-1The transformation



168 AX (5439 AD)

"Stop running for crying out loud I only want to finally defeat you bro," yelled Drave.

"No way little bro it's too much fun out running a Nirxs when I'm a Juro, exactly how did that happen huh?"

"I was waiting for the tournament to do this but here goes nothing."


"Wind Case," whispered Drave and as Drave said those words he was running up a staircase made out of wind.

As Drave was climbing the staircase of wind his brother, Kiras, looked back and saw nothing but his own footprints and the rising suns.

"Bonsai," yelled Drave now leaping to hit his brother with his scythe.

"Fire form," said Kiras.

Then Kiras burst into a gigantic fire creature with three tails.

"SHOOT," yelled Drave.

"Gust and no fair you said you wouldn't use form," said Drave as he was being pushed by a gust of wind to the right of Kiras.

"You said you wanted to fight as if we were in a tournament and I am sorry if I know how to use my power a little better than you. So here flame blast."

"Wind shield."




"Why did you do that?!"

"I forgot sorry."

"Don't be sorry be smart and use your mind to assess what you should do. Don't act on impulse."

"Want to go home, Drave?"

"No I want to go exploring right now."

"Okay, I'm going home if you don't mind."


After they went their separate ways Drave went to the caves near their home and started to explore.

Riniro Caves


"Huh," said Drave, "What are you doing here Eire, Drave's girlfriend?"

"I wanted to see you that's all. I haven't seen you in like forever," Eire respond.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sound so blunt. Also that's not true you were with me on our date two days ago."

"Well that's two days and I missed you a bunch yesterday, and I knew that you were over at Hirti with your dad."

"Eire, I don't want to sound mean but I really have to work now."

" You don't work Drave. That's one of the reason your father drags you on his outings."

"Eire that is why I am here so I can show him, both figuratively and realistically, that I can do something other than wait for tournaments and train."

"Okay, I understand," said Eire, "but I want you to come to my house after all your family falls asleep because I want to be with you for a couple of hours. So bye."

Drave said goodbye to Eire and went into the cave. In the caves Drave got lost for several hours and ends up at a dead end.

"Now I was sure that to get to that big chamber you take the right and not the left."

Drave then heard a rumbling somewhere near him and then felt as if the ground as getting lower. Crack crack crack.

"Awwww," yelled Drave as he fell through the ground into a gigantic cavern that was of a size he couldn't imagine.

"What happened? Owww."

After getting up Drave looked at the unbelievably lit room and saw a podium on the other side of the cavern. He then limped, for he had a twisted foot, over to the podium and looked at it and the writing on it.

"Huh what is this? The writing looks like the stuff that I found in that large room but all that stuff is broken and this looks like it hasn't been disturbed for a couple of centuries. Maybe I should try and take this to Dad it's a lot better looking than the stuff up in that smaller big chamber?"

Drave then set his mind to try and remove the top of the podium.

" My word what is this thing like super glued to the bottom," hitting the words on the podium.

Then a big flash emanated from the words and it filled the whole room.

"Awwwww," yelled Drave.

Fifteen hours later Drave came to and groggily stood up.

"What happened. I feel so out of it."

Finally getting back his vision he looked around the room and saw that the room's only light was coming from a single word on the podium.

"This room was a ton brighter before. Now only that single word is shining."

Drave then went up to the podium and effortlessly pulled the top of the podium off.

"What the heck! That came off way to easy. Oh well better take it to dad now."

Drave ran out of the cave and toward his house. On his way home a lady saw him.

"CHAROS," yelled the lady and pointing at Drave.

Many other people started coming out of their houses to see what the lady was saying and all seeing a silver spiked wolf standing in the center of the small community.

"What a Charos here. Where is it. Why are all of you looking mad. Please tell me," yelled Drave in a foreign language that the people in the community could not understand.

"Someone call the X.S.F. now or he might bring back our loved ones," one of the people said.

Drave then ran to a spring that he knew was near the location hoping that what he was thinking wasn't true. When he got to the spring he was shocked to find that he was not a black and red haired and green eyed 17 year-old teen but a completely silver spiked wolf.

"No no no… this doesn't make any sense. How did this happen," roared Drave.

The top of the podium then dropped from his arm and landed at the edge of the spring.

"That that must have turned me into this freak."

Drave then started to attack the podium top with his claws, that he realized he had just moments before. With every attack the top didn't change at all.

"Maybe dad will know how to change me back."

Drave ran to his house full force with one mind set.

"There it is. We need to get it before it gets to that house," ordered a mysterious man.

" Alright Nick. Sandrov take position 2 and get ready to activate the gate," Raxas said.

The three all got into different positions and surrounded Drave right outside his family's house.

"Dad get out here please now," roared Drave at his loudest.

"Raxas Sandrov on three."



Three, fire now."

From the three X.S.F.'s weapons came beams that encompassed Drave and started to flare.

"What's happening out here. Some of us are sleeping you know," yelled Drave's dad, Hireo.

"Sir please go in we will handle this Charos and you go in side please."

"What that doesn't look like a Charos. What is that it's holding?"

"Dad here."


Just then Drave was not able to be seen and a blinding light appeared for a second and Drave was gone.

"What is this," Hireo questioned as he picked up the podium top, "No this is a Harukin tablet. Dad, no no no that was my son. You idiots killed my son!"

"What do you mean your son because that did not at all look like a human by anyone's standards," responded Nick.

"That's because he touched the words on the top of this slab and gained the powers of a Hixsis, or metal controller, and to be able to transform," Hireo quickly scanned the top, "into by what the tablet says the silver wolf."

"Sorry sir, but We were called to handle a Charos and did that so I'm sorry but your son is no longer on this planet," all three of the men said.

The three men started walking away.

Sandrov quickly added, "Oh yeah sir your son isn't dead but could very well be dead by now."

"What do you mean?"

"He's on the penal planet, Nirox."