Disclaimer: I do not own any of the songs used in this fic. I also do not own the cars (even though I wish I did). The only things I own are the characters, the locations, and the idea.

Chapter One

"Elle... why do you have to move?", a 10 year old boy with brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean itself, asked.

"Daddy's got a new job. I don't want to move, Dean.", Elle said, her dark brown eyes tearing up.

The ten year old boy, Dean, embraced Elle in hug before speaking again. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too.", Elle said looking into Dean's sad eyes, a tear slowly falling down her cheek.

Dean wiped the tear away before her parents yelled that it was time to leave. "I have to go.", Elle said sadly, looking at the ground below her.

"Wait...", Dean said grabbing her small hand with his. She looked up into his eyes before feeling his lips kiss hers lightly.

"Elle! Sweetheart! Time to go!", Elle's dad said from the moving truck. Elle smiled weakly at Dean before running off to her dad and the rest of her family.

Dean watched sadly as the moving truck backed out into the street. Elle was in the car behind the moving van and waved goodbye to her as the car and his friend left in the sunset.

7 years later

"D! What do you want to do today, man?", asked Dean's best friend, Jared, as they were throwing around a football in the summer heat.

"No idea, Jar. We could head to the beach.", Dean said as he caught the football with ease.

"Nah, you know that Natasha will be there. That chick is more clingy than saran wrap.", Jared said as a few moving trucks pulled up in front of the house across the street.

"New neighbors.", Dean said answering Jared's silent question. The two kept throwing the pigskin around until they heard a car with it's stereo booming stop in front of the 'new neighbor's' house. Once the car was parked, a motorcycle came down the street and parked in the driveway.

"Looks like adrenaline junkies", Jared said as they waited to see who the drivers of the respective vehicles were.

"Who ever owns that car has good taste.", Dean said as the door to the Nissan Z opened up. Jared and Dean both gasped to see a girl their age step out of the car.

"Dean, are we dreaming?", Jared asked as he fumbled the football and it fell to the ground.

"I don't know. Are you seeing a beautiful girl standing next to that Z?", Dean asked, staring at the brown haired girl.

"She has a nice body.", Jared said, openly checking her out.

Dean grabbed the football and threw it hard at Jared. "Ouch man! What the fuck was that for!?!?!", Jared yelled as the girl slowly turned around to see who was yelling.

"Wow...", Dean said as he looked at the girl, while Jared just cursed up a storm. The girl was about 5'6" tall and had a thin but not skinny body. She had curves in all the right places. The girl just smiled at Dean before heading over to the person who was still on the motorcycle.

"Dean! Why the hell did you throw the ball at me!?!?! We all know that your the Quarterback in school but DAMN! That hurt!", Jared said as he rubbed his stomach.

"Oh, stop being a baby.", Dean said jokingly as Jared just glared at him.

The duo continued their game while they subtly watched the girl talk to the person on the motorcycle. Dean saw the girl smile and laugh as he got hit in the chest with the football.

"Dude! What the hell was that for?", Dean half yelled, trying not to make a spectacle like Jared earlier.

"You were supposed to catch that.. not oogle at the new neighbor.", Jared said while making kissy faces.

"Shut up. Ass.", Dean said before dialing his cell phone. "I want to have a pool party."

"Oh... now your brilliant but feelie mind decides to work?", Jared said as he poked Dean's forehead.

"Hey assmunch, it's feeble. Not feelie. That's what you do to anything that has a rack.", Dean replied as he sat down on the hood of his Mustang and waited for an answer to his call.

About 30 minutes later, Dean's house was full of shirtless guys running around acting like, what else, teenage guys. Jared was about to shout his victory when the doorbell rang and he lost the video game. The rest of the guys were getting food in the kitchen and joking around when Dean answered the door.

"Hell...O.", Dean said as he saw the beautiful girl from across the street.

"Hi.", she said back shyly.

"Yo D! What's the hold up man?", Bryce asked. He was the pimp of the group of boys. Jared was the prankster, Dean was Mr. Popularity, Bryce the pimp, Matt was the bookworm jock, Johnny was the cook of the bunch while Dean's little brother by 2 years, Dante, rounded out the group as the peacekeeper. If ever the guys got into an argument, Dante would step in and make the group okay again.

"Oh... why hi there little lady.", Bryce said putting on his Mr. Suave act.

"Hi.", she said back, looking slightly amused.

Dean gave Bryce a 'fuck off' look before speaking politely again to the girl in front of him. "Sorry about him. He's...", Dean began.

"It's okay. I just came over to see if you have any ketchup that I could borrow.", the girl said.

"Ketchup? Usually it's sugar people ask for.", Dean said with a smile.

"Yeah, well. My brother ordered fries for dinner for him and I, and the delivery person forgot the ketchup.", the girl replied, matching Dean's smile with her own.

"Yeah, sure. Come in and follow me. Excuse the guys.", Dean said as the girl entered and followed him into the kitchen.

"Yeah, so? How hot is the girl who moved across the street?", Matt asked Bryce.

"Dude... she's smoking...", Bryce stopped as Dean and the girl entered the kitchen.

"She's right here.", Dean said, his blue eyes laughing.

"Umm... sorry.", Bryce said sheepishly.

"Here you go...", Dean said handing the ketchup bottle to the girl. "You can keep it. We have plenty more.", he said as he opened up the pantry and pointed at the 3 bottles of unopened ketchup.

"Thanks.", the girl said with a chuckle. "Now, I must go before my brother eats all of my fries."

Dean walked the girl towards the door. "My name is Dean by the way.", Dean said as he opened the door for her to exit.

"I know.", she simply replied before jogging across the street.

Once the door clicked shut, the guys bombarded him with questions. Dean just stayed silent and smiled at them as he walked towards the backyard and dove into the pool.

"D! Come on! Tell us about her!", Bryce yelled once Dean surfaced.

"There's nothing to tell, Bryce. She wanted ketchup. I got her ketchup. She went home.", Dean replied as he did the back stroke.

"Chris! Got the ketchup!", Elle yelled as she closed the door behind her.

"Thanks Elle. I'd have gone and asked the neighbors for it myself but I was lugging the heavy stuff upstairs. I got most of your boxes in your room already.", Chris said as he wiped a bead of sweat off his face.

"No biggie. Thanks for getting my boxes up there.", Elle replied as she sat down on the floor and shook the bottle of ketchup before putting its contents on the now luke warm fries.

"So, how'd the neighbors seem?", Chris asked as he poured the tomato goodness on his own fries.

"Nice.", she replied.

"You know them? I mean, you did live here a few years back.", Chris said as he chewed on his fries.

"I do. But I don't think he recognized me. Ugh, chew with your mouth closed.", Elle said as she playfully shoved Chris.

"Mom and dad will be here tomorrow morning. They are finishing up with the old house.", Chris said as they continued to eat.

"Oh okay. Good.", Elle said.

Elle moved from Maverick City when she was 10 years old to New York City because her father got a promotion. She grew up as an only child until her father died when she was 12. Her father was on his way to pick her up from dance class when he got into a car accident and died. It was hard for her mother and her to go on, but they did. A few years later, her mom met Jeremiah Nichols. They met at one of Elle's basketball games and just clicked. Elle was happy to see her mom smile again, after not smiling since her dad died. Jeremiah and her mom got married a few years later. Not only did she get a father figure from the marriage but also a bigger brother, Chris. Chris and Elle, at first, didn't like the idea of their parents getting married, but ended up loving each other as if they were real brother and sister.

So, the reason Elle and her new family had to move back to Maverick City from New York was because her step dad, Jeremiah, got a job as the new assistant coach for Maverick City High's football team.

"You excited to start school next week?", Chris asked a few hours later as he and Elle unpacked her boxes.

"Sort of. I'm actually more nervous, since the only person I talked to since moving was Nikki.", Elle said as she cut open a box.

"You'll do fine. If anyone gives you a hard time, just tell them that you're older brother will kick their ass!", Chris said with a smile.

The next morning, Dean was sitting down in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when his mom came over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning mom.", Dean said with a smile.

"Morning Dean. I already told your brother this, but tonight, we are having company over for dinner.", his mom said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Who?", Dean asked with his mouth full.

"You remember Elaine Jameson?", his mother asked as she shook her head at her eldest son.

"Yeah...", Dean said.

"Her and her family are coming over. I ran into her at the market earlier and invited her.", she said.

"Oh ok.", Dean said nonchalantly, even though he was excited.

"Be back here by 6:30 at the latest. Elaine and her family will be here at 7.", she said before leaving to do laundry.

"Jar, you remember Elle Jameson, right?", Dean asked Jared on the phone.

"Yeah, you used to have the biggest crush on her.", Jared said.

"Well, she and her family are coming to my place tonight for dinner.", Dean said, barely containing his excitement.

"Nice. Wonder what she looks like.", Jared replied.

"She probably looks the same, just older.", Dean said. "Hey, if mom says it's okay... wanna come over for dinner?"

"Yeah, sure. I wouldn't want to miss a moment of the Dean-Elle reunion.", Jared said.

Dean ran down the steps and out into the backyard where his parents were sitting. "Mom, Dad... can Jared come over for dinner too?", Dean said, slightly out of breath.

"Sure. Tell him to be here at 6... the boy is always late for everything.", Dean's dad, Darrell said.

"Ok, I will.", Dean said to his dad before calling Jared back and telling him the good news.

"Mom, is this dinner thing formal or what?", Elle yelled to her mom from her room.

"Just dress comfortable.", Elaine said to her daughter.

"Who are we having dinner with anyways?", Elle said as she grabbed a pair of khaki shorts and a red halter along with her red flip flops.

"The Michaels'.", her mom said almost causing Elle to topple over as she pulled her shorts on.

The phone was ringing while Elle got dressed and pulled her hair into a loose ponytail.

"Okay... that's fine. See you there in a little bit.", Elaine said into the phone as Elle came out of her room.

"That was Mrs. Michaels. The dinner won't be at their place since Dante won't be home for another hour from work. She asked if we could meet them at a restaurant in town. I told her yes.", Elaine said.

"Okay, mom. Where's the restaurant?", Elle asked as she fiddled with her car keys.

"The lake front one... ahh... what's it called?", Elaine asked, trying to remember the name.

"The Lakefront Restaurant?", Elle replied.

"Yes! Now why couldn't I remember that? You and Chris could drive there together if you want. Jeremiah and I will leave shortly.", Elaine said, noticing her daughter fiddling with the keys in her hands.

"Chris and I will just meet you inside.", Elle said before she jogged down the stairs. "Chris, let's go! Mom and Jeremiah will meet us there in a little bit."

Chris and Elle got into her car as Eve's "Tambourine" boomed. Elle was at a red light as a black Mustang pulled up beside her. She looked over at the car to see Dean and his tall friend there in it. She rolled her window down and raised an eyebrow to the two as she revved the engine.

"You sure you can beat a Mustang?", Jared asked Elle as Dean revved his car.

"Sure, I can. It's just a Ford after all. Looks stock to me.", Elle said, egging Jared on.

"Dean, smoke her.", Jared said, looking over at Dean.

The light turned green and the two cars were off. Dean's Mustang was slightly ahead of Elle's Z until all of a sudden Elle's car zoomed past them and turned down a street.

"She beat you!", Jared yelled incredulously.

Dean remained silent as he continued to drive to the restaurant. As he pulled into the parking lot, he saw the Z parked and no one in it. Dean and Jared were walking into the restaurant when they noticed their idol, Chris Nichols, star quarterback of Notre Dame University. The two went over to him and introduced themselves. They were all discussing football when Elle came over.

"Too bad I had to teach Chris all his plays.", Elle said with a wink to Chris.

"Hi...", Dean said with a smile.

"Hey, you smoked us back there. How'd you do that?", Jared asked.

"Secret. So... waiting for you company to arrive.?", Elle asked as Dean just stared at her.

"Yeah. My family and Jared here, are having dinner with old friends.", Dean said.

"Elle! Chris! There you are!", said Elaine as she walked over to the group.

"My Dean! You've gotten so tall and so handsome.", Elaine said she hugged Dean.

Once the adults hugged everyone, they began to head to the table to get seated.

"Elle?", Dean asked as he watched stunned as Elle walked a few feet in front of him.