Light blinded her eyes, twisting until it broke into a million fragmented pieces. They flew into her, seeking to cut her, to break both her spirit and her mind. Out of the blackness came the shards, screaming with murderous intent. From above, a voice boomed, filled with power.
"It is getting closer, now, Lila. Do you feel it? Every day a new dawning of the world draws near. Every day I am one step closer to achieving my goals. You know what those are, don't you, Lila? Of course you do. Of course." the voice turned silky, oozing persuasion and temptation. "I know you hunger for power. I know, that in your darkest dreams, you wish you had the will to conquer all who seek to own you. I can give you that power, Lila, and together we can stand at the head of all the world. Would you like that Lila?" At the sound the words, longing stirred inside Lila, tantilizing her with its velvet promises. But from somewhere far within, a refusal brewed, spilling forth in a torrent.
"No!" she shouted, screaming her denial of all that was. The dream faded, and in the morning, she knew nothing of what had occurred.