I'm sitting on the bridge.

It's not really a bridge, most like a patch of cement over a pathetic excuse for a river. Driving in the car, blink and you'll miss it.

I sit near the edge, ignoring the cars zooming by behind me. My feet dangle over the water, and inside I have this dread that my shoes will somehow slip off, and fall in the little stream. If they did, I could probably take them out easily enough, it isn't that fast, but then again, the chances of my shoes dropping are close to none. Nonetheless, the little fear knaws on my stomach like a little rat chewing away.

The rain beats down steadily, not hard, but it comes down nonstop. The dark grey clouds roll in the sky, rumbling like my stomach when I forget to eat.

My hair is tangled, and wavy, and ugly, but I run a hand through it anyways, as if that will do anything. I let my hand drop and hug myself from the cold. It doesn't do much good against my wet sweater and the cold wind but it feels comforting.

I never felt this way before. I've been alone my whole life, but I mean, I've never actually felt lonely from being around someone. Whenever I'm around you, I feel warm and lonely at the same time. It's strange, you'd think that feeling would go away once you took its place.

I shake my head and clear my thoughts. I know once I start, I won't be able to stop. Instead, I hum the tune of a song that makes me feel nice. I'm humming so loud by the time you come, I don't notice you walking up to me.

"Allison?" I jump, and look at you, straight for your eyes.

Sometimes I remind myself of a witch. Looking into the eyes of everyone I meet, searching for someone who searches back. Or I could be a victim of a witch. I have a curse, and I look into the eyes of the people around me, but I find nothing but empty.

You look back, unflinchingly, till a car whizzes by and honks a horn loudly. You jump closer to the edge without falling, if that's possible.

"Jesus Christ!" You look behind you, but I still have my eyes on your face. I take you in.

Your dark brown hair is peeking in uneven strands from the hoodie of you jacket. Your warm, although unfortunate eye is searching nervously for another car coming too close. Of course, you can't see anything with the left one, but it's still perfectly brown, like your good one, if not a little cloudy. It's hard to tell you're blind in one eye, unless you bump into a door or something, but I love you all the same. You wipe your wet hands on your jeans, as if that will help.

"What are you doing out here?" You face me, and your brow is knitted into concern, and a part of me feels like crying because never in my life has anyone every really felt that for me. I bite my tongue sharply, and the swelling tears go down vindictively.

"Nothing," I lie. I want to tell you that I'm waiting for you. Waiting like a stupid princess on a knight. But I don't. I have trouble saying anything in big chunks besides lies.

You sit down by me, ignoring the rain that has soaked you to the very bone. I stare out at the little stream trickling on and on.

"Why didn't you visit me?" you ask, and though I knew you were going to, a part of me becomes heavy and aching. I look at you through the corner of my eye to find you staring at me. I look back at the water, and wonder if I threw myself in would it carry me far far away from here.

"I was afraid when I visited you, your mom would tell me you weren't getting any better." It's true. I didn't want to come, and find out your condition was still the same, still horrible. That would be worse.

You chuckle, throwing your head back into the air. As your laugh fades, you open your mouth to catch the falling raindrops.

"C'mon, Alli, catch the raindrops."

I don't know why I do it, but I open my mouth and let the cool water fall in my mouth, trickle down my throat.

It feels good.