Ending Theme: "Dark Diamond" by Elton John

Once again, the abridged version. The lyrics are by Bernie Taupin, I think.

We see a display case in a jewelry store with five rings in black velvet-lined boxes, sitting in a row: sapphire, white diamond, black diamond, ruby and emerald

Oh, I'm a dark diamond,

I've turned hard and cold

The background turns black, so that only the stones are visible. They form a cirlce and revolve at the bottom right of the screen.

Once was a jewel with fire

in my soul

The faces of all the characters are seen inside the circle, each appearing slowly and then fading – Jennifer -

There's two sides of a mirror

One I couldn't break through

- Roy -

Stayed trapped on the inside, wound up

losing you

- Roy as Black Diamond; his picture shatters like glass -

Tell me, how does it work?

How do you make things fit?

- Lumi -

Spent all my life

trying to get it right

- Kiara -

You put it together and it falls apart

- Pearl and Onyx -

I talk to myself

I might understand

- Mr. Windermere and Natalie -

But when the wall's built

and the heart's hardened...

- Emerald -

You get a dark diamond

The gemstones fade into black, and two shining figures appear instead: Swan and Raven with wings, wearing black and white medieval clothing. Their eyes are locked and they are holding each other's hands, with the rings visible.

The End