Prologue-One Year Later
Izu and I settled into my castle, with the Black Rose kingdom furious. But my dad had a talk with King Veeder, and they became quick friends to my surprise. I learned that my dad had a surprising attachment to gambling.
Who knew?
The poison that was in me was quickly fading away, and I was getting better everyday.
I took Izu outside to the garden. I was sitting on a hammock, slowly swinging with the wind, writing in my notebook. Izu was sitting on the soft grass. He was looking at me weirdly.
"What the hell are you writing?"
I smirked. My dad was not happy with his cursing. He wasn't able to keep it in like me.
"Nothing," I said in a singy-songy voice.
"Well, I guess you can write while I can just read this letter from Todd by myself." He said nonchalantly, waving a piece of paper.
I dropped my pencil. "Oh my God! A letter?? Give me it!" I tried to snatch it from him, but he held it out of reach. I glared.
"I'll read it," Izu said. "Dear Izu and Summer," He read out loud and smiled. "He said my name first."
"Whatever," I folded my arms. "Just read the damn letter."
"Dear Izu and Summer," He repeated.
How are you? We're fine. I found out a lot about the outdoors.
And it is much better, since it's so much quieter.
I've quit being a Black Knight, living probably the rest of my life out here.
I wonder how I'm going to get a girl.
Anyways, I found out a lot about my family too. I have an uncle an aunt!
Cody asks me a lot of questions about the city life, since he's
Never experienced it. Guess what? He cooks so well!
He probably got it from Grandma. Haha, he's such
A mama's boy! Oops, I shouldn't have written that.
He can pack a punch too, like you Izu!
So have you asked Summer yet? Please tell me and write back soon!
"Ask me what?" I asked curiously. Izu frowned.
"What? WHAT?!" I said impatiently.
He sighed but a smile crept up on his lips. He searched in his back pocket for something and put it in my hands. Something round and shiny…
I gasped. "Oh my God."
"Will you marry me, Princess?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips.
I was so surprised. He asked so quickly and sudden! The wind blew hard and I fell out of my hammock. "Fuck!" I yelled out as I met the ground.
He laughed, as my face was turning a fire truck red. "Well, Summer?"
"Yes!" I yelled out, and some birds flew away. "Oops,"
"Haha, you're my silly Princess," He held my chin into a kiss as we sat there on the ground. I wrapped my arms around him.
So I fell in love with the enemy, the one who I thought I hated. But he was more than meets the eye. I shall never forget Tetsushi, but I had to move on.
Before all this happened, I would've never thought I would settle what good and evil was, if not for the kidnapping.
Was the kidnapping actually fate? Drawing Izu and me together? I don't know, and I may never do.
But life was good.
The End
Author's Note Well, this is the end. Sniffs I'm feeling a little sad. Especially since I'm listening "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 … this is the end! No! Wah!
Oh yeah. So I want to admit something as long as you all don't kill me. You know the reason why I updated so fast? It's because I was writing all this in advance. So I had chapter 5 written when I submitted chapter 1
The reason I didn't want to update really fast was because if I wanted to change something, my readers wouldn't be confused. So I was evil for a reason, mu ha ha!
Please be sure to read my other stories. And review.
Kiki loves you all!! Bye!
Or as Todd says…"Not a good-bye. More of a see you later,"