"Summer!! Where are you?"
I walked briskly, my pale blue dress limiting my speed to my Dad. I cursed under my breath until I saw the figure of my dad. He smiled warmly at me with his twinkled sky blue eyes. I smiled politely back.
"Good Morning, Dad."
Okay, so before you complain to the author that you have no idea what is going on, I'll inform you.
I live in a castle by a beautiful lake. The kingdom in which I preside in is called Dream Lake. I know, I know, big surprise.
So if I live in a castle, you're assuming that I am a princess right? Well, I am. Don't get in your head about dragons kidnapping the princesses; the prince saving the princess, and that there's an evil stepmother lurking in storybook about to exploit the innocent princess.
Cut the crap about all of us living in the old times, with words that no one understands, horse-drawn carriages, using candles for light, and using leeches for medicine.
And you've got it! And because you're reading me from a story, I bet you don't know how I look like. I have short-layered brown hair and coffee brown eyes. Just turning 15, my name is Summer Kay. And my mouth is not exactly clean. You'll see what I mean.
"Dear? Are you ready to go?" My Dad asked me.
My Dad, King George is the King of Dream Lake, obviously. He is currently 37 don't ask where I got his age; He has curly long brown hair and bright blue eyes. King George rules our kingdom with kindness and with justice.
"Yes, I am," I said as I bid goodbye, walking to my limo.
Where's the mom in all this, you ask? I am a little sad about this, but you can't escape the facts. I looked at a picture frame of my beautiful mom before I walked out. She had short curly blonde hair, and soft coffee brown eyes, just like me.
You see, Queen Virginia, my mom, died when I was just 7. I don't remember much, but all I remember was that my dad told me that she was murdered. That's right, murdered. That's when I discovered the world wasn't just pretty daisies and sparkly tiaras. There is hell outside my safe castle walls. A kingdom called the Black Rose sent out black knights to murder my mom.
They say they have people called the black knights, and they are the one who does the dirty work. You know what I mean. My dad then instructed me after mom's death to learn self-defense to prepare me for any trouble that might awaken.
So I had a private tutor on karate. It was fun. Now I don't have the only choice as self-defense to hit someone with my purse.
I sat on the cold leather seat and looked at the window, hypnotizing me into a quick nap…
"Miss Kay, we are here at the destination," My driver, Paul, said. I awoke quickly and looked in the rearview mirror, checking to sure if my hair wasn't ruffled, and everything was in its place.
"Thanks, Paul!" I thanked my limo driver as he gave me a mere nod, smiling at my excitement.
"Have fun," he said, amused. "I'll be back at 5."
I waved and ran as fast as I could on the gravel, careful not to trip.
"Whoa! Slow down there!" My heart leapt at the familiar voice.
"Tetsushi! How are you?" I greeted my fiancée, giving him a long kiss on the lips.
Oh yeah. Every princess has to be betrothed, of course, so I'm no exception. But still, my father chose well. Tetsushi was the son of a respectable lord and lady and he was every girl's dream. 15, just like me, he had platinum blonde hair and those irresistible emerald eyes.
When we finally parted, he gave me a wide smile that just melted my whole self. "Well, now that I've finally done from knight training, I get to spend time with you all the time now."
Tetsushi was training to become a white knight, a total opposite of a black knight. White knights fight with chivalry, and they are fair. Black knights fight for money. Greed. They enjoy seeing people suffer.
I hugged him tightly.
"Before you're going to suffocate me, do you want your gift?"
I let him go, looking at him eagerly, with a flicker of greed in my eyes. "You got a present for me?"
"Yup. But you can hug me more, I really don't mind."
I rolled my eyes and slapped him playfully on the arm. "I think I prefer the gift first. We can hold each other in our arms later."
Like magic, he held out a box wrapped in my favorite color, blue. It held so many varieties of blue, all in my palm.
"Staring at it will obviously open it."
I looked at him, smiling smugly, and opened it. Another box. I opened that box and gasped.
"Wow…this is so beautiful." In the box was a silver heart-shaped locket necklace engraved with the words "I love you." I opened it and it read,
"This heart, it beats, beats for only you."
It also had a picture of us. Tears of happiness almost filled my eyes.
"Aww, is my fiancée crying?"
"I just love this…thanks so much." I replied back.
He kissed me on the forehead. "Glad you like it. May I put it on the princess?"
I nodded, giving him the necklace and letting him attach it to my neck. His breath was on my neck for a moment and then went away.
I touched the locket delicately. "I'll wear it forever."
"Don't be all lovey-dovey on me! Come on, we'll catch up on old times."
I was back in my castle, lying down on my bed, sighing happily. Life was good.
There was a crash.
Okay, too soon.
The door opened abruptly and I saw my maid look at me desperately.
"Run, Princess!" She said hurriedly. "The Black-" She was cut off by an arrow that cut right through her neck. I shuddered. Someone was invading the castle. All hell was loose.
Damn it! I was in heels and a dress. How was I supposed to escape? I looked at the window, and bit my lip, as that was the only way out. I walked towards the window, but screamed as I saw a black figure appeared suddenly in the window.
A little fucking scary anyone?
I backed up and in the doorway were three black-clothed figures. I was trapped. Shit, shit, shit. Well, that's what self-defense class was for. I took off my heels and positioned myself to attack.
The one in the middle laughed at me. "Does the Princess think she can really escape the Black Knights?"
The Black Knights. It brought an unpleasant taste in my mouth. These were the bastards who killed my loving mother.
"I learned karate," I snarled. He just smirked at me evilly. "What a dumb Princess. You forgot there was a person behind you."
I froze. A hard object struck my head and I started feeling dizzy, blacking out.
Oh shit.
I woke up groggily in a moving truck that was very dirty, by the way, with my hands bound by some tough rope. My mouth was covered with a horrible tasting handkerchief. I hope to God it wasn't used already by someone. Ugh.
I tried to sit up but was slapped by a rough hand, which caused me to bang my head on the ground again. OW.
"The little Princess woke up." I growled at the familiar voice. It was that guy who I talked to last. He ripped the handkerchief from me.
"Get your hands off me," I spat out. But boy, was that the wrong move.
He had a weapon. Large chains wrapped around my neck. I was choking, gasping for air.
"If you don't do exactly as I say, Princess, then there will be consequences." He threatened, tightening the chains, until he let go.
God that was freaking painful. "My name is Summer Kay, you know. Not Princess!"
"Like I give a damn." It was dark, but I could tell he was about my age.
He held a glass of some sort of liquid near me. "Drink this."
I hesitated. He moved the chains again, making a clinking sound. He also held a syringe. "It's either the needle or this,"
Ugh! I had no choice but to drink it, since of my stupid fear of needles. I shuddered at the thought of a needle poking in my delicate skin, injecting who knows what-
I drank it slowly. Okay, so it tasted like water. Nothing wrong, maybe he just wanted to give me a drink to replenish me. Maybe he was a nice person.
But then I felt sleepy. Damn it! It was a sleeping potion. I must keep awake, must be alert.
"Goodnight, Kay." He said cheerfully.
"B-Bastard…" was the last words I said until I drifted off to sleep.
Author's Note- Yeah I'm sorry, but I'm working on this story currently, not the vampire one. ;; Hehe, anyways there is a little bit of language in this story…okay fine A LOT! So what if Summer is a little…colorful in language? That's why it's rated TEEN!!
I really hope you like it, I've been working on this story for a while and chapter 2 will be coming soon.
Oh, and sorry for the silly chapter name P
Kiki out!