Book 1: The Harukin
2890 AD.
The Earth is united and the Unified Earth is created.
2945 AD.
The Unified Earth is destroyed because of internal affairs and wars break out.
2955 AD.
Earth reunited once again but now called Earth Federation. No leader of the people.
3000 AD.
The Earth Federation discovers ancient technology. The scientists that were assigned to find out what it was for discovered it is for terraforming.
The Earth Federation used the technology to terraform Venus and Mars making the first colonies of the Earth Federation. All went smoothly.
3050 AD.
The rest of the solar system is terraformed. The Earth Federation finds new ancient technology on Pluto and learns how to improve the engines on their ships.
3097 AD.
The Earth Federation tests its first inter-solar system that was sent to the north of the Sun. The ship came back to Pluto with the crew inside the walls of the ship after a year.
The second thru seventh tests are sent to all the other directions except north. The colonies then made the Inter-Solar Bridge way to Earth and to the other colonies.
3542 AD.
The Earth Federation learns how to make material for planets and use that information to make Kratonis out of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Kratonis is a mostly volcanic planet with almost no bodies of water and no oceans at all. So the cities are based around the lakes and other bodies of water.
4000 AD.
A new sub-species of humans appeared. The new sub-species were able to control fire, water, air, metal, and the earth. As a collective they were called Angeli.
4452 AD.
After years of debate the two sides divided and separated the solar system into half, the ones against keeping the Angeli alive took the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. The people of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Kratonis accepted the Angeli.
After the division the two sides went thru a civil war.
4562 AD.
Once the war finished and the Anti-angeli fighters won and there was genocide and millions of the angeli was killed.
But many of the angeli that were in the inner planets used the planetary line up to their advantage and left to two different regions of the nine regions.
The regions they left to be in are the Qintis solar system and the Raxia solar system.
The Qintis solar system became home to the Earth offensive controllers or Orzi-Si, half the fire controllers or Juro, and all of the air controllers or Nirxs.
Raxia became home to the other half Juros and all of the water controllers or Kisan and all of the earth defensive controllers or Orzi-Kor went.
1 AX (5270 AD)
Some radical Anti-angeli fighters created a virus to take out all of the remaining Angeli but it was not ready when the radicals where taken into custody and some of it was broken and instead of destroying the body it mutated the host into a horrible creature.
The ones that got infected first by the pure strain were called Charos and they were twisted forms of themselves that still were able to use their powers.
Even the dead Angeli were resurrected and followed the other infected. They were called the Acary.
The ones that were infected by the firsts were called the Narki and they were able to adapt to the environment if need be.
They were as a collective called the Xara'es.
2 AX (5271 AD)
The Earth Federation accepted the angeli and some returned to the Earth home solar system while others did not.
The Earth Federation makes a military force to contend with the Xara'es. They were named the X.S.F.
152 AX (5423 AD)
Drave is born.