Moon of Worlds
Feeling light headed, Eclipse stepped back to sit on her bed. She stared blankly at the wall, breathing shallowly.
"Our names are the same! How could I have not realized that?" Her voice came out in a whisper, but in her dead quiet room, it seemed louder. Something wasn't right; she should be able to hear the TV in the living room playing some random song. But the whole house was quite.
"Shit!" She cursed and pushed the thoughts of her dream aside and stood up, a bad feeling washing over her. She slowly opened her door not making a sound and looked out.
"So far so good"
She walked down the hall from her room towards the living room. The TV was on but no sound came from it. She sighed, the living room was clear. That's one more check off her list. She walked to the front room and then to the window to look out it. Everything was clear. There was nothing outside that would suggest that something was here. She sighed a little but the feeling still bothered her. Something had to be here! She could feel it. She turned from the window and left the room. She went through the house, but still saw nothing.
She sighed and walked back into the living room and sat down on the leather love seat and she scanned the room. She sighed again, leaned back against the couch, and shut her eyes.
"I must be over reacting!"
The lights flashed and with a click, the TV turned itself off. Her eyes flew open and her whole body went tense. She knew ghosts and spirits were real, she had played with an Oujia bored several times with her friends at parties and sleepovers. She knew the difference between someone moving it and it moving on its own. Only once did someone decide to be funny and move it themselves. She wasn't afraid of them for the most part but she did know the difference between the good and the bad.
The air in the middle of the living room seemed the shimmer and smoke twisted seeming from nowhere. When the smoke died down, the TV popped back on blaring Kill Hannah "Lips Like Morphine." She closed her eyes in a wince at the loud music, had it been that loud when she had it on? She opened her eyes after a second and looked toward the TV but she couldn't see it.
"I wouldn't say you were over reacting Eclipse, it's nice to know that your senses are still aware and this world has not dulled them." The voice was like a melody and knew it as the unicorn from her dreams, despite the fact that he now stood in front of her hand.
She stared at him, much like the little girl had done, but her mind wasn't in as much shock as the little girl. It was in more of a state of anger as she tried to figure out what was causing this illusion.
"I didn't drink anything but coffee and I'm pretty sure it was alcohol free. I don't do drugs and I haven't taken any pills, so what in the world could be causing this?" The unicorn's eyes flashed with amusement.
"Well, for one thing it could be that I am real? Did you ever consider that?" He wasn't trying to be smart and the laughter in his voice showed that. Eclipse turned her attention on him again and narrowed her eyes.
"Why are you here?"
"Well for one thing we both agreed that you would only spend a year an a half here. You had other worlds you wanted to visit. This was just the one you wanted to visit first." He smiled at her and she returned the smile with a confused look.
"I'm sure you recognize who I am. I'm from what you seem to think of as dreams but are really memories that are returning to you. In this world, people and creatures from different worlds are seen as a myth and knowing the truth about all that you would have stuck out. So we had your memories locked away until you turned seventeen. Since your birthday is tomorrow, some of the memories are starting to return."
She looked at him and if she hadn't been sitting, already she would have been sure that her legs would have collapsed on her. She thought about what he was saying. The dreams that she have had seemed too real, as if she had actually experienced it at some point.
"You will understand more come tomorrow." Eclipse only nodded, she really didn't know what to say. But when she thought about it, her heart ached in knowing that she had been here all this time with out him with her. She looked at him confusion in her eyes. Lightning smiled back understanding the look perfectly.
"Clam down, I have always been with you so to speak and you have done just fine here. Starshon wood be proud." She blinked a little, feeling the tears form in her eyes. She swallowed refusing to let herself cry.
She smiled at Lightning who smiled back, "Now, shall we see exactly how much you can still do? Swords will have to wait but I think we can manage a bow." His smile widened slightly and her eyes lit up in excitement. She, in this life had always wanted to try one, feeling that she would be good at it. He nodded and his horn flashed. Eclipse shut her eyes against the blinding light, when she opened them again; she wasn't sitting in her living room. She was standing in an arena targets set up and bow over her shoulder with a quiver full of arrows. She smiled slightly. Feeling quite comfortable.
She took the bow off her shoulder and pulled an arrow out all in one quick fluid motion. She took a second to aim and then loosened the arrow. She smirked when it hit dead center of the bull's eyes.
With a tired sigh, she fell into bed. Lightning had promised to come back the next day. In the life, she had made here, not knowing him, but being with him through out the day and felt so right! She was comfortable with him and had had a blast today. As soon as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep.
She stood in the arena with a bow in her hand as she walked another fly toward the target, but this one didn't him the bull's eyes. She smiled to herself nonetheless as she looked at the design she had made. The target now sported ten arrows forming a five-point star. She giggled a little at the sight of it.
A servant came up to the fence at a run, stopped, and looked at her.
"Princess you are..." his eyes fell upon the target and he stared at it, amazed that she had done that. Eclipse smiled knowing he was looking at the target. The servant blinked and turned his attention back to her.
"Umm... you are wanted in the throne room." His voice was small and he had turned a light shade of red, knowing he should have given her the message without trailing off as he had done. She laughed lightly at him.
"It's OK, and yeah I think it's cool too!" She winked at him and leaned her bow against the fence post. She climbed over the fence rather then walking to the gate. The servant watched her thinking to himself that she sure was an odd one but he liked that about her.
Eclipse made her way to the throne room and walked through the doors as the were opened for her. She walked up to her dad who sat in the high back chair and bowed slightly.
"You called for me father?" the king watched his daughter with a blank look on his face. He didn't treat her badly but he didn't give her the same love and care as he had done with the older daughter.
The sound of hooves on stone was heard and the doors behind her were opened again. Lightning walked up beside her and bowed to the king as well.
"Hello Lightning" He smiled at the unicorn. Eclipse took notice that he had said something to Lightning and not her, annoyed now she bit her tongue to keep from saying anything.
"Today is Eclipse's sixteenth birthday, and in Honor of such I have a special gift for her." Lightning turned to Eclipse, "Hold out your hand." Eclipse did as instructed and Lightning laid his horn above her hands. With a flash of light from his horn, she felt something fall into her hands. It was small but it was warm with the power it held. Eclipse looked down and saw a small blue stone in the shape of a moon on a black ribbon. She looked up from it with a questioning look on her face.
Lightning turned from her and looked at her father. "What she holds in her hands is the Moon of Worlds. With it, she will be granted the ability to travel to other worlds. Lightning kept his eyes on the king as Eclipse gasped at this information. She turned her gaze to her father waiting for him to say something.
He glared at the two of them "You expect me to let my daughter leave this world to go gallivanting off into another? I have let her take fencing and learn how to use a bow, just as you have asked Lightning but this is crossing the line! She will not leave this world!" His voice was calm but laced with ice and steel. Tears formed in Eclipse's eyes but she kept her eyes hard and stubborn.
"You want me to stay in this world with you were like everyone else in this place has done nothing but look down on me. You get onto me for every little mistake I make! You have no confidence in me whatsoever! Most of the time I could handle the nursemaids and my ladies in waiting telling me that I would never amount to anything like my sister has, but what I couldn't take was when you said it! Now here I am! Sixteen and you still refuse to let me do something that I truly wish to do! Well I'm sorry Father but you will not control me anymore, I am going and you can't stop me!" She had forced the tears back and slipped the pendent around her neck tying it in the back tightly to form a choker.
The king's eye flashed with anger "You are my daughter and I am King here, you will do as I say!" His face was red now and he griped the arms of the chair hard enough that his knuckles were white. Lightning stepped forward slightly and looked the king straight in the eyes.
"You will let her go; you do not have a choice. Because although you rule this kingdom, even the kings can't go against the will of the Unicorns. Our word outranks yours, so you may as well give up!" Lightning's voice was cold and Eclipse winced slightly at it, she had never heard him speak like that, and it kinda scared her. She looked at her father and noticed the fear in his eyes. He sighed and glared at the both of them. "She may go, but she has to return to Starshon when she turns twenty-one." the king sighed and waved a hand motioning for them to leave...
-Luna: hey you guys, here is chapter three, i hope you like it and i hope somethings are starting to clear up. but give me a bit more and then it will be all good and the only time you are confused will be if i make it that way... so... whatever... lmao please read and review, even if its anonomus . sorry it took so long to update. next chapter up in about two weeks.- thanks