The Beginning

The steady beat of rain on the roof mixed in with the noises of the house settling. A clock in one of the rooms struck midnight, its melody barely reaching the room where a girl dreamt while sleeping.

The sun had sunk into the sea and the moon took its reign in the night sky, full and bright, its silver light bathing the cliff. She stood there as a young child with a tear streaked face. She sniffed. The harsh words from her nurse were echoing in her head. She was nothing and would always be nothing! She would never amount to anything! But how could she ever be, when her older sister, smart and beautiful, had already done so much? Leaving nothing for the little five-year-old to do when she was old enough. Her sister was eighteen, promised to some Prince in some neighboring kingdom. She had accomplished so much already! Wars were stopped, peasants were fed; everything was perfect. What ever she touched turned to gold; she could do no wrong.

Another sniff came from the five year old. Already so much to live up to with everyone expecting her to do it all but fly! And do it even better then her sister. It was so much pressure for someone so young. She looked out toward the sea, a foot away from the edge of the cliff and a half a mind to jump into the water below her. She could hear it, crashing against the rock. She smelled the slat water and tasted it in her mouth. She had run away, the words that still echoed in her mind had been too much for her to sit there and take it; she had to get away. The wind blew softly, playing with the ends of her blonde hair. She sighed and turned her black sapphire eyes to the ground in front of her, she was ready to give up. What more could she do. Her nursemaid had said it. She was nothing and always would be nothing. Being as young as she was, she believed it without a second thought. Her existence didn't matter.

Fresh tears formed in her eyes. Her heart ached. She wasn't ready to die; she didn't want to end it all here. But what more could she do?

"What choice do I have?"

Her voice was merely a whisper and was lost to the wind. She took the smallest of steps closer to the edge.

"You have several choices, little princess: you can jump, you can go back and listen to the words they drill into your mind with the slightest mistake you make, you could run away, find another family that won't recognize who you are and let them love you, or you can go back and prove them wrong."

The girl jumped at the voice and froze stiff with fear. She kept her back to who owned that voice relaxing slightly at the gentleness of it. The melody of it. Too much so for it to belong to a human. Slowly she turned around to see who owned it.

She gasped and stared at what stood there. With a coat as black as a moonless night, stood the unicorn. His horn matched his mane, tail and hooves with the same white lightning color. Amusement sparkled in the unicorn's yellow eyes as he lowered his head in a bow smiling slightly.

The girl was still too shocked to move. She could only stare at him. Her huge eyes took in the sight before her. The unicorn rose from his bow and watched her. Seconds passed but to her it felt like hours.

"My name, little princess, is Lightning."

She blinked at him, and then suddenly found her voice.

"The name given to me at birth is Samantha; the name I have chosen for myself is Eclipse." Along with finding her voice, she remembered how they had taught her to give her name. She was not dumb and air headed like most other Princesses, but like her sister, she had managed to get some brains.

"I will call you by the name you have chosen for yourself. Princess Eclipse, it is an honor to meet you!"

Lightning flashed brightly outside of the window and thunder followed loudly, shaking the house and waking the sleeping girl out of her dream. She sat up, looked around the darkened room, and sighed. She reached over to the lamp on the nightstand. She blinked, letting her eyes adjust to the light. She picked up the notebook and pen, opened it to a fresh page, and recorded the dream with every detail she could remember. When she was done, she looked over it, and reread it. She looked at the digital clock that also set on her nightstand.

"One fifty-seven." She sighed and leaned back against the headboard and closed her eyes. Thoughts of the dreamed flowed through her mind as she tried to figure out what it could mean.

"This is only the Beginning!" The voice said as much in her mind as allowed. She recognized it from her dream. The voice belonged to Lightning.

"But it was only a dream . . . a very real dream." She swallowed trying to get the taste of salt out of her mouth. Her mind raced with thoughts and fear licked at the edge of her mind, "But what does it mean? . . . This is only the beginning?"

-Luna Wolfheart: hey you guys! hows it going. well, this is the first chapter to a story that i have been working on for sometime now. i keep changing. and i like the idea that i have for it alot. i was preveously on and i still am, my name there was mew-mew-berri. but i do not adivse you to go and readmy storyies there, one: they will be deleted soon and two: they have not been updated in months! this however is a bit more of a personal story and means more to me then the others. so basicly you dont have to worry about me not updating. plus i have a friend on here and i dought she will let me not update . well, thats about it, but i am looking for a beta reader. I'm gonna need one and untill then say nothing about my spelling and grammer!! and i want someone who knows what they are doing to!! for now i will do the best i can. Flames will be ignored!\