Crossed paths

Chapter 1

"To pay your debt you will marry my grandson."

These words still echoed in Keira's ear. The words of Mrs. Fuyioka. But she could do nothing she had a debt to pay and she swore that she would do anything for the help she got, and to her regret anything meant anything for Mrs. Fuyioka. As promised she was to meat her grandson and keep up her end of the bargain hoping that when he saw her he would decline and battle for both their releases.

It was not because she was ugly. Keira was 5"7 with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was an olive color; needless to say that she had Indian ancestors. The limousine that was sent to pick her up was reaching its destination, much to her regret. She has passed the entrance gate and the limo was stopping just outside the Fuyioka main house.

"Ah, Miss Cortez the mistress has been waiting for you."

"Yes thanks Harold."

"No problem, just keep on strait and take a left feel free to do any eavesdropping of the need arises."

"Ha ha ha you know me too well already."

As she walked down the hall she heard a raised voice.

"Grandma, I refuse to marry this girl that has so readily agreed to marry, probably for money." I€ndignation flooded through her as she neared the door, I have not you pig.

"You speak of what you do not know, and besides your father seems quite content with his marriage. You will meat this girl whether you like it or not she is probably outside the door hearing our conversation."

Hearing these words Keira straightened and smoothed her skirt. She was preparing to knock when somebody came barging out the door and knocked her to the floor. A man she had never seen was standing over her with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Watch where you're going!"

"Me? what a gentleman you are, you push me to the floor and it's my fault?!"

"Do you have any idea who you are talking to?!"

"Do I look like I care?! Just because you have money, influence and power it doesn't mean that you can treat people like shit!"

"Enough, keira please come in." An incredulous look passed his face as he eard her name.

"You are the girl I'm supposed to marry?!"


"You both know that you are to wed, but the reason is not important…" Not important my ass, ugh the things I do for friends, Laura better be grateful. Although the kid is not half bad! He is like what 6''2; he is tall and cute for a Japanese dude… Omg and he has green eyes. Too bad he is an ass!

"Keira are you even listening to me?"

"Yes you said something about the reason for our wedding not being important."

"That was five minutes ago." Ti this grandson was thrown into fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"I can tell you one thing grandma I might never be bored again!"

"Sure, laugh at my expense, really appreciated"

"Anytime." He sent a grin in her direction.

"With all dew respect granny, I won't be able to marry your grandson because I just met him 15 minute ago and he is already getting under my skin!!!"

"His name is Tristan, and your problem can be easily overlooked. Now back to business the wedding will be…

"Wait… his name is Tristan as in the Tristan that is always on the news for cheating and racing and all… I am to marry him?!"

"What do you mean I'm going to marry him?! You should consider yourself lucky!"

"Lucky to have a husband who will no sooner marry me that cheat on me?!"

"At least I am wanted and have had girlfriends… I can't imagine who would want to be with an, ugly, dirty, daughter of a… Slap!!!!

Keira was now fuming it was one thing that he insults her, but how dare he insult her mother!!!

"Listen, you can say whatever you want about me call me a bitch or a slut I don't care I have been called all those before, but don't ever talk about my mother and what's more never insult her because next time it will not be a stinging slap it will be much worse!!!"

"Enough!!! Now as I was saying you two shall be married by the end of the month so you better get over your problems fast!!! You are to act as happy newlyweds. Tonight there is going to be a party and you are too announce your engagement there. The media will be swarming so you will have to go to a talk show and be prepared to answer any questions that they might have. ARE WE CLEAR?!!"

Both parties reluctantly agreed to what was occurring it was becoming clear to both that they had no choice in the matter as granny would force them both into this one way or another. Tristan was already formulating a plan in his head.

How dare she slap me?! ME! All the girls adore me, they worship me. She seems to be immune to my looks and everything about me. She is not that bad looking, she has a pretty face, dark hair, dark eyes… curves a nice round butt… Not at all bad looking.

"Excuse me… could you stop eyeing me?!"

" I was not eyeing you."

"Really, well granny has been gone for five minutes and you have not blinked or moved from you seat. Whatever I'm going back to my apartment."

No you're not"

"Oh and why is that?"

"Because your apartment has been sold and all things moved to our new apartment."

" I did not know any of this!"

"Well now you do, leave your car here at the main house and I will show you our new home."

"Fine whatever, so where is your car?"

suddenly they stopped in front of a red Porshe convertible. It was the brand new model that hadn't even been released yet!!

" How come you have the car? It hasn't even been released to the market yet!'

"I have connections."

The rest of the ride to the apartment passed in an awkward silenced neither of them talked. About 15 minutes later they stopped in front of a newly built apartment building, Down the road of the Oxford Street.

"this is nice, must be very expensive, do you live here?

"No, we live here."

"Oh, what do you mean we?!"

"My we are fast! This is our apartment."

"But what about my stuff?

'Should already be here."

"wow you people move fast!"

The apartment complex had about twenty floors and a lot of security. The lobby had marble floors and a huge lamp that was titanic worthy. There was a receptionist at the far corner of the room, she was a young girl of about twenty five, and there was a kid on her lap. They looked so happy together. There were about five elevators all a gold color.

As they rode on the elevator Tristan hit the 5th floor and thet waited. Keira began to wonder how she was going to get through this arrangement, because it could certainly not be called a marriage. The elevator stopped and she silently followed him. He stopped at the last door on the end of the hall. The apartment was beautiful it was spacious, elegant. The first room was the living room which contained a big screen T.V a leather couch set, and her stuff. It had four rooms; the computer room, the master bedroom, and two others. It had an amazing view!!!!!! You could not only see the city but on a clear night you could also see the lake.

Tristan watched with amusement and interest as she ran into every room exploring the apartment. She looked like a kid at Christmas. He berated himself for not noticing earlier she looked really young, well younger than him. He interrupted her exploration of the bathroom.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen, why? How old are you?"

"Umm twenty three."

"You are five years older than me?"

"You can count!"

"I always knew I was going to marry a guy who was older but, to think he has to be soooo…"

"Charming, beautiful, intelligent?"

"I was going for annoying." Tristan just stared at her. She was so open and honest. And well in one word genuine. He hardly ever got honesty or genuine feeling from all the other girls that he was with. But still he thought that is she had agreed to the deal then she must have been a gold digger looking for an easy life. He kept watching her as she searched through all her boxes in a hurry looking for something that must be very important to her.

"Kosso!!" At this Tristan was stunned she said it so well.

"I did not know that you spoke Japanese." Keira looked at him from where she was nursing her hand that had slammed against the table.

"I don't speak much and besides you never asked."

"Where did you learn Japanese?"

"Well I don't mean to insult you or anything, but I learned from watching anime."

"Omoishiro. Well I have to go take care of some business to take care of pertaining to this deal. I also have to pick out your outfit for tonight. I think you already kknow that it's a very formal event."

"You are not going to help me unpack?"

"No and make sure that you unpack everything in the master suite, it's our room. I will be back around five and the activity it at eight so make sure you are ready.

"Great he is not even going to help me pack. Some great husband he is going to be! Can't even help me move a box. No Mr. High and mighty just has to take care of some business. It's all good business to me, nothing more than that just you know negocio. Ugh stupid men no wonder some women choose to be lesbians!" Not that I would ever do that, love men just not all and especially not Tristans. Such an ass. Though he is hot!

The master suite was just that a suite! It had a luxury bathroom very spacious. There was a king sized four poster bed with black silk sheets. There was a television set on one of the walls complete with a DVD Player and cable. The walls were a blue color, decorated with rock bands and pictures. The closet was HUGE it was like a small room in itself. Well smaller than the suite. It was a revolving closet, with room to spare. Outside of the closet there was also like a cubicle that was just big enough to fit two people comfortably. It was like a small computer room. Keira could not believe it, the master suite could very well be considered a different apartment. She went into the bathroom and realized it was huge to! There was a small vanity for her to put her stuff. Keira could not help but admire the fact that most of the decoration was Japanese, In fact most of the decoration was black and white, well at least in the bathroom.

She started unpacking essentials first her curling iron, hair products, perfumes all that jaz that she would need for the night. By the time that she was done unpacking her essentials it was three and she was a little tired. So she decided that she would get some shut eye for at least two hours.


An:/ Well this is my first story on fictionpress. I hope you guys like it! Please Review tell me if it sucks of the improvements I should do. I tried my best to check the document for grammar mistakes, I hope it's allright! But then again I suck at grammar always have so, there is not much hope for me.