Jon looked out over his once beautiful city, continuing to press his armored hand over the bloody wound on his stomach. Ringgold City lay in ruins, only a handful of buildings were still standing, and bright red flames contrasted drastically against the darkest sky he had ever seen. For years he had sacrificed so much to defend everything he loved, and to protect this city. He had fought mutated snakes, dear friends, the armies of the world, and himself all within these very city limits. But now everything, and everyone, he loved was gone. He had to watch as it was all ripped away from him, not just once, but twice.

The armored hero looked down at his clinched fist, the one drenched in blood that wasn't his. It infuriated him that not only was all his years of sacrifice in vain, but he himself had been the cause for the end of humanity. He had even spent the past year trying to clean the mess Aura and Syntha had created, which had brought about the Earth's first destruction. In return they presented him with another chance to save his world. Although he still failed Jon got the faintest satisfaction from looking at the headless corpse next to him, something he had failed to do during his first failure. Failure, it was something that never quite agreed with him. Even in defeat he had always been victorious in some sense, the opposite of which best described his current situation. Yes, he was the last one standing, good had triumphed over evil and what not, but what did he win? A few minutes to slowly and painfully die alone on a dead planet?

As darkness began to creep into the outer parts of his vision he ran and re-ran his life through his thoughts, especially the past four years. Four years in which he had lost a brother, and several brothers in arms. Four years in which he had fallen in love and married the girl of his dreams. Four of the most stressful, testing, and then peaceful years of his entire life. He could feel his knees becoming weaker by the second, and he knew his armored suit wouldn't hold him up much longer. He gathered what strength he could to pick up Hell Bringer's head that lay at his feet. Jon looked into the dull eyes that no longer glowed in the soul piercing, blood red manner he had become accustomed to. He thought about everything that Hell Bringer had revealed to him, all of the dark truths he would have been better off never knowing.

Disgusted that Hell Bringer still had the same devilish grin frozen on his face he threw the head into the burning base of what was once Swanson Tower. Exhausted of all his strength Jon could no longer resist gravity and collapsed. The warrior rolled over on his side so he could see his best friend's body that lay on the opposite side of the roof. Ironic that the two of them had been together practically since birth, and now they would die together as well. He drew in a sharp, rasp breath and then exhaled. With one final breath the world's guardian and destroyer ceased to exist, leaving the third planet from the sun as nothing more then a lifeless rock.

Hey guys, thank you for at least reading the prologue. Normally I'm against 'infodumping' in the first chapter, but I'm not sure it can be help with what has gone on and what is going on in this story line. So before you go on to the actual story I would HIGHLY suggest that you read the timeline I attached below this. Because as you'll see there is ALOT of back story, and you'll be totally lost if you just read the story. PLEASE read and review! I'll return the favor.



-Jon and Nicholas are born


-Distant planet destroyed by universal powers personal struggle, brings their battle to Earth

-Jon and Nicholas discover the pod that gives them their first suits, but remain oblivious to the gift as they lay dormant in the metal bracelets

-King cobra in India turned into Snake Maker


-Jon and Nicholas actually discover the gifts they've been given

-TAG makes first appearance in public, assists police with hostage situation. Gunmen found with new weapon made by a company owned by Holloway Enterprises

-TAG confronts local billionaire TJ Holloway for arming the gunmen, but they are shown evidence convicting his business partner, William Gold, of the crime. TAG makes an assault on Gold's mansion to bring him down before his men can stage a fake terrorist attack, which Gold planned to pin on Holloway to force him out of a multi-billion dollar partnership. Afterwards TAG takes two of Gold's Corvettes to flee before the police arrive.

-To show his appreciation Holloway provides TAG with their first base, a abandoned fire station in the middle of the city.

-Snake Maker first reveals himself, stages attack on RinggoldCity, defeated by TAG

-Snake Maker has Jon and Nicholas's best friends Chance and Jacob Tanner abducted by snake soldiers when Snake Maker believes they are TAG

-Discovering the Tanners are not TAG Snake Maker begins experimenting with their DNA, fusing it with snake DNA.

-Snake Maker unleashes a mutated Chance and Jacob on RinggoldCity. Jon and Nicholas, not knowing who the 'monsters' are kill them. Standing over their friends' corpses Snake Maker reveals their identities. Jon vows to be the brother to Carrie Tanner that he feels he robbed her of.

-Snake Maker creates his generals (Copperhead, Rattler, Viper, and Sea-snake) and snake soldiers

-Snake Maker invades RinggoldCity with his army and generals, has victory assured until four members of the Galactic Army (Major Ransam, Lieutenant Diyogi, Private Goegan, and Private Rooky) time travelers, and operators of the Space Rover and Mega Cannon join the fight. Snake Maker losses generals and the battle

-As they recover Major Ransom tells Jon and Nicholas of the future, where in they were supposed to die in Snake Maker's invasion and the Earth would fall to the creature. After years in captivity Jacob and Chance Tanner would use the TAG armor to begin a upraising, raising their own mini army of armored warriors to defeat Snake Maker.

-Major Ransam and the other Galactic Army soldiers, with no way to return to their own time and discovering the time stream is already polluted by Jacob and Chance's deaths, decide to help TAG prevent Snake Maker's eventual conqouring of Earth. They begin work on new, upgraded suits (The G2 armor) for the duo and release nanobots that begin construction of the new TAG base under the fire station.

-Snake Maker sets trap and captures Nicholas

-Jon, in his completed G2 armor, and the Galactic Army defeat the remains of Snake Maker's army, and rescues Nicholas. Jon cuts off Snake Maker's head during battle, and disintegrates his body

-Snake Maker's head taken in for study by renowned Australian scientist Dr. Waltrum

-TAG base completed. TAG gains access to a military plane graveyard where they use nanobots to restore and modify several planes to add to their arsenal.

-Hell Bringer makes his first appearance, destroying a Russian missile launch site to lure in TAG. Escapes with a nuclear warhead.

-Hell Bringer rounds up an army of mercenaries and destroys Seattle completely unopposed with the stolen warhead. Satellite images later show Hell Bringer removing something from the debris, the first of five Galaxy Crystals, sparking the hunt for the crystals.

-Major Ransam insists that TAG round up all the other teens that are scattered across the world who would have joined Jacob and Chance's future rebellion to battle the new threat. They do so successfully, even finding other futurists mistakenly brought to their time by the polluted time stream including Zales, Penzot, and the R.O.B.O. squad. TAG uses Holloway to give several of the new TAG members scholarships to PetersonAcademy near RinggoldCity to have them nearby (One of who is TAG #14 Kimberly Swift, who Jon soon begins dating).

-Major Ransom uses Holloway factory to create "robo-clones" for the other TAG members to allow them security of their secret identities. Each TAG member/robo-clone assigned an AI.


-TAG sub bases built to allow the scattered members of TAG better ability to mobilize world wide.

-TAG first encounters Element, enemy to the Extreme Team, seven armored teens that each is armed with gauntlents that give them power over a specific element. After Element's defeat Jon drafts the Extreme Team into TAG to operate as the groups "special forces".

-TAG recovers the only Galaxy Crystal they beat Hell Bringer to, the green crystal. During the fight Jon is exposed to the crystal, tests fail to show any form of radiation poisoning.

-TAG attacks Hell Bringer's Alaskan stronghold and defeat the villain, who disappears after his base explodes.

-Dr. Waltrum successfully causes Snake Maker to regenerate his body; Snake Maker escapes the labs, kidnapping Dr. Waltrum in the process

-Snake Maker builds a new fortress in the Australian outback

-TAG has their first battle with Tech, Jon's rogue AI "Zeus" in his robotic clone body.

-Dr. Waltrum forced to create Snake Maker a bride, Lady Venom.


-TAG, finally locating Snake Maker, sends in the members of the Galactic Army to spy on him, before being captured the Galactic troops reveal Snake Maker's plans to invade Sydney.

-While in captivity the Galactic Army troops met Illusion, Snake Maker's new right hand man, then they are thrown into Illusion's torture maze.

-TAG positions themselves to defend Sydney, Hell Bringer makes his re-appearance, leading an army of snake soldiers, then turns TAG #26 (Robert Wilson) into a villain named Vanisher with the aid of nanobots under his command, Lady Venom also makes her debut

-Nicholas and the Extreme Team sent to rescue the soldiers of the Galactic Army, but they themselves are captured and thrown into the torture maze.

-Extreme Team reveals that they are double agents working for Hell Bringer, and proceed to kill Major Ransam and Goegan

-Defeated, Hell Bringer retreats from Sydney, Kimberly leads her "Red Squad" (All the female TAG members) to place themselves directly in the retreat route while the others give chase to the fleeing villain. Hell Bringer unleashes Vanisher on Red Squad, several of whom are killed/

-When Jon arrives to the scene of the massacre Hell Bringer kills his girlfriend Kimberly in front of him, resulting in Jon's almost defeat at the hands of Hell Bringer and his own blinding rage

-TAG regroups, then destroy Snake Maker's fortress, but the villains have already moved their operations

-After five months of hiding from TAG Snake Maker and the others are tracked to a palace in China

-During an attack on the Chinese palace the Extreme Team are killed, Vanisher is defeated and converted back. Hell Bringer, Snake Maker, and Lady Venom are captured and put into containment. Hell Bringer and Snake Maker almost beaten to death by Jon when he experiences his first "gold mode" within which his suits limiters are cancelled out and the suit sends him into a blind rage. This is the first sign of the radiation Jon was exposed to from the green crystal.

-One week after the palace attack Illusion and three dozen snake soldiers simultaneously launch missiles at the world's major cities from multiple different countries disguised as TAG members. TAG manages to cause a missile aimed for San Francisco to dentonate over the city before it strikes. The city is evactuated over radiation concerns.

-The UN security counsel unanimously agree to declare war on TAG.

-RinggoldCity evacuated to free the military of worrying about civilians.

-Illusion, disguised as the president of the United States, releases Hell Bringer and puts him in charge of creating a TAG elimination squad.

-Hell Bringer has all the ex-TAG members drafted and formatted with high tech armor and laser guns, then leads them on an attack on the TAG base.

-TAG base air intoxicated, forcing TAG to move above ground

-Army surrounds RinggoldCity and shells it for a brief period to draw out TAG, but to no avail

-Army drops nuke on RinggoldCity, TAG members burn out their shields containing the blast and then radiation

-Ambushed while hiding out in Goodwill hospital multiple TAG members taken down by Hell Bringer's squad, including Jon's little brother, Ben. Jon himself is wounded and temporarly places Nicholas in charge.

-TAG separates and flees to multiple sub-bases world wide, only to have most of them destroyed after the various militaries of the world tracks their teleportation destinations.

-Finally cornered at the west coast sub-station in a deserted San Francisco Jon, again leading TAG, and the rest debate if they should engage the Army which is closing in on them.

-A forced, brief engagement with the military helps TAG discover that the soldiers attacking them are all androids. Jon orders a full scale attack, several more TAG members lost.

-After driving the android army back Jon leaves Nicholas in charge again as he makes his way cross country to Washington DC.

-While Illusion, still disguised as the president, is giving a live press conference Jon busts in and forces Illusion to confess to his crimes

-The android army goes rogue after being taken over by Tech, who presses the troops deep into San Francisco to kill the remainders of TAG. Jon returns to the city and goes for the 2nd time into Gold Mode, destroying the army virtually single handedly.

-TAG given full pardon and signs agreement/treaty with US government, Hell Bringer disappears.

-The new President of the United States declares, among other things, a nation wide "redo" of the current school year to equalize for the time lost in school for the children effected by the war, effectively pushing back all graduation dates back a entire year.


-Two months after the official end of World War III Snake Maker attacks RinggoldCity again, killing only one Blue Squad member, Jacob Ware, who makes Jon promise to look after his little sister Kendra

-Jon disbands all of TAG except Nicholas and Vanisher (who goes on to be his own hero in NYC), allowing the others to live normal lives

-Jon has his first encounter with the K.A.T.S. (four female, meta-human thieves, each dressed as a big cat) when he drops in on them breaking into the uptown museum

-While tracking down leads of who had been supplying the Red Eye, a group of extremist who still believe TAG actually did cause WWIII, with mech robots Jon runs into US gymnast Hannah Hudgens, whom he rescues from a fire and commissions as the new TAG 3

-Jon has several run-ins with Kendra Ware, who is desperate to meet her idol, gets far too close to several TAG battles resulting in Jon saving her life several times.