Coal.

"It is but a simple hobby my king." Soun bowed low making the movement as mocking as possible. Coal reached out and whacked his friend on the back of the head with his hand.

"Go pull your turnips up you lazy oaf." Soun grinned and beat away Coal's hand straightening up still smiling and laughing.

Daemyn's soft voice came though Soun's laughter perfectly clearly to Coal's ears. "Well, here's to a Demon led future." Coal smiled at Daemyn.

"Yeah…here's to the future." He wrapped his hand around his sword and smirked. Then headed back to the castle, His best friend on his left and his Commanding Officer and friend on his right.

The End.

AHHH! Well there it is!


I hope it was good.
I hope the entire STORY was good. ;D

Thanks ever so much again to FoxyWriter and everyone else!
-many hugs-
