Chapter 1

"Dammit, hurry up brat. Will I be forced to drag you with me, again?" I growled, as the boy kept taking his sweet time, shoving a large necklace into his faded brown sack.

He made a face. "Shut up, do you want the boss made at us again? She said, and I quote, 'If you don't bring enough stuff back from the showcase at the church, I'm gonna fry your-'"

"Look, kid, I'm not probably to be able to get us out of here alive at this rate. Which would you rather have: a chest full of bullet holes, or a "talking to" by Miss Permanent PMS?" I grumbled, running my hand through my black hair. We had to be very quiet so we wouldn't get caught by the priest down the hall, who was entertaining himself by looking out the window. He didn't even realize that we were here.

The punk glared at me through a curtain of blonde hair, his light blue gold-flecked eyes burning into me. I was unmoved by his fury. He zipped up his bag and threw up his hands in exasperation.

"Fine, just give me one more minute," he nearly yelled, lowering his voice after I pressed my finger to my lips. I shook my head. He was still such an amateur. If it wasn't for me, he'd have a gut full of gunpowder by now. Why did I even bother?

I sighed and decided take a look around at our location, since I didn't care or have the time to look before. After all, I was usually far too fast to actually look around. That's what a good thief does: gets in, steals whatever needs to be taken, and gets out without attracting attention.

The church we were in was extremely tacky in its furnishing; a dark gray carpet, white walls, and religious paintings in a fake gold frame. It looked like every other church that had ever existed. Deciding it had been long enough, I turned to face that devil spawn I was forced to work with.

"Ready to go?" I whispered, trying not to let the guard hear me. He nodded and hefted his bag over his shoulders, not noticing the small enlarging hole at the bottom. We both froze as a silver vase tumbled out and clangored to the floor. The kid gave me a startled, then sheepish look as he quickly threw the vase back in his back. It was too late. I saw the priest turn our way. We had been spotted. We had to leave. Now.

"Hey, what are you-" the priest cried, just as we disappeared into the shadows, my white cape flailing behind me.

"Hey, welcome back!" an annoying voice chirped from behind the giant computer in the entrance of LUNA headquarters. I had managed to get us back with little problems. Of course, now we had to tell Diana we were spotted. Ugh. What a FUN conversation that's gonna be.

"SUZIE!!!" the brat yelled in my ear as he grabbed her in a big hug. Damn, is that boy TRYING to make me deaf…

She just grinned and hugged him back. After about two minutes of hyperactive (on both of their parts) hugging, the brunette finally looked at the giant sack on the kid's back. Her blue eyes silver-speckled widened. "Oh, you got the stuff…GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!" The secretary then felt it was necessary to bring Demon Seed and I into a group hug…into her chest. Talk about awkward. I heard the kid's sigh of contentment, however. The dangers of a closet pervert. I shrugged my way out of the embrace and the two didn't even notice. Those two better "hook up" soon or the hormones will overflow into my brain.

"We're here to see Diana," I grumbled, feeling out of place watching their touch-feely hug/embrace.

Suzie had the nerve to be surprised. "Oh, really? What's the occasion?" she said, acting professional. It would have worked if she wasn't squeezing the brat to her chest.

"We were spotted," I growled, glaring at the kid. It was all HIS fault, the damn amateur.

"What? How was I supposed to know that there was a hole in the darn bag?" he countered angrily.

"Maybe if you actually checked, you son of a-"

"Alright, ALRIGHT!! I don't care what the excuse is," she sighed. "You can go in now, just keep your temper to a minimum." She glared at me in particular. I just kept my face blank. Right behind her, the door to Diana's lair opened, with her bodyguard Banks leaning against the door. He just nodded and we all nodded back. He didn't speak, which caused many people wonder if he was a mute. I understood in the way that all unsociable understood each other. We just don't like wasting words for things that people should already know.

"Okay, go on in. Have fun getting grilled by the boss!" she said cheerfully. The brat whimpered. He still hadn't realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. Like Miss Feminist was really going to torture him. Phht.

"Okay, bye Suzie," he waved in a depressed fashion. Right, like he wasn't going to see her ever again.

She smiled brightly at him. "Don't worry Skip, we can hang out later today, alright?"

He grinned and didn't stop, even when I whacked his arm, which usually turns him into a blubbering mess. Damn, he really likes her.

Banks just nodded to us and started walking down the dark hallway. I silently followed him, not even caring if the kid was following. Well, I cared because he had the stuff that may save us from getting our asses kicked, but not actually about him. Call me an asshole or heartless bastard, but give me a break. I have no reason to care about anyone. The three of us then walked into the tunnel leading to Diana's office. Finally.

Why the hell does Diana need so much security?

I found myself questioning Diana's paranoia as we walked down the dimly lit hallway following Banks. Did she truly believe that she was worth all of the secrecy and protection? If so, she was even more conceited than I thought.

I tried to focus on my surroundings yet again, as Banks was like a rock in terms of social habits (not like I should talk). Skip was too… happy. I was better off observing, not interacting.

The hallway was actually part of a long forgotten tunnel system built back in the 20's. It was lit by candles on either side, hanging from expensive looking fake candle holders. The tunnel was long and winding, seeming like it would never end. That was why Diana's office was down here: the mere appearance throws possible attackers off.

We finally reached the end of the hallway and waited as Banks knocked on the door. A faint "Come in," was heard and Banks opened the door.

Diana's office would be called an architectural wonder. If anyone besides LUNA members could see it, that is. It had a high domed ceiling with what looks like glass. Except that would be MUCH too unsafe for the head of one of the greatest organizations in the underworld. The entire room was a shimmering display of wavy glass and gentle blue curtains. It felt like we were at the bottom of the ocean. I wished I was as I looked at Diana's glare.

"Okay, okay, before you say anything, we got the stuff you wanted. Skip, give her the bag." I said quickly, trying to rid the tension in the room.

Cody nearly threw the bag on her desk. Her red eyes widened at the amount we had collected. They didn't call me a master thief for nothing.

She smiled in appreciation as she took out an emerald necklace and looked at it closely. "Perfect, very nice work." She put the necklace down and grinned in a forced fashion. "What was it that you had to talk to me about?"

"We were spotted." I said, wanting to get it over with.

Her expression darkened considerably after that. "Did he see your-"

"Yes, he saw my damn cape. What do you want us to do now?"

She smiled once again, her expression brightening. "It really is not big deal. Of course, the priests…" her expression darkened for a brief moment, but was gone in an instant. "Oh well, it won't matter. At least those bastards know who stole their stuff. That's great, we need to spread our name so not only the underworld fears us, but the above world as well. Now you can go get some rest. Good work Skip," she nodded to him, "and Cain." She nodded to me as well. "Skip, you are dismissed." Skip nodded as he gave me a worried look. He walked out, with Banks closing the door behind him. Once he was, her face transformed from happy to worried. She looked almost motherly. Not that she cared or anything.

"So, Skip still can't remember anything?"

I shook my head and Diana sighed.

"I'm really worried. Skip used to be one of our best agents. Now he's just a shadow of his former self. Is he still curious about our world?"

I nodded.

Diana gave me a small smile. "Well, keep answering his questions and hopefully something will click. Thank you Cain. You are dismissed."

With a wave of her hand, she rose and turned her back to me, her white cape hiding the demonic wings I knew were there.

Banks opened the door for me. I nodded to him and walked to where Cody waiting. We quickly took our leave.

"Hey Cain… there was something a little funny about Diana's mind that I saw…" Skip whispered, as we treaded down the long hallway.

"Skip, what did I tell you about traveling into Diana's-"

"I didn't TRAVEL into her mind, she was projecting it!" he protested, his face a violent red.

I just glowered at him, but not saying anything, allowing him to continue.

"It had very dark clouds circling around…the word God was being uttered over and over again…and then they showed a giant cross. There was lightening too. Doesn't that seem strange?"

I nodded silently, allowing all conversation to die until we finally separated to go to our separate rooms. I reached my bed and silently pondered what Skip had seen in Diana's mind. It couldn't be…

All of my thoughts died as my head collapsed on my pillow, as I quickly fell into a dream…of someone long ago…

Author's note

Well, there is something going on here! Please review and let me know what you think! I'm new at this, I need all the help I can get!