A lone rider galloped down a muddy dirt path. Though he was dirty and tired, he still rode with the skill and posture expected of a Messenger of the Crown. The bright moon lit his way, as well as a large castle beyond the hill in front of him. The messenger wore a cape that had a large crown emblazed upon it, and bore a crest with the same symbol. As he neared the castle, he rehearsed the message he had been given in his mind. When he arrived at the castle gates, he called up to the guard on the wall.

"A messenger of the crown sends his greetings to Lord Aster!"

"From the Crown?" the guard yelled back. "Please, come in at once!"

The huge gates of the castle slid back and the portcullis rose up with a clamor. The messenger dismounted and began to walk his tired horse along the tunnel through the wall when a sword appeared from nowhere and stopped him. A man walked out of a crevice in the wall, hidden in the shadows, and inspected the messenger. The man with the sword was of average height with a stocky build. He wore the hood of his mantle over his head, and a mask covered his mouth and nose. Brown bangs hung down from his forehead. All of his clothing was leather, lacquered black with bronze studs holding it together. When the man saw the crest about the messenger's neck, he sheathed his sword, and bowed.

"I hope you will excuse the intrusion, Servant of the Crown. One can not be too cautious in these dangerous times. I feel the Duke of Greth's assault on the Crown was only a start."

"Ray, is that you?" asked the messenger.

"Yes sir, it is me."
"Last time I saw you, you were only a child. You should only be about…"

"I will lead you to Lord Aster now," Ray cut the messenger off.

Ray led him through a few sets of doors and up a winding staircase. He stopped at a single door.

"You may enter, Messenger of the Crown. Lord Aster is within."

The messenger walked into the room and removed his hood, revealing disheveled white hair. Though he had white hair, the messenger was not old; he did not have a single line of aging on his face. He faced a man and woman: Lord and Lady Aster. Lord Aster looked older, his white hair streaked with grey. The woman had long, pristine, silky blonde hair, though it was light enough to be mistaken for white. She held a sleeping baby in her arms.

"What news from the Crown would bring you here in such a hurry, Tomas?" asked Lord Aster.

"The queen has given birth to an heir: a princess my lord," Replied Tomas, still out of breath.

"This is indeed goods news!" cried Lord Aster.

"Will you compete, my lord, with your son?" Tomas gestured towards the baby.

"Of course I will. Ray?"

Ray appeared behind Lord Aster. It was as if he had suddenly appeared.

"Take of your mask, Ray," commanded Lord Aster. Ray reluctantly removed his hood and mask. He was very young, he had probably seen less then 20 years.

"You will begin training Jerik as soon as he can walk."

"Of course, my lord."

"So it is you, Ray," cut in Tomas. "You're Lord Aster's retainer now?"

"Indeed I am, Master Tomas." Ray replied. "Is that all, my Lord?"

"Yes, it is. You are dismissed."

Ray quickly replaced his hood and mask and left the room.

"He dislikes it when people judge him by his age," explained Lord Aster. "So he always hides his face. Few people could imagine he became a feared Avenger Assassin at the age of 15."

"So he will train the boy to try to become Queensguard."

"The boy will become Queensguard. He has already shown some of his inherited skills, and he is not even one year old. He can grab things in the complete darkness that even I cannot see.

"But will the Night Eyes be enough to deliver him as Queensguard?"

"He will be trained by Ray. Though he is only 17, there is no better teacher. Do not doubt my judgment. I remember a certain person doubted me that they would be accepted into the service of the King."

"Of course, my lord. I apologize."

"Do not, Tomas. Now, will you stay here for a day to let your horse rest, or do you have more messages to deliver?"

"I must return to the Crown with all haste to inform His Majesty of your son being a candidate to become Queensguard."

"Very well then, Tomas. I hope to see you soon. Please take this."

Lord Aster dropped a small bag of coins into Tomas's hand. Tomas bowed and exited the room. Lord Aster turned to his wife."

"The boy you hold will become Queensguard. Are you happy, love?"

"I can feel it," she responded. "He has more ability then any of his siblings. He will become a great warrior."