The Shadow Within Shadows:
Chapter 1:The Shadow Walks Our Halls

Have you ever felt like nobody ever noticed you? Ya, it probably happens every so often, to you at least. See, it all started in 10th grade that I just... started slipping away from life.

I used to be the average guy that you'd bump in to walking the halls, not really bulky or anything, but you know. Anyways, my life used to be normal until one day that I was just not in too good of a mood. I had been through a rough day at school and had decided to climb up on the roof just to get a hold on myself before I really lost it. But wouldn't you know it, HE showed up. It was Chad Emirson and his two "friends" Jeff and Rick. I really hated these guys and well, I knew this couldn't end well.

They casually made their way towards me and I slipped my hands in to my pockets where, as usual, my knife would be carefully tucked away. "What are you doin' showin yourself up here?" Chad asked, he and his buddies had stopped a few feet away.

"Go away, Chad," I said quietly, I had never been able to talk loudly for some odd reason, silence had just worked it's way on to me.

"Heh, go away? You know this is where we come to smoke, now get lost."

I could feel my brain pulsing trying to just beat him down, but I had to keep my cool. "And what if I don't?"

He lit a cigarett and took in a deep puff of it, "then you can be our ashtray." He came toward me and smeared the bud on my arm.

That did it. I swiftly took out the knife and flipped it open at the same time swinging it, cutting his arm and making a small cut that nearly hit his temple. He fell screaming and bleeding and I looked at the other two and they started backing away. "Either of you two tell anyone about this, and you'll end up like him." That must have scared them since they ran toward the ladder and ran all the way around to the front of the school. They both flipped me the bird but I was busy focusing on what to do with Chad.

"So Chad, here we are, your so called friends have abbandonned you. It's too bad you cought me on such a bad day," I was circleing around him while he was kneeling squeezing his arm. I got down on one knee and grabbed his hair forcing him to look at me, "You should have known this was going to happen. You've been pissing me off for a long time now." I put the knife against his neck, "We both know you're going to die here, my only regret though is that I can't take down the other two assholes at the same time." He was whimpering now and I nearly felt sorry for him. "I really hope you enjoy Hell," I slid the knife quickly pushing it against his throat, and he fell back silently releasing the last breath of air he had taken. I now had taken sombody's life, and well I have to admit, I enjoyed every second of it.

Well, being that we were on the roof, and everyone was long gone, I had no problem hiding his body. I had dragged it to the ventilation shaft, one of those big ones that kind of curve down in to the ceiling, I unscrewwed the screws and took off the cover. I had some trouble lifting his body in, but it eventually just slid right down, making a loud BANG. My last worry was the blood on the roof, how was I supposed to get rid of it? I looked around me, not finding any hose or any water supply at all. I sighed and walked slowly toward the ladder and climbed down.

When I got home I avoided my parents and immedeately put my clothes in the wash, being that there was blood spots on them, and made my way to my room. I saw my cell on the bed and picked it up, looking through the contacts. I scrolled through the list a lot of times, trying to figure out who to call, I had less than 10 contacts. I decided not to call anyone and as soon as I put the phone down I heard a knock on my window. There were two people, but I only recognized one of the few people I could call friend, Kevin Hagel.

"C'mon man, I got some soda at my house."

I opened the window and slipped out, putting the window as far down as I could afterwards. We made our way out to the street and I could now tell that the other person was Marc Ordison, another friend, but I hadn't gotten to know him too well, but he was a good guy.

As soon as we had gotten to the neighborhood I saw two figures walking the opposite direction; it was Jeff and Rick. They immediately went on the other side of the road and we all continued to our destinations. Though even as we walked on I could feel a presence, causing me to repeatedly look behind us. It was dark now and with all the dogs barking at us I felt awkward, I also had noticed that none of the street lights were on, damn those lights.

We reached his house and climbed through an open window, where his TV and game systems were neatly in one little part of his room. I always wondered why he was so orgonized and truely envied it.

We had played games all night, most of them pretty violent being that his mom lifted the ban on rated M games a short while ago, now it was all he ever got. It all just kept reminding me of what I had done that day and we all eventually fell asleep.

I found myself in school, but nobody was there. I looked down the hallways and saw an open locker with something hanging out of it. I crept up to it and discovered an arm. A human arm, as I saw it I backed away and everthing started glowing red, and bodies began hanging from the ceiling, some falling. Then something grabbed my shoulder and I slowly glanced over, shaking. I saw Chad, half of the skin on his face had been torn off, and a lot of it from other parts of his body and he screamed, "Why Blake?! WHY DID YOU KILL ME?!" He then sank his teeth in to my neck, ripping off a large piece of meat and flesh. The other bodies started crawling towards me and climbed on to my legs.

I awoke breathing hard and sweating. I nearly let out a scream but refrained and suddenly noticed Marc was staring at me.