Hi all!
I KNOW that Fictionpress doesn't really like updates that consist of mere chit-chat but I have the bulk of my fans here and I just have to take this opportunity to quickly announce that Red Generation is now available in print!
You can purchase it online through the Lulu online bookstore, simply visit the website listed on my profile page. I would put the address here but Fictionpress seems to block out URLs when I type them. (Probably to stop people like me doing this!) It's going for 13.50 US, and is in A5 paperback format. (4.50 for the digital download!) I'm sorry that the book is not available anywhere else at this current point in time but I have allocated it an official ISBN number so I can eventually get it into places like real bookstores and Amazon.
Oh and the book also contains a full extra chapter on the end based three years later. It includes some cute moments and a steamy scene that I didn't get time for in the online version.
Next up, after I give my Silent Novels website a serious facelift and new layout I'll be starting my next story. Still not sure whether this one will go straight to print or be online again like Red Gen. I might be leaning more towards print though as it's got a lot more mature/adult content in it. There is still a lot that needs to be ironed out such as a title and sub characters but the bulk of the plot and the main two characters have already been established. All that I'm going to say for now is that it's a medieval/fantasy based around a war between two races that inhabit the same country. (Humans and Lupeians, humans who are half-wolf.) I can't wait to make a start on it. It'll be in third person too, a nice change from writing in first person for so long. I'll at least be putting the first chapter or two online to see what everyone thinks.
Keep in touch with me on my website, I'll still be roaming around here on fictionpress though. This place has been so helpful to me and my work! (I wonder how long I'll be able to have this entry up here before it gets deleted?)
- Laura
P.S. Thank you to everyone who has read and left reviews on this story! It really means so much to me!