The Prophecy
From the time of creation,
different forms of life
have been at war with one other.
Elves, Humans,
Arkins, Dragons alike.
Their future would depend on an unborn child.
A child which would be born to a royal queen.
The child, a girl, will be set apart
with one recognizable feature, her lavender eyes.
The lavender eyes possess a power
that most will try to duplicate.
but be not fooled
for only the girl will be able to save all kingdoms,
and become ruler of them all.
The distinguish time will come
when an act of cowardice,
an act of hatred occurs from a dark man.
The child shall be cast out into the woods
where a gentle woman will find her.
If the girl does not ascend to her power,
the fate of the kingdoms will fall into darkness
and the dark man will lead the kingdoms to destruction.
Royal Nursery
The baby was only a few hours of having been born. She was a beautiful baby girl who had striking lavender eyes and was a little smaller than normal babies. They had named her, Marisa, a beautiful and suitable name for the future queen of the Elvin/ Human kingdom. Queen Isis and King Matthew had been very excited when she had been born. They knew that Marisa was the child of prophecy, which is why the joyous announcement of her birth could not be made. Only the royal household knew of the new princess. The king had decided that they would have to tell the kingdom a cover-up tale; at least until Marisa was old enough to ascend to the throne.
Outside corridor:
Justin, the Royal Adviser to the King, was pacing the hallway outside the throne room awaiting news on what the king had decided to do with the child. He was a tall Elvin man, with long dark ebony hair that flowed down to his waist, his expression never changed, the ominous gaze which bore into the person he was speaking too. He was trustworthy, at least that what the king had told everyone, but no one was sure. Justin appeared wrathful, full of hate towards all, it was unknown where he was from and where truly his loyalty laid. This is ridiculous I don't even know will happen. If the King follows his foolish ways and decides not to tell anyone about the child of prophecy, it would surely come back to haunt him. This child will not inherit the throne, I will see to it. Justin thought. I will see to it that I will be King someday for a child will not keep me from receiving the thing I have been working on since years ago. I must go and see my faithful servant; he will take care of my little problem. I know that he will, for what I command, he does.
Royal nursery:
The baby was still resting peacefully in the royal crib when the hooded figure came into the nursery. It loomed above her, gloating, laughing silently, for the figure knew that her life was soon to be over. The king and queen will not even miss this precious child. He looked around the nursery, taking the scenery of the room. It was painted lavender, like the child's eyes; the crib was ivory, a beautiful room for the small child.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. It truly is a pretty room for a pretty princess, but unfortunately you won't grow up to be queen. For it belongs to someone else. He thought as picked up the small princess and fled the castle. He rode on until they were deep into the woods. It was winter time, so it would be easier to kill the princess. Goodbye princess. Thank you for being quiet. As he rode on, he dropped the baby into the wilderness to die.
Eden was an elvin french woman, coming back to her home in the woods, when she heard the noise. It sounded like soft cooing, but as she got closer she found it was a small baby. The baby was starting to turn pink from the coldness, Eden quickly wrapped her in a small blanket that she was using, "Who would leave an enfant in the middle of the woods. It's chilly out here, let's get you home. I don't know who lift you here, but I'll raise you. Chérie, you will be my daughter. I will call you…" suddenly a small voice no louder than a whisper murmured a name Marisa her name is Marisa…. Remember…. Marisa….
"I'll call you Marisa." Eden said as if a trance, "I'll call you Marisa. Now my child lets go home"
Chapter One: The Awaking
The woods were silent, motionless. Until the wind picked up. The village had been home once but now there was only death. Everything had changed, even the trees appeared vindictive to those who passed by, their branches sticking out like small bony arms awaiting someone. The forsaken village had sent its worthy fighters to death and all hope was gone that even the light seemed to know it was in progress of being ended. All light was gone except a microscopic ray of milky vermilion that shone through the treetops and rested on a sliver of water that scampered towards the little picturesque creek, the only thing unaffected by the war. The wind carried sounds of the distant lives back to the girl sitting on a small octagonal stone in the middle of the creek; sounds of pain, joy, fear, and sadness.
I've been here before thought Marisa. I know I've been here before, but where is here?
"MARISA, RUN!!!! I MEAN IT RUN!!!" an eerie woman like voice drifted toward Marisa, "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? RUN! THEY CAN'T GET YOU, THEY CAN'T CAPTURE YOU BECA-" Her voice was cut off as if someone had made the woman silent.
Where am I? Who was the voice that spoke to me? How does it know my name? Who is it and why does it sound so familiar Thoughts flew though her mind, but they were reduced as she heard the howl coming toward her with rapid speed. The howl was a disturbing noise, like a wounded animal whimpering for help. Marisa jumped up and started paddling toward shore to investigate where the howling had come from.
The beast watched as the girl reached shore and began gazing around the shoreline for something, He could see her, smell her, could almost taste her delicious delicate flesh that would soon be his wonderful feast. His orders were to bring the girl back, dead or alive, although he preferred to kill her and have his meal. He continued to watch her when an inaudible rustle of the trees told the beast that Marisa was moving away, deeper into the woods.
No no no, you can't leave just yet. You will be brought back to my master. He shall reward me for bringing you back. Maybe my reward will be you.
He had almost gotten her, but her angel had let her know something was wrong. That didn't worry him; he knew that his master, Justin, would be proud when he brought this girl back to him. The beast was deformed, a brainwashed human corrupted with Arkin blood, and it had changed him forever. I wasn't always known as the beast. When I was human my name was Thor, a simple villager that hadn't even reached the ceremony of age. My master, Justin, changed me into what I am today: I owe everything to my master. Justin had mentioned that this girl had a past that could ruin him if she ever came back. She was the dead or better the lost daughter of King Matthew and Queen Isis; if she ever came back, Justin would be revealed as… His thoughts were cut off and quickly the beast's attention rushed back to Marisa.
Marisa felt like someone was watching her. She walked towards the village when she heard the voice again. RUN!! DON'T LET HIM GET YOU! YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!
Marisa glanced around worriedly to find where that mysterious voice had come again. She started pacing towards the edge of the woods when the beast attacked. Marisa ran toward the death-filled village. The beast swiftly pursued her into a swampy area, causing Marisa to fall from a sprint to a jog. As she tried sprinting around the corner, she tripped faced down, on the limb of those vindictive trees, which appeared to laugh at her, as the beast reached her. She felt the hot breath of the beast as she tried to escape, but it was useless. Marisa turned to face her attacker, dreading the look on the beast, when she screamed, waking herself up.
Eden ran into the small poorly lit room. She was wearing a sparkling lilac colored nightgown that floated off the ground. She sat on the edge of a canopy bed that was laced with silver mixed with vermilion embroidered curtains.
"Enfant qu'est que s'est? Se passé? Child, what happened, why did you scream?"
"I just had a nightmare. I dreamed I was being chased by a monster, a beast. A beast that knew who I was; he tried to kill me. Eden, I'm really scared."
"Quel était le rêve? What was the dream like? How do you know that the beast knows you?" Eden exclaimed, "Did you see him? L'avez-vous vu?"
"Well, I didn't really see him, but I felt like I was in him. I could see what he saw, what he thought, what he felt. I knew his name. It was Thor… he was one of us before someone named Justin changed him. He calls Justin 'Master'."
"Did you say Justin?" Eden pondered, "I thought that he was the royal advisor. You must be mistaken, child. Marisa, chéri vous rěviez simplement, you were just dreaming. "
"I… Eden, why am I having all these dreams? They started when the civil war began; does it have something to do with it?" Marisa climbed out of bed and walked toward the full length mirror in the corner of the poorly lit room. Even though there was very little light in the room, she noticed the small dark circles forming under her beautiful, lavender eyes. "I have to do something, this is mentally destroying me."
"Oh, Chéri il sera tout bien. It will be alright." Eden rose from the canopy and strode to Marisa. "You should try to get some more sleep."
"No, that's ok. I'm going to go on a walk and think about several things. I'll be back later."
Chapter Two: The Journey begins
The village was still dark, but it didn't bother Marisa. She was thinking about the strange dream that had woken her up; it seemed that it was always the same dream, her being chased, falling, being captured, seeing the beast's thoughts and his feelings. His name is Thor. It was too much for her. Marisa came to the small fountain in the center of the quiet village. She placed her hand in the cool, sparkling water when she felt someone behind her. Twirling around to face the unknown person, Marisa prepared herself for combat. "Lewis!" she exclaimed when she turned around, "I almost hit you."
"I'm sorry I scared you. What are you doing out this early?"
"I'm thinking about the strange dreams I've been having. You remember about the ones I told you about."
"Yea, what about them?" Lewis asked. "Do they mean something?"
"Well, I'm not sure. I did find something new, though." Marisa explained. "The beast that I'm being chased by is actually named Thor. He used to be a villager like us, until he was changed. I don't really know how to explain it."
Just then Eden came rushing toward them, "Chéri, you need to go. I can feel them coming. I can't explain it but you need to leave. C'est votre destin, it's your destiny. Please, this is what your dreams are warning you about. Lewis you must take her to the Elvin kingdom. It will all be revealed there."
"What? I can't just go!" Marisa exclaimed. "I have to stay here with you."
"No, you have to go. Lewis you must go with her. Prenenz garde des dangers qui peuvent se trouver en avant. Lewis, au-dessus de notre Marisa. Please be careful and take care of Marisa."
"You can't make me leave, not now. I have my ceremony of age this evening," Marisa sighed.
Eden looked worried, "I know, but your safety is first. " Now go! Please go, you can't stay here, your dream means something. I do not know how to explain it, but if you stay, you will be in grave danger. Look for Adrien, he can help you."
"Eden, you just can't send us away. Marisa is right. She has to have her ceremony of age. I would have never become a man if I didn't go through my ceremony of age." Lewis remarked. He was standing over Marisa, who was now weeping on the edge of the fountain. He gently put his hand on her back. "Do we have to go now?"
Eden looked down, "Yes, you have to. I…don't want for you to go, but it would be too dangerous for Marisa to stay. We could keep her, here but it would put the village in danger."
Marisa got up and shook her head, "I'll leave, but I won't go without you."
Eden went and hugged Marisa, "Non, chérie, vous devez aller sans moi. You have to leave without me. I'm sorry child. but know je t'aime, I love you." She lightly kissed Marisa on the forehead and started drifting back to the quiet village.
"I… we have to leave and find Adrien then. Ok, let's go." Marisa whispered to Lewis, while she started walking deeper into the woods. "I feel that we will know everything in due time."
Chapter Three: The woods
Menacing is the perfect way to describe the woods thought Marisa. At least I have Lewis here with me. I wonder what Eden meant by it would be dangerous for me to stay in the village with her. She is my mother after all.
"Marisa? Are you alright?" Lewis spoke, snapping Marisa back to realaity.
"Of course. I 'm sorry Lewis, I just can't stop thinking about Eden. She was my mother, and I miss her already. I should be home getting ready for my ceremony of age, not running away from danger trying to find a man by the name of Adrian." This came out unentionally bitter, much to Marisa's surpise.
"I know, but it was for the best. And I'm sure she misses you too," Lewis stood tall, came over and hugged Marisa to comfort her. "Don't worry, once we talk to this Adrian, I believe that we could go back and see Eden again."
Thor was close behind. You will not escape me, I will kill you before you will find out who you are. But I must bring you to my master before that. Justin will be proud. He stalked them, like prey. Thor visiulized how she would taste, how her friend would taste. He could kill the boy but the girl would go to his master first. Don't worry my dear, I am watching, and always will be. I will have my feast!
Marisa sensed something was wrong. Something was following them since they had left the village.
"Lewis, this is something following us." Marisa whispered, "we must find something that can help us travel faster. I know a little village where we can get supplies and horses to help us on our travel. It would also be smart to carry supplies for when it gets dark. I know that is isn't that far from here."
"That is a great idea. Supplies will come in handy because I'm not really sure how long it will take us to find Adrian. Marisa, what did you someone is following us?" Lewis exclaimed. "No one ever goes into these woods unless they are traders going from village to village."
"I don't know Lewis. I just feel as if someone if following us. I'm scared."
"Don't be I'm here to help. Trust me nothing will happen."
"I know. Ok let's go to the village, it shouldn't be far from here. Hopefully we'll get there before dark so we have somewhere to stay."
They started walking northward, quickly not knowing that Thor, the beast, was right behind them plotting his feast.