Fangs pushed against my bottom lip as my mouth watered. There were humans ripe for the picking nearby. I growled softly in my chest. A hand snapped onto my arm.
"Danny, you wait for the pack," the pack's third in command snarled against my ear.
"I know that, Nathan. I'm not going to do anything rash with Kayla's bastard puppy breathing down my neck," I growled back into his face. The hand tightened around my upper arm. I laughed darkly.
"Don't you dare say my mother's name, bitch-dog," he spat jerking me around to face him. I was growling louder now.
"Why not, Nathan? I've heard so many men of the pack call her name…Oh, Kayla!!" I cried lustfully laughing the whole time. He jerked my arm hard toward the ground. I went to my hands and knees still laughing.
"You shut up, bitch! My mother is beloved by this pack!" he yelled down at me.
"Yeah, by the whole pack," I gasped still laughing. His eyes shifted to a glowing yellow as his growl grew louder. His face began to shift as his snout started to elongate.
"Oh, Dane isn't going to be happy with you if you change before the pack gets here, momma's puppy!" I yipped rocking up onto my knees. He just growled louder. Just then I caught sight of movement at the head of the alley we were in. I jumped up to my feet and kneeled at the feet of the newcomer.
"Lord Dane, Pack Leader, I thank you for your presence," I said respectfully. Dane looked down on me.
"Get up, dear Danny; there is no need for you to abase yourself to me. Nathaniel, however, hasn't earned that privilege. Why are you still standing, twit?" he boomed to the man still standing. Nathan stopped growling, but his face was still half changed. I could sense that he couldn't move just yet, without his anger getting the best of him.
"Nathan is just…" I started, but was interrupted.
"Don't cover for his disrespect, Daniela," Dane said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shut my mouth like a good dog, but I really felt sorry for the punishment Nathan was going to get, because it was actually my fault. Dane stepped forward toward the unmoving man and looked directly into his face.
"Why are you still standing, Nathaniel? Why are you fighting the change so hard? Did you let your anger get the better of you again?" Dane asked quietly staring him in the eyes. Nathan shuttered as he tried to speak. I couldn't watch him try to get hold of himself because of my overactive mouth. I turned away.
"I am sorry, Lord Dane, my anger did get the better of me again. Please forgive me," he said slowly with obvious effort. I cringed as I heard Dane slap him hard across the face. Nathan fell to his knees still barely holding on to his anger.
"That is for letting your anger get out of your control. If I catch you again, you will be removed from third to bottom feeder!" Dane growled, "Let's get ready for the hunt." I nodded, and Nathan struggled to his feet. I caught his arm to keep him upright, and he growled at me as he snatched his arm back. I truly felt sorry for what I did to him.
"Are we the only ones hunting tonight?" I whispered following at Dane's right side.
"Yes, we only need the three of us to hunt. Is that a problem, Daniela?" Dane asked without looking at me.
"No, my lord, if you order it, it is never a problem," I answered coldly. I wondered why he was so upset. He was never so cold towards me.
We walked out of the alley to the night club across the street. Dane went straight to the front of the line, and Nathan and I followed. A few words were exchanged, and the three of us entered the very popular club. I heard several cross words coming from the crowd waiting to get in, but if Dane didn't seem to care, neither did I. I looked to Nathan, and he looked to me. I nodded, and he did too. Dane pointed in each direction telling the two of us to spread out across the room. Nathan went left, I went right, and Dane cut across the middle of the dance floor. The music was so loud that nothing else could be heard. With enhanced senses, the music was so deafening. I just ignored the noise and watched the room for an unsuspecting victim. It didn't take long. A six foot tall ex-football player sauntered up to me about the time I reached the bar.
"Give the lady whatever she wants, it's on me," he smiled sweetly at me. I wanted to gag.
"Gin and tonic. Thanks, honey," I said returning the smile. I glanced in Dane's direction and couldn't find him, so I looked toward Nathan. I caught his eye and gave him the 'help me' look. He just smiled wickedly and turned away for the dance floor. I was on my own.
"So, what's your name, beautiful?" the flirting partially drunk stranger asked bending closer to my face to 'hear me better.'
"Danny, you?" I returned leaning back to take my drink from the bartender. The stench coming off of this man gagged me.
"Ben, do you like to dance?" he asked leaning even closer. I tipped all of the liquid down my throat and nodded. I took his hand and pulled him to the floor.
"Wow, little girl, um, Danny, I like a girl that can gulp her drink and hold," he said following me obediently. We reached the floor, and I began to move in time to the thunderous booming echoing from the speakers overhead. His hands found my waist, and he began to move his hips in time against mine. I resisted the gagging in the back of my throat. This guy stank of beer and sweat, and he was touching me! Ew! I wanted to throw up, but I contained myself. I just moved to the noise. I was also looking for Dane, because I knew he was the only one that would help me. I couldn't find him, so I just took everything into my own hands. I looked up into his eyes and let my own shift from stormy dark grey to a snowy light blue. He didn't seem to notice. I let my body move so fluidly that it would drive any man insane, and the scents I threw off would draw all of the men from my pack, including Dane and Nathan. It didn't take long. Dane found me first growling darkly and sounding as defensive as any man ever did.
"Are you touching my girl, mister?" Dane barked wrapping a protective arm around my waist pulling me against his body. I did what I wanted: I brought Dane to my rescue. Nathan was still no where to be found.
"I'm sorry, man. She came on to me," he drawled holding his arms up innocently. Dane looked down at me as if asking if he was telling the truth. I looked up at him with a look of 'I didn't do a damn thing.'
"I seriously doubt that, buddy. She's good to me," Dane said squeezing me tighter. I loved the feel of his strong arm locked around my waist. I could smell the masculinity wafting off of him and wrapping around my body. The awful man, Ben, just stepped back giving up so easily. Dane growled as Ben walked by. I pulled away from him a little to walk away off the dance floor, but he turned me around to face him. He pulled me against his body and began to dance. I moved with him, but it was different than with Ben. This man was stronger and smelled of man and beast, not alcohol. He moved almost as if he was going to make love to me there on the dance floor.
"No one touches my woman," he growled against my ear. I felt it down into the pit of my stomach and lower.
"I'm your woman?" I asked gently pulling back slightly.
"Yes, you're mine and mine alone," he rumbled pulling me as close as he could without being in me. We were amongst the hundreds dancing to the music that was blasting through the air, but as far as I was concerned we were the only people on the floor. The next thing I knew, Dane's mouth was locked with mine. His tongue tangled with mine, and I thought my body was going to burn up from the inside out. I pulled myself into the kiss to the point that I could taste blood from where I nicked my lip on his fangs. His fangs? He was starting to change without realizing it. We pulled back with the sweet taste of blood on our tongues.
"Dane?" I asked quietly, knowing he would hear me even over the raucous around us.
"Come on, Danny. Let's get out of here," he smiled down at me. I couldn't help, but to smile back up at him. I nodded, but I remembered that we didn't come here alone.
"What about – "his finger pressed lightly against my lips.
"Shhh, Danny. He's a big boy, and he'll find his way home," he kissed me tenderly as he pulled me toward the door. I went laughing quietly to myself at the way Nathan's little joke had backfired. He would probably get himself into a fight and get his ass kicked. Oh well.
"I saw what Nathaniel did; he stranded you. That earned him anything he could get himself into. He should learn to take care of all of the pack members, even the ones he doesn't like. We are all family; he should learn that, soon, if he expects to get anywhere in the pack," he seemed to answer my thoughts. He never let go of my hand as he led me down the street toward our Safe House. Our Safe House was located on the edge of town, and we were nearer to downtown, but with our supernatural powers, it would take us moments to reach it. He squeezed my hand, and his eyes began to glow softly. I knew that mine responded to the power and began to glow. He nodded, and we took off in a sprint. The only thing that could be seen of us was a blur.
We arrived in a minute's time. We were standing on the porch, hardly breathing hard from the run, but the things he had mumbled in my ear along the way did speed my breath. Our bodies entwining…never ceasing 'til I'm finished with you…I am your dominant, you know that… Just remembering them made my stomach clench. He wrapped a possessive arm around my waist as he fished in his pocket for the keys to the door. By the time he got the door open, I was trailing nips down his throat, and rubbing his chest through his shirt.
"If you keep that up, I'm going to take you right here on the porch, in front of everyone," he whispered against my ear. He half dragged me into the Safe House. We entered in the front hall with the living room to our left, and the office/library to our right; the stairs stretched up in front of us, but I hardly noticed anymore. I had more important things to concentrate on. Oh my God, I wanted Dane so bad. He kept kissing me passionately as he pushed the door closed. There were people lounging all over the couches and chairs in the living area, and the desk in the office. People were laying on each other because we thrive on touch. The touch is almost always sexual, though. That's just how we live. We had six Safe Houses around the tri-state area, and all of them are like this one. Our Headquarters Safe Haven is in remote wooded area out away from any civilization. It's a freaking castle. It's made of stone, and makes most of the European castles look tiny, but it makes sense; it's the main home to the largest wolf pack in the United States. I snapped back to attention when Dane bit my throat. Everyone perked up when the door opened, and Dane entered.
"Lord Dane, welcome to Safe House Delta. We weren't expecting you, or your mate, I am so sorry," the head of Delta House, Aang, said coming to meet the Lord of the Pack. Dane looked up from me long enough to growl at the poor man unfortunate enough to come close to his chosen mate of the night. Aang's eyes began to glow when the waves of power washed over him. Every wolf in the house responded to the pure raw power.
"Bedroom," Dane growled to the Delta House alpha male. He knew his superior when he saw him, so he just pointed up the stairs. Dane lifted me off of my feet and carried me up the stairs. The Master's Room was where we ended up for the night. I landed on the bed with a threatening growl. I am the Alpha Female of the whole pack, and I wasn't dominated easily or without a fight. He met my growl with one of his own.
"You will be mine, Daniela. Mine," he rumbled crawling across the bed to crouch over me. I was never on bottom; I never submitted to anyone. I almost roared as I rolled out from under him. He caught my wrist and used it to nearly throw me into the wall at the head of the bed. I couldn't recover quickly enough to get away before he was pinning me to the wall.
"No, no, no, little girl. I'm in charge here," he chuckled evilly into my ear. I knew he was right, but I couldn't give in without fighting.
"I'll never admit that willingly, Dane," I spat back worming my way free. I also knew he was faster than I was, but it still surprised me. One second I was on my feet trying to reach the other side of the bed, and the next I was laying face first on the sheets with him on top of me. This time I knew I wasn't getting away. He had me down for good.
"I told you, I am in charge. Say it, bitch," he demanded pressing me harder onto the bed. It almost hurt, almost.
"Never," I gasped. I felt sharp teeth bite into the back of my neck, and I couldn't stop the thrill from pulsing through my whole body. The teeth disappeared, and he lifted off of my upper body for a few seconds. I couldn't figure out why at first, but I watched his shirt fall from the corner of my eye, then he came back harder than before.
"You will admit that I'm in charge. I will make you," he whispered threateningly into my ear. He pushed my hips further into the bed as he pulled my torso off the bed, and he jerked my shirt over my head and threw it across the room. My bra followed, and I knew by the way he pulled it off of me that he had broken the clasp. What was a girl to do? I grabbed onto the bed for support as he bit into the nape of my neck again. His hips came off of me, but if I tried to pull free, I would hurt myself, so I just let him hold me. Yeah, he was in charge, but I wasn't going to admit it out loud. The remainder of our clothing fell quickly, and he pressed his hard body against my back. He growled deeply sending vibrations through my body. Admit it, Daniela. I will win. He pushed the thought deep into my skull.
"Never," I whimpered tearing the sheets with claws I couldn't keep sheathed. He surprised me when he slammed into me full force. I already felt bruises forming from the blow. I was going to be in real pain in the morning. I had heard horror stories from the other women in the pack that Dane was rough, but I never believed how rough. A tear slid down my cheek as he began to work in and out of me. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, prepared for as much pain as he could deliver, and then I felt him invade my mind. His pace slowed and stopped with him buried deep inside me. You aren't scared of me. You know I can hurt you, but you aren't afraid. I am hurting you, and you aren't scared. He sounded reverent inside my tortured mind.
"Please don't hurt me, Dane," I breathed against the bed. He calmly pulled out of me and turned me over. He lifted me up and placed me gently on the bed. I watched him climb up next to me and placed and arm around my waist. He caressed me softly as he looked down at me with a look of kindness.
"What's happening?" I asked confused. He smiled softly.
"Every other woman who has shared my bed has been truly afraid of me. I break them without a fight. You are so much different. No matter how close I came to truly hurting you, you wouldn't break, and you had no fear in your heart for me. You trusted me not to kill you. That means a lot to me, dear Daniela," he explained toying absently with the ring in my navel. It was sending pulses of pleasure through my body, but I didn't show it.
"You would never kill me," I said softly leaning up to him. My hand trailed down the side of his face, and he kissed my palm. I never meant to hurt you. Not truly hurt you. You are the alpha for a reason. He purred in my head. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I kissed him softly at first, but increased as I pushed him onto his back. I straddled him in a push-up I'm on top. I growled in his head. I didn't give him the chance to react. I pushed another passionate kiss on his mouth. Our tongues tangled as his hands found my hips. I growled as he pulled my hips down onto his body. He entered me slowly but steadily this time. The pain went away, and all I felt was undeniable joy. I pulled my head back and let out a soft howl. The power radiated out away from us and found the others in the house. I could tell by the growls coming from downstairs that we had worked up an orgy. He turned me under him with a growl. No, dear, that's not going to work. I'm always on top. He growled as he nuzzled against my neck and nipped me. I caught the scent of my own blood, and I felt my eyes shift to icy blue. His eyes turned a deep forest green as I watched him lick the drop of blood off of his bottom lip. He began to pump in and out of me hard and fast, but he made sure he didn't hurt me. Unimaginable pleasure began to build as he ravaged me. His mouth locked onto my throat, and the pain pushed me closer to the edge. My claws raked his bare back, and the scent of his blood invaded my senses and wiped all other thought from me. He faltered in his rhythm as he got close to the breaking point. I could feel my shape become less than solid, and I knew I would shift. Reality shattered as we both launched over the edge. I heard two howls became one, and we shifted into one form. Dane and I reached the Shifting Point. The power pulsing through us was enough to keep us wrapped in unspeakable pleasure. We lifted our head and let out the most powerful howl I had ever heard before we fell back onto the bed in our own bodies. He lay beside me laughing weakly.
"That…" he tried to speak but couldn't get the strength. That was amazing, Daniela. He was so happy; so was I. Yes, that was great. Good night, Dane. I slipped into unconsciousness peacefully.
The next morning, I woke up with the sun shining in my face through the partially parted curtains. I wasn't bruised from the previous night. I was shocked, but one thing that didn't surprise me in the least was the fact that I was alone. Dane was nowhere to be seen, but I could feel him close by. Dane? Are we still connected? I wasn't sure anymore. Yes, baby. Good morning. How are you feeling, Daniela? His voice in my head was gentle and caring. Pretty good, actually. What happened last night? I didn't quite believe it. I could actually feel him inside my heart and mind. We shifted together. That means we combined together. I sat up slowly in the bed. This was scaring me. Only couples that really loved each other for life did shit like this. This was the commitment of a lifetime. What had I done? A knock sounded lightly on the door.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong? You slammed me out so hard it almost hurt. Are you alright?" Dane called through the closed door. I didn't even realize I had closed him off.
"I'm alright, Dane. I'm just not used to this bond thing." I wasn't lying out right. I really wasn't used to the bond thing.
"May I come in? You're shielding so damn hard we're going to have to talk the old fashioned way," he laughed.
"Yes, you can come in," I called standing and stretching out my tired muscles. He stepped through the door and stopped, staring at me. His eyes held a primal hunger as he caressed every part of my body with them. I stopped stretching and turned to look at him.
"What's up, Dane?" I asked leaning my head to one side smiling.
"You," he breathed, his eyes never leaving my body. I felt sudden heat building deep in my gut as I watched his unchecked lust boil in his eyes. What's wrong with us, Dane/ The bond. / My body is… / …reacting to me. He growled deep in his throat as he walked across the room to me. His arm locked around my waist pinning me to the rough material of his jeans. I whimpered softly turning my neck up for him to feast; he didn't refuse the offer. His teeth had grown into sharp fangs, and he used them to pierce into the vein in my throat. I called out before I could stop. The growl that rattled through my body stilled my beating heart. I used the connection between us to take control. Dane, I will win this! I mentally threw him off of him. The connection pulled tight, and I felt his mouth lose its rhythmic pull. I jerked the connection tight again and ripped into it with mental claws. He let me go and howled in pain. The searing pain that blossomed behind my eyes almost dropped me to my knees. I stumbled and sat heavily on the bed. Dane leaned against the wall. What the hell are you doing/ Defending myself. I don't want you to feed from me. You've fed today. I haven't. I need food. I lay over on the pillows with my feet still dangling over the bed. You feed when I tell you to. I wish to feed from you, and you will do as I ask. He commanded glaring at me. I raked sharp claws through our bond, and he whimpered. I can stand a lot more mental anguish than you can. I will drop your ass. I pushed claws deeper into the bond. He howled. I am in charge, Daniela. You are nothing! He spat evilly at my mind. I pulled the chord tighter and jabbed my claws deeper and harder into the gooey bond. He fell to his knees howling in horrible pain. He struggled through the pain and wrapped his hands around my thigh. He began to squeeze. I knew he would break my femur without effort. The pain began to seep into my brain, but I didn't falter. My hold on his mind held tight without trouble. The pain made the hold on the cord between us tighten and become solid. Claws were dragged down my inner leg pulling a howl from me. The tighter I pulled, the harder he clawed. We were in a deadlock. I had one trick left up my sleeve if I could manage to pull it off before he broke my leg. With the chord pulled tight and solid, I twisted it with all of the mental strength I had. He let out part of a howl as his body fell limp at my feet. It worked! The awful pain I felt made me cough, but it was a small price to pay. I knew through that damn bond that he was still alive. I could kill him, sure, but I would die with him. Ick, not me, thanks. I didn't even want this. Damn men.
I crawled across the bed and got off the other side. I found all of my clothes, but I was right, my bra was ruined. Oh well, small loss. The wound on my leg healed as I moved. Once dressed, I walked out into the hall. The howling had brought a few of the stronger males to our door.
"Is everything alright, Ms. Daniela?" the Delta House master asked trying to look around me. I pulled the door closed behind me and placed a hand on the side of his face to pull his eyes to mine. The power pulsing from my hand forced the breath out of his lungs.
"Is everything alright, Aang?" I purred softly pressing my lips against his. He kissed me lightly. I pulled away laughing boldly. Aang swallowed hard and seemed to pull himself back together.
"You are the Alpha Female of the Pack, aren't you?" he said clearing his throat attempting to sound cold and in change. He failed when he caught my eyes again.
"Yes. I see you can detect power, but can you recognize authority?" I asked coldly showing near contempt in my steel grey eyes. Aang physically pulled back in fear.
"Yes, Mistress, you are in change until Lord Dane says otherwise," he said calmly moving out from in front of me allowing me to pass. I nodded as I walked away down the hall. The guys around the door followed me downstairs. Everyone down in the other rooms stood and paid me the respect I deserved.
"Thank you, at ease," I smiled as everyone went back to what they were doing, "Where can I get something to eat in this town?"
"A little hungry, bitch?" a very familiar voice said coming up behind me.
"Nathan, how are you? Have fun at the club?" I asked turning toward him.
"You left me for dead. How dare you ditch me!" he wrapped a fist around my throat. I could hear and feel all of the males around the entryway we were standing in bristle and growl. Nathan was going to get his ass kicked. Nathan, you ditched me first. Now, let go of me. I pulsed pure energy through his hand. His eyes got wide. How does a wench like you get access to power like this? His hand had loosened to a gentle lover's caress around my neck. Dane messed me up. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. Nathan was the only one who could see them. Come on, we can go eat together and talk. He stroked my cheek lightly as he pulled his hand back. Everyone looked confused.
"We're going to go find food," I announced walking out the door. Nathan followed quietly. When the door clicked shut behind us, I took off at a blinding sprint. Nathan followed without question. After four miles, he caught my arm. We're in the middle of nowhere, baby. Stop, please, we're alone. He was gentle. I stopped running and actually looked around. We really were in the middle of nowhere. Nathan turned me to look at him.
"What happened, Daniela?" he asked searching my eyes with his. The hazel depth caught me, and I let my self go into it. I let myself drown in his eyes. Daniela, what happened/ Shifting Point / Oh my God. He connected with you. I couldn't hold it anymore. The tears started flowing down my cheeks as I nodded. He took me into his arms and held me close. I sobbed uncontrollably. All I wanted was a night. I didn't want a lifetime with anyone. I whimpered into his mind. I'm sorry. He was rubbing my hair. Ten minutes later, I pulled back and wiped my nose hard with the back of my hand. I didn't mean to… / I know, Danny. This never happened. / No, this happened. Just don't tell anyone about it. He found my eyes and smiled. Baby, you are a unique girl. I gave him a soft vulnerable smile. I've been nothing but mean to you, and you're still so good to me. Why/ I don't know, really, Danny. Let's go get something to eat. / Okay, let's go. He took my hand, and we started walking into the woods right off the road. We each shifted onto all four paws with ease. I rubbed my cheek across his and trotted deeper into the woods. I stopped just ahead of him and looked back over my shoulder at the surprised wolf. You coming? He recovered and loped to catch up. We ran together and found a wild pig to kill. We took it down and ate together. Once we finished, I found a secluded clearing bathed in sunlight. I shifted wearing nothing but air and stretched out on the soft bed of leaves. Nathan followed me, and he shifted, too. He wore a smile as he lay out beside me. He wrapped an arm around me, and we began to doze off.
You're mine, Daniela. Mine! I woke up with a start, panting. My head hurt. The sun had gone down a lot while we slept. I looked around, and Nathan wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Nathan? Where are you?" I said gently. I could feel Dane nearby, but I couldn't find Nathan. That stupid son of a bitch ran off as soon as you were asleep. Why are you worrying about Kayla's lapdog?
"Dane, I'm not going to open anything for you. I don't want you to come anywhere near me!" I yelled at the trees around me. I knew he heard me when the probing around my shields intensified. I shut my shields even tighter as I pulled myself into a ball rocking on the leaves. Dane stepped out of the brush across the clearing from me. I will win, little bitch. You're shielding so hard you can't defend yourself. He laughed out loud. The sound was so bitter it hurt my ears. I pushed against my barrier and slammed it into his probe. He physically staggered back from the blow. I saw blood trailing out of his nose in a thin line. I was on my feet ready to shift and fight. What was that about not defending myself? I think I got it covered. I sent a feeler out to find Nathan. I didn't trust Dane.
He circled me, and I matched him step for step. We danced around the clearing with tension building so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. Are you going to attack me, Daniela?
"No, I'm not that stupid, but I will defend myself to my death. Just remember that this damn bond will kill you, too. If I see fit, you will feel what I feel," my voice was almost calm as we stalked each other. You know I am stronger, faster, and bigger than you are. Yet, you sill fight me. You know I'll kill you, but here you are fighting me. He shifted and lunged at me. I tumbled out of the way and rose to my paws. Dane was a very large jet black wolf with glowing green eyes. I was bigger than a normal wolf but not as big as Dane, and I was snow white with glowing blue eyes. He growled as he landed and turned to face me. I bared my teeth and gave him a threatening growl. I won't go down without a fight. My probe was flying out as fast as I could get it, and I finally came across Nathan's mental signature. Dane had ordered him to run away. I called out to him. Nathan, please help me! Nathan was also in wolf form. He was a beautiful grey wolf that was my size. Daniela? I can't go against Dane outright. I didn't run away. I just went for a walk. I'm sorry. You're on your own. He answered shortly. I could feel him hesitate, but he didn't change his mind. I was on my own, great. Dane attacked again, and this time his powerful jaws clamped onto my throat. His teeth buried into my flesh, and I whimpered out. I began pawing at his eyes trying to get him to let go. Everything started spinning, and I knew without getting oxygen, I was going to pass out. My only hope was to attack the bond before I lost consciousness. I opened enough to get a mental hold on our bond and sunk mental teeth into the meaty center. More pain blossomed behind my eyes, and I thought I was surely going to pass out. He let go and fell back away from me. Bitch! He yelled in my head. I staggered away enough to regain my bearings. I began to twist the bond as hard as I could. He howled and shifted back to human form. I did, too with pain eating at my vision. I didn't realize that my clothes had returned. My stomach clenched and threatened to give up everything I ate that morning, but still I twisted. I heard Dane throw up and smelled blood. I was on my hands and knees trying to keep my food where it belonged, but I kept twisting. I felt the bond start tearing, but I wouldn't stop twisting. I heard footsteps approaching me, but I was too far gone to react. Don't tear it, angel. You'll cause unfixable damage. I could feel a gentle hand on the back of my neck rubbing circles on the tense muscles.
"I want him to have problems," I ground out through my teeth. Come with me. We'll go together. We can use this against him. I relaxed a little and looked up into Nathan's soft hazel eyes through the painful haze.
"Double agent?" I asked quietly, the pain becoming background. He knelt down in front of me and cupped my face nodding slowly. Please come with me, Daniela. He doesn't need to know. He'll just think you ran away for a little while. The thought made me happy. I could escape from Dane, but I would be subordinate until I worked my way back up. I released the bond, and Dane fell unconscious. The absence of the blinding pain made my head swim. I fell onto my stomach and lay my cheek on the warm leaves. I was drifting off. Daniela, we need to go now while he's out. You can rest when we reach the Safe House. Nathan pulled me up to my feet. I staggered against him. I don't know if I can walk. He pushed me upright and held my arm there. Open your eyes. I did, and the world was steady. We walked together for a while until we reached a secluded stretch of road. He stopped and let out a howl that sounded different to my ears. Three people came out of the woods across the road: one large black guy, one large white guy, and one smaller Hispanic guy. The little guy was obviously in charge.
"Hello, Nathaniel," the little guy stepped forward to Nathan. Nathan knelt on one knee and bowed his head.
"Hello, Phillipe," he said quietly, "I brought our Alpha female with me. Dane connected with her, but she's the dominant."
"Very good, Nathaniel," the guy patted Nathan's head, "Hello, my lady. You will be treated with the respect you deserve. Please, don't worry." He smiled wonderfully at me. I wouldn't bow to him.
"I won't bow to you, my lord," I said softly. He nodded.
"I understand. Please, come with us, and please tell me your name. We will take care of you, lovely lady," his eyes sparkled as he flashed fangs.
"My name is Daniela," I said taking his offered arm. Nathan looked up and didn't stop the growl from leaking out of his chest and throat.
"Come, Nathaniel, take the Lady Daniela's other arm," Phillipe said over his shoulder. Nathan leapt to his feet and took my other arm. Phillipe led and took off into and open spirit. I found I could actually keep his pace without a problem. They pulled me to a stop in front of a castle-like structure. It was three full floors high, made of grey stone, had four taller towers jutting up from the roof, and was so beautiful in the early evening sun. I could hear loud music drifting from the few open windows.
"This is the Mayan Wolf Pack's main headquarters. Bienvenidos, Señorita Daniela," Phillipe purred against my ear. It sent shivers up my spine. The two men on my arms led me through the giant mahogany wood grand doors. The sights, sounds, smells, and feelings seemed to swallow me whole as I stepped into the den. The many people were milling about in the dimly lit entry-hall brushed against each other. The music was pounding out a hard fast rhythm that rattled my whole body. I could smell close to three hundred different wolves and some were strangely familiar. I didn't realize that I had gripped the guys' arms tighter when everything overwhelmed me. Danny, it's alright. No one will hurt you here. They aren't as structured as Dane. Oh, and we're stronger than any of Phillipe's wolves. I tore my eyes away from the five person orgy going on in the corner. Nathan, we're stronger than Phillipe. We could take over here without breaking a sweat. We walked through all of the crowds, brushing against the people as we passed. We reached the grand staircase and began climbing. There were people openly having sex on the stairs, and some of them were not completely human on human or wolf on wolf. This place was perverse. There was no order, and this was not a pack. I glanced up at Nathan and saw his eyes full of heat as he watched two girls going at it on the top steps without any remorse. Go to them, Nathan. I'm stronger than Phillipe. I'll be alright. He met my eyes with a hopeful look. I smiled and nodded. He kissed my forehead and peeled off to the couple. Phillipe laughed as he continued leading me upstairs. When we reached the second floor, there were as many people as was downstairs. This place was packed with warm bodies. The deafening music was starting to give me a headache, and the heat of so many people was making me nauseous. Phillipe slipped my hand off of his arm and took it in his hand to lead me easier. The corridor we were in began to spin. We stopped at a set of elevator doors. He pushed the button and stepped close to my shoulder. A phantom gust of sex and sweat scented air almost made me faint. I couldn't stay here. The doors opened to a very softly plush elevator. Phillipe nudged me forward into the blessedly empty box. We stepped in and as soon as the doors closed, my knees gave out, and I sat hard on the plush carpet lining the elevator floor. The air conditioning sent cold breezes across my damp face. Phillipe sat down but gave me space.
"Are you alright, señorita?" he asked quietly. My ears were still ringing.
"Yes, I'm fine. It's just a little overwhelming at first," I answered closing my eyes. The scents were still in my nose and coating the back of my tongue. My stomach cramped hard, and I doubled over laying my forehead on the floor.
"May I, Daniela?" he said quietly. I felt him moving closer to me. I couldn't move, nor did I want to. He laid a cool hand on the back of my neck and began to rub the knotted muscles. The tension in my stomach started to ease with the chill. Thank you, my lord. That feels great.
"You're quite welcome, amante," he whispered. I started to relax, and I let him get closer to me. Call me Danny, please. I couldn't stop the sense of comfort from washing over me. Call me Phillipe, then, amante. I loved the way his Spanish words purred through my mind. I lifted my head up and looked deep into his eyes. They were the color of thick honey and as deep as the oceans. I was falling into them before I realized what was going on. I leaned closer to him and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was chaste but stirred so much more than it should have. I felt the warmth pool in my belly. As we kissed each other, our hands found the sides of our faces. I opened my mouth to his probing tongue, and he explored every corner of my mouth as I did the same to him. Our tongues tangled, and the pleasure started to swallow conscious thought. His hands slid down my shoulders and came to rest on my hips. Before I knew what I was doing, I was pushing him onto his back and positioning myself above him. The kisses brought blood to our lips because of the fangs we both had developed. The taste drove me mad with passion. I couldn't think straight. Our clothes were slipping off one piece at a time. The doors of the elevator opened to a beautiful bedroom with a very large canopy bed with red silk sheets. The whole room was decorated in reds and blacks. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, and he lifted me up off of the floor and carried me to the bed. He tossed me onto the twenty or so pillows piled on the head of the bed. I couldn't stop the excitement from sweeping through me. I wanted to laugh out loud. This was actually fun. He climbed onto the bed with me, and he took a position on top of me. Hace el amor a tu toda noche, amante. Tu míos por noche esta. He was purring in my head. I had no idea what he was saying, but I loved it. He began to kiss a line up my bare stomach around the small gold ring in my navel. I loved this, but I didn't want to stay passive. I needed control. He was a lesser wolf; I was the dominant one here, and I needed to let him know that. I waited until he was completely over me push-up style. I placed one hand on his shoulder and pushed him up and over, off of me. I went with him. I settled over him sitting on his upper legs. He looked surprised and a little perturbed. Que vanas, mi amante? I looked at him with a smile. I bent and began to nip lightly at his shoulders. He caught my shoulders and tried to put me back on bottom, but I was stronger than he was. I didn't move, and I pinned his wrists back on the pillows. He looked like he was getting angry. He began to growl. I growled back louder and more fiercely. He shoved me hard enough to knock me off of the bed. I landed on my back but flipped up to my feet. He came off of the bed to circle me. We matched each other's steps clockwise around the open area in the red and black bed chamber. The fire in the hearth crackled quietly in the corner. We were still growling. He lunged, but I caught his arms and used his momentum to push him into the stone wall behind me. He yelped when his hand connected with nonmoving stone. He turned back to me and shifted. He was a light grey slightly larger than normal wolf with dark brown eyes. I shifted to match him, and the look in his eyes was worth everything I had put up with getting to this point. I was a shoulder taller than he was. What's wrong, Phillipe? Not expecting me/ You're huge…and strong… / Yes, that's what power is, my lord. I added the title as a patronizing insult. I threw the insult boldly in another master's face. That was just not done in this community, but I wanted to prove a point. The wave of raw power I let wash over him almost knocked his knees out from under him. He shuddered. Please, get out of my room, Mistress. I will not beg anything from you. You are my superior. He bowed his front legs and placed his nose between his front paws. I liked this, but I didn't really want to spend the night alone. I glanced out the small window and caught sight of the last tendrils of sunlight drenched clouds disappear from the horizon. It was early, and I had already lost the most powerful lover of this pack. It was going to be a long night. I shifted back and dressed slowly. He stayed in wolf form. I guess he just couldn't face me, yet. When I was dressed, I walked to the elevator and stepped onto it. The doors closed when I pressed the button for the second floor. I assumed we were in one of the towers. The doors opened again, the raucous music washed over me, but, this time, I was expecting it. The smells didn't bother me either. I was accustomed to it now. Not even the sights bothered me. I saw two men pressed against the wall kissing and groping each other like mad, and I couldn't stop myself. I dragged my super charged hand across the bare shoulder blades of the man closest to me. He pulled back from his lover with a gasp as I watched him climax. I laughed out loud. I could have a lot of fun in this place with the kind of power I possessed. The lover of the man I brought scowled at me, so I laid a hand softly on his bicep. He came as well with a shudder and groan. I sauntered off, bored already. I caressed every person I walked by with power that they had never felt before. I was having fun, but I was growing bored. I wanted a lover to keep me busy. I needed one that would be able to put up some of a fight, though. I was descending the stairs when I remembered that I wasn't the only person from Dane's pack here. I was a powerful wolf, and the other wolf from Dane's pack could put up a fight. What was I thinking? Nathan wouldn't do that with me. He was probably having fun somewhere else in the castle, and I would hate to disturb him. I sent out a probe to find him, but I kept it unobtrusive. It would find him without bothering him. I found him in one of the back rooms on the first floor. He was sitting alone on the edge of a single bed with his hands clasped in front of him and his head bowed. Nathan? Are you alright? He lifted his head. Danny? Yeah, are you alright? What happened? I smiled and started to follow the path to where he was. Nothing. Phillipe knows that I'm dominant to him, though. The disappointment Nathan put out was almost touchable. He just knew we had slept together. Did you have fun? He sounded like a wounded puppy. Yeah, but we didn't do anything. He tried, but I wouldn't be dominated by the likes of him. It turned into a stand off. He shifted; I shifted, and he gave up. He called me Mistress and asked me to leave, so I did. For some odd reason, I wanted to calm Nathan's nerves. I didn't know why. I found the door without trouble. I leaned my cheek against the wooden panel with my hand on the door knob. Come in, baby. I can feel you from here. I opened the door, slipped in, and closed it behind me. The room was so plain and simple. There was a closet to one side, a small window on the other, and a plain single bed with white cotton sheets in the middle. The carpet wasn't even plush. It was almost like a prison cell compared to what I had just left, but that wasn't important to me. I wasn't looking for luxury; I was looking for comfort and fun. Nathan looked at me with a smile. You didn't do anything with him? I shook my head as I crossed the room to him. I didn't know what I was planning on doing, but I knew I wasn't going to be leaving the little room anytime soon. My hand found his chest, and he shuddered. I couldn't do anything with him. He's like a puppy. We laughed. I was free to do what I wanted to when I was here. I figured that out quickly. I couldn't stop myself from bringing my mouth to his. He took the kiss from me and deepened it to the point of burning me from the inside out. I could feel the power flowing from him into me and back again. We completed a circuit. I felt whole for the first time ever. He continued kissing me as our clothes began to fall. We couldn't get them off quick enough. We craved the skin on skin contact like a drug that we couldn't get enough of. When I fell on the bed, and he straddled me, I became very aware of something. He was more powerful than Dane. He was stronger. Oh my God, Nathan! You're stronger than Dane… / Hush, Danny, I know. His hands danced all over my body, and his mouth followed. I was swallowed by the sensations pulsing through my whole being. I threw weight into trying to turn him over, but he was instantly pinning my wrists above my head and my hips with his. No, Danny. I'm the dominant now. I growled and snapped at him with fangs that wouldn't go away. He laughed darkly in his chest and bent to kiss me. He didn't seem to mind when I nicked his lip and made it bleed. He answered it with a matching nick on mine. The blood flowed from one mouth to the other, and an unbreakable, primal bond was formed between his soul and mine. This bond was something that only true soul-mates could create. He penetrated me with a blinding force. I threw my head back and howled with pleasure. I was trying to push the overwhelming passion up and out with the howl, but all it did was make it worse. I couldn't stop from writhing on the bed. He pumped in and out of me with mind-blowing intensity. He pushed me up to a higher state of existence before everything broke loose. We climaxed so damn hard we shifted instantly. We were one ten foot tall mega creature with four inch claws, powerful arms and legs, and covered in white and grey fur. We let out a howl that carried the most power ever felt by a wolf in this country. The whole castle climaxed at the sound and power that flooded from the small back room. Even when the orgasms slowed their unrelenting waves, we kept our form. We were solid and had conscious thought. When everything calmed down, we were still in the mega werewolf form. Nate, what are we/ I think we're a Pan Wolf. The kind that all of the stories talk about. We're more powerful than…everything. / We hold that much power in our hand. I could feel him caress me within my mind, and I realized that my body, even though not my own at the moment, wasn't ready for the intimate touch. It sent me spiraling into another minor orgasm, which being connected as closely as we were sent him into it too. We finally let go of the form and separated back into our own bodies. We were laughing lightly. I think I'm in love with you Daniela. / I think I am, too, Nathaniel. He kissed my mouth softly. I smiled at him through the fog in my brain. He just held me for a long while afterwards. I drifted off several times, but he stayed awake.
After a couple of hours, he felt me wake up again. He hugged me closer to protect me from the slight chill that had settled on the room while I was sleeping. Danny/ Yes/ All kidding aside; all of our past aside. I wanted to tell you something. / Yes, Nathan? He stroked my hair absently.
"I love you, Danny," he whispered to the night air. I could feel exactly what he was; our emotions, mind, soul, everything were connected.
"I love you, too, Nathan," I murmured snuggling closer to his chest. I laid my head down, and I listened to his steady heartbeat. I was in love. There was no doubt about it. I felt him finally begin to drift off, and I let myself go with him. We slept peacefully for the first time since we both hit adulthood at thirteen years old.
Morning light streamed in from the open window and bathed us in warmth. I opened my eyes and realized where I was. Nathan slept soundly beside me. I raised my head and looked at his profoundly peaceful face. I could hear his steady heartbeat in the very quiet room. I couldn't take my eyes off of his face. I was in love, and, for once, I didn't mind. An uncomfortable dream spread across his face. Frown lines appeared between his eyes. I raised my hand to smooth away the discomfort.
"Hush, Nathan, it's alright," I whispered calmly. He shook his head slightly in his sleep. I couldn't stop myself from being sucked into the dream through our bond.
I found myself standing on a grassy hill in the middle of the night. There were no stars and no moon. I looked around and couldn't see anyone, but I knew that I was far from alone; so far from alone. Dane was close.
"You can't win, Nathaniel," Dane's voice spat in the darkness.
"I already have, Dane," Nathan growled. I wasn't going to join in; I knew better than that.
"She's mine. Kayla didn't teach you manners, did she?" Dane was trying for a fight. I could finally see the two men circling each other farther down the hill. I started toward them, but I knew not to get too close.
"She chose me, Dane. I didn't choose her," Nathan said calmly. I stopped in my place. Nathan didn't choose me; I chose him. I was the one that defied Dane. I never went against the pack leader, ever. What had I done?
"Daniela! Tell me what he's talking about!" Dane ordered up the hill. He saw me. Nathan looked up at me surprised.
"I chose him, Dane. I wanted him," I said quietly, knowing that he would hear me. Nathan watched as I joined the circle. I stepped in between the would-be combatants.
"How could you want him after tasting me?" Dane's voice held confusion.
"I love Nathaniel. There is no doubt in my mind or heart about it," I said proudly looking Dane straight in the eyes. He physically balked at that comment. His eyes filled with rage and anger as I watched.
"Then, you can die with him, bitch!" he roared as he shifted and charged. I let him plow into me. I went down hard. He went right for my throat, and I didn't fight back. I could feel Nathan's disbelief and shock.
He awoke panting in the bed next to me. I was already awake. I had regained consciousness when Dane hit me. Nathan flipped over and looked at me closely. Are you alright, Danny/ Yes, Nathan, I'm fine. It was a dream, nothing more. He gazed down at me more relaxed. I could see love in his eyes. He kissed me thoroughly and got off of the bed.
"We need to shower and get ready for the day, Danny, my love," he said smiling at me as he stretched. I sat up aroused by the sight of his strong body stretched before me. I smiled back as I crawled off of the bed. My hands found his narrow waist and pulled it to mine as I pressed my breast to his chest. I tilted my head up for the kiss he was going to plant, but he just looked calmly down at me and shook his head. No, Daniela. We cannot do this right now. We need to get back to the pack. I'm going to go shower. You can join me there, if you can behave, or you can wait. Your choice. I was shocked and more than slightly annoyed. I'll behave, and I'll go find another bathroom. I grabbed my pants and my shirt, and I stormed out of the little room. How dare he deny me! I couldn't believe it. The whole place seemed to be asleep. There were no people about when I stalked through the halls. I guess they were all sleeping the previous night's fun off. I found a bathroom on the second floor. I stepped in and stripped back out of my clothes. I turned the hot water on and didn't bother with the cold. I just stepped under the shower. I shuddered slightly at the temp, but it felt good to my stiff muscles. I wanted Nathan in there with me, but I knew he wouldn't touch me if he was with me. I was rinsing shampoo out of my hair when I heard a quiet knock on the door.
"Danny, I didn't mean to upset you, baby. I was just saying that we have things we need to get done today. Please, don't shut me out. I love you," Nathan's voice wafted through the closed door. The steam seemed to muffle his normally strong voice. I could feel myself fading. What was wrong with me? I could feel my knees give out, and I knew I was falling, but I couldn't do anything to stop it. I threw my shields against Nathan completely open as I plunged into the darkness.
Danny? Are you in there? Can you hear me? Nathan's voice echoed against the inside of my head. It hurt so badly that I saw starbursts against the back of my eyelids. Please, don't yell, Nathan. It hurts so bad. My mental voice sounded so slurred and weak.
"Can you hear me, Danny?" he whispered out loud. I could hear him, but I couldn't make my body respond. Yes, Nate, I can hear you. Please, don't talk any louder than that. My God, the pain is excruciating.
"I can feel it, too, baby," he continued to whisper, "Where have you been? I've been trying to find where Dane took you, but I couldn't." I don't know. Where am I anyway?
"Your body is still in the Mayan Pack House. Your mind is here now, as far as I can tell. Dane got into your mind and stole you away," his voice was gentle, but full of fear. I could feel his fear pulsing in my aching brain. Please, baby, don't be afraid for me. I can take Dane. If his mind didn't calm down, the pain was going to make me sick.
"I know, but I still fear for your safety. You're my baby, and I don't want you to have to deal with this threat," his voice came out on a sigh. His mind didn't calm down any; it got worse. I was going to throw up. I'm going to be sick, Nathan. As soon as the words floated into his mind I turned over away from him and threw up, hard, onto the floor. I couldn't stop every last thing from escaping my stomach. It made my head hurt worse, so I couldn't stop even when I had nothing left. Nathan had knelt on the bed behind me and placed a cool damp rag on the back of my neck. He also held my hair back. I could feel his mind seep into my body and calm the dry heaves. I looked back at him with a look of gratefulness in my eyes. He helped me to lie back against the pillows. He put the rag on my forehead.
"Do you feel any better, sweetheart?" he whispered softer than before. I actually did, so I nodded slightly. He smiled kindly. You can speak to me mentally now, if you want. My head is easing up a little bit. / I'm glad, baby. I was worried about you. I still am, for that matter. He gazed deeply into my eyes, and I could see his love deeply rooted in his very soul. What could I say to that? I just leaned over and hugged him tight. He held me for a few minutes, before he leaned back and kissed my forehead.
"What would you like to do?" he asked smiling kindly at me. I sighed and really thought about that question. I came up with one thing that I knew I couldn't have, but, hell, I would ask anyway.
"I would like to run away and get married," I said with a note of defiance in my voice. He looked at me and wasn't surprised at all.
"We can't really do that right now, Danny," he laughed lightly. I laughed with him. I was feeling so much better.
"I guess I'll settle for brushing my teeth and getting a shower," I sighed watching his sparkling eyes. Would you like me to join you? I'll understand if you don't. I just smiled broadly. I would be honored if you would join me in a shower, but let me brush my teeth first. I slipped out of the bed and realized when I reached the door that I wasn't wearing anything. Nathan offered his button-up shirt as a robe. I took it, and it covered all of me but just barely. I didn't bother with the buttons. I just held it closed around my round breasts. Everyone we passed along our way to the bathroom parted the way. They were treating us like the king and queen of the pack. I looked up at Nathan as we walked. I could feel the eyes of every male on my bare legs, and I couldn't help but let the patch of fur at the top of them peek out slightly with every step. I was enjoying the attention. What's going on, Nathan? He growled at the men for watching his woman. They know we're superior. They see us as the leaders of this pack. I was truly surprised. I was queen of not one pack, but two! Wow, this was my prime, for sure. As we stepped around the corner into the bathroom, I couldn't stop myself from letting the shirt fall open and sweep back from my round rump as I closed the door. I could feel the men gasp as they watched. The door clicked shut, and Nathan fixed me with a death glare. Stop that, Daniela! They can't have you. I chuckled. Are you jealous, Nathan? No, they can't have me. I don't want them either. I'm a tease. You've known me for a long time. You know I do shit like that. I watched the anger seep out of his muscles slowly. I love you, Danny. Please, don't doubt that. He sighed across my mind. I love you, too, Nathan. I leaned over the sink and spat out the rotten taste in my mouth. I grabbed the toothbrush from the counter and unwrapping it, shoved it under the water I turned on. I snatched the toothpaste and squeezed some of the contents on my brush. I scrubbed my teeth fiercely. The awful taste in my mouth went down the drain with the toothpaste I spat out. I rinsed my mouth and wiped it on a nearby towel. I felt ten times better now that the gross taste was out of my mouth. I turned back toward Nathan with a primal look in my eyes. He crossed the bathroom and pressed me back against the counter. His mouth crushed against mine, and I returned the kiss with the same ferocity. He lifted me up onto the counter. I gasped when my bare bottom landed on the cool countertop. He laughed. Is it a little cold, baby? I nodded as I laced my hands behind his neck. He pulled my hands free and slipped his shirt off of my shoulders and down my arms to pool behind me against the wall. He stripped out of his clothes as I watched. The sight of him nude before me, stole my breath away. He was truly handsome, and he was mine! I couldn't believe it! He came back to me and lifted me against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and shoulders. He bent and turned the hot water on and adjusted the cool to feel. When he stepped into the flow with me, it felt like I was being bathed in the fountain of youth. The water was refreshing. He set me down on my feet, and I turned around to face the spray. It washed down my face and body. I couldn't tell you how good it felt. I was in heaven on earth. Nathan began to rub shampoo in my hair and massage my scalp. I thought I would just melt right there into the tiles. He finished washing my hair and turned me around to rinse it. He tilted my head back into the warm spray and began to run his fingers through the thick soap filled locks. I love you, Nathan. Thank you. / I love you, too, Danny. That's why I'm doing this. I want you to feel better. As he continued to rub the soap out, I began to slip into my mind for a mental inventory. He knew what I was doing, so he just continued what he was doing. He would get me clean while I cleansed my mind. I felt that everything was okay, until I reached the bond I still unfortunately held with Dane. It looked like it was infected. It was a festering tendril tied into my mind. I couldn't touch it. It was just gross, and I couldn't get rid of it. Yuck! Nathan, what should I do about Dane? I didn't want to show him what had become of the bond, but I knew that he would happen upon it in my mind. Our bond was just that strong. He wouldn't have to go looking for it; it would find him. What's wrong, baby? Is everything… He trailed off as he joined me near the oozing infection. This is what's wrong, Nate, darling. He just looked at it with disgust. He shook his head, took my hand, and led me away from it. We opened our eyes clinging to each other in the shower. He held me tighter and kissed the top of my head. What are we going to do? I looked up at him worried. He kissed me, long and hard. I knew he was trying to figure out how to get rid of it but seeking comfort at the same time. I don't know. Is it just as bad on Dane's end? He looked into my eyes. I don't know. I haven't checked. I didn't really want to get close to it. We stepped out of the tub, and he grabbed a large soft towel to wrap around me. He rubbed the water off of me, and I slipped back into the shirt I started in. I buttoned half of the buttons this time. I didn't feel as beautiful and flirty anymore. He dried and redressed, too. He put an arm around my waist, and we walked back toward the bedroom together. The others didn't even look at us as we passed. He deposited me in the bedroom and went to get me some clothes to wear. I sat down heavily on the bed. I knew what I had to do. I found the nasty bond and used it as a guide back to Dane. I found the whole thing to be perverse and decaying. His end was just as decomposed as mine, but his was affecting his whole mind. He was losing his sanity to the revolting bond. I landed back in my own mind feeling dirty and violated. I just let go of it all and remembered the previous night with Nathan. It cleansed my whole mind. I felt better, but I was still disturbed by the way it was destroying Dane's mind. Nathan walked back in with a pair of black jeans, a black thong, a small black t-shirt, and a black bra. I smiled when I saw him. He looked like a ray of pure sunshine in the middle of a storm. I love you so much, Nathan. Don't ever doubt that. I couldn't pour enough tenderness through our bond to him. He placed the clothes on the pillows and scooped me up into his arms. He kissed me with so much love that it hurt. I clung to his shoulders tightly because I couldn't stop the feeling of falling through space. I was falling deeper in love with him. I didn't even think that was possible.
Two hours of just kissing and clinging to each other lying on the bed passed before I managed to sit up and remember that we had stuff that needed to get done. We had lost our clothes sometime before, but I didn't remember how or when, nor did I care. We couldn't get close enough with them on; that's the only thing I remembered about them. I grabbed the clothes off of the floor and began to dress. Once I was dressed, I chanced a look at Nathan. He was fully dressed as well. I finished tying my boots, and he offered his hand to help me up. I took it with a soft, vulnerable smile. We do this all together, right? / Yes, together. He answered me on a kiss. We walked out into the castle holding hands. No one paid us any attention. We were almost at the door when Phillipe called after us.
"Lord Nathaniel, Lady Daniela, please stay," he said kneeling at our feet. I just looked up at Nathan.
"Do you recognize us as the king and queen of the Mayan pack?" Nathan asked not looking at me. Phillipe just looked up at him with a depressed look in his eyes. I could feel his profound sadness in the air around him. I knew he didn't want to give up the pack, but he was doing what he thought was best for them.
"Yes, my lord, I recognize you, Lord Nathaniel, and you Lady Daniela as the king and queen of the Mayan Wolf Pack," he called out loud enough to bring on a wave of silence from the whole pack in the halls. They all watched us to see how we were going to react.
"We are the leaders of the pack. Do not forget that. You, Phillipe, are second in command. We're going out. Good day," Nathan called as we breezed out the door. Standing on the front doorstep, I looked up at him.
"We're leaders? Are we really the leaders of this pack now?" I whispered. He smiled down at me as he slid his arm around my waist, and he pulled me to him.
"Yes, my love, we are the leaders. Everything is as it should be," he kissed me firmly and stepped off onto the soft grass. We took off at a sprint and reached the edge of Dane's territory in minutes. We stopped. Why did we stop, Danny/ I don't know if I can face him. / You'll be fine, love. Just relax. He took my hand, and we ran to the Safe House door. We stepped inside without touching each other. The whole house came to attention as I walked across the entryway. Dane came down the stairs to meet me.
"Hello, my queen, where have you been? We've looked all over for you," he said sweetly looking me up and down. I had to stifle the shudder that worked through my core. Looking up into his eyes, I could see the infection burning in the depths. He wasn't the same leader he was when I left yesterday. It was only yesterday?!
"I needed some time, Dane, darling," I almost choked on the endearment.
"Thank you, Nathaniel, my dear friend, for watching over my pet," Dane said clapping Nathan on the shoulder. I could tell from the bond Nathan and I shared that it was harder than it looked, but Nathan held his head high and smiled politely back at Dane.
"What has happened in our absence, my lord," I could barely bring myself to call him lord. This was going to be a lot more work than I previously thought.
"Nothing of any importance, my love," Dane replied taking my hand in his. He started to lead me up the stairs to his room, "As you all were." I didn't like what was about to happen. He pulled me into the room at the top of the stairs and threw me into the maple bed frame. My nose spurted blood across the floor as the bone shattered. Ouch. Danny! Nathan screamed in my mind. Oh boy, that hurt even worse. Don't worry about me, Nate. I'll be fine. I landed on my knees on the floor beside the bed.
"That's for defying me and running away," he spat at me. He walked over to my fallen body and gave me a very hard swift kick in the side. I spat up more blood as I fell face first into it.
"And that's for sleeping with Nathaniel. You are mine," he growled leaving the room. I was left curled in the fetal position on the floor. I didn't know if my nose would reconstruct right without bracing, but I could hope. Nathan? As soon as Dane is clear of the house, not before, please come upstairs and help me. I could feel Nathan start toward the stairs from the office, but I stopped him. Nathan, please wait until Dane leaves the house. I heard the door slam shut downstairs, and Nathan bound up the stairs to my aide. He opened the door and found me on the floor.
"Oh, Danny!" he cried as he dropped to his knees beside me. I lifted my head and looked at Nathan with a shattered nose. I need you to help me straighten it before it heals like this. He flinched as he pulled my nose straighter. I cried out in pain, but I didn't pull back from him. There were tears sliding down his face as he watched the bone re-knit to its original form. Oh my gods, it hurt so badly. Nathan felt it but held strong for me. I let the whimpers escape a little at a time. My stomach hurts too, but I can't do much for that, other than laying here on the floor until the bleeding stops. / He will never touch you again. That I vow. Nathan made sure I was comfortable laying on the bed, and he left to find Dane, once and for all.
I got up from the bed and followed Nathan. I had to mask the pain, so I wouldn't be noticed, but I kept up with him. I couldn't let the love of my life go to his death without me near. I wasn't going to lie in bed and die without him. He found Dane hunting in the woods.
"Dane, you're time has come. Your reign is through," Nathan called out circling Dane in the clearing. Dane turned toward Nathan and laughed out loud.
"You are so naïve, Nathaniel. I am the pack leader for a reason. You are the third in command; you can't even beat the bitch I left in the bedroom. Well, you probably could now that she's incapacitated," Dane's harsh laughter cut through my already aching stomach. Nathan looked seriously pissed. He shifted and continued to circle Dane threateningly. Dane shifted as well and lunged. Nathan blocked it but took a hard hit to the shoulder. Nathan turned and jumped at Dane. His teeth sunk into Dane's neck, but Dane managed to scratch dirt in Nathan's eyes, and then he scraped his paw across Nathan's face. The pain Nathan felt I could feel through the bond. I doubled over in the bushes around the fighting arena. Dane clamped his jaws onto Nathan's windpipe, and I couldn't breathe. I knew that someone had to help him, or he was going to die. I shifted and leapt into the clearing growling as loudly as I could. The surprise on Dane's face was worth the effort, especially when Nathan whirled around and caught Dane across the cheek with his head. I charged at Dane and landed a hard blow to his side that sent him sprawling. Nathan circled him. Go get the Mayan Pack to help. I want to end this pack feud. / Will you be okay here/ Yes, go, Daniela. I love you. / I love you, too, Nathan. I took off into the woods towards the Mayan Safe House. I reached the door within a few minutes, and I slammed through it. Several wolves growled at me, but when they realized who I was, they stopped. Phillipe! I bellowed into the mental waves of the house. He ran down the stairs to answer my call.
"Yes, my queen?" he asked dropping to one knee before me. Round up your strongest fighters. King Nathaniel needs your help.
"Yes, my queen," he bowed his head and ran through the house calling mentally for all of the eligible men. Five minutes later, I was in human form looking at an army of about thirty men ready to shift and fight at a moment's notice.
"Very good, Phillipe, we leave now," I announced turning to run out the door. They all followed and by the time grass was beneath our feet, there wasn't a human among us. We all sprinted to our leader's rescue. Minutes later, we arrived in the clearing. Nathan was looking a bit worse for ware, but so was Dane. There were patches of fur missing from both of them, and they were bleeding from multiple wounds to the neck and shoulders. Cavalry to the rescue! I called when the first five wolves leapt the bushes behind me into the clearing. By the time the dust settled, there were thirty wolves standing at my command, but to my sheer horror, across the clearing stood our fourth in command with thirty of Dane's fighters, too. I couldn't believe it. We were going to lose, but I couldn't let the men at my back lose hope. I lead the charge, and the battle began: wolf against wolf. I was tearing through my friends from Dane's pack like they were nothing. It hurt my heart to hear the pain filled howls. Nathan continued to fight with Dane. I worked through the chaos to find them ripping at each other over the cliff by the shore. There was a storm beginning on the horizon. I could see lightening dancing in the clouds and coming down to meet the sea. This was bad; really bad. I worked my way up the very steep cliff face to where the men still fought. Nathan was wearing down, and Dane wasn't backing off. I couldn't figure it out. Nathan was stronger than Dane all the way around, and Dane wasn't getting tired. I was, though. Then it hit me; the bond that Dane still had on me. Nathan was controlling his bond, so he wouldn't weaken me. Dane was just draining as much strength as he could from me. I closed my eyes and delved deep into my mind. I found the disgusting bond and just ripped into it with all of my remaining strength. I heard Dane howl in pain, and the lightening flashed. I could hear the thunder, but the pain in my own head was drowning out most of it. I kept at that bond, despite my pain. The bond tore loose with a sickening crack. I collapsed onto the ground with blood leaking out my nose in a slow trickle. I looked up, and to my disbelief, Dane was still standing, stronger than ever. Nathan was growing weary with the fight, and Dane was growing from it. Dane slammed into Nathan's side, and Nathan slid to the edge. I scrambled to my feet and ran as fast as I could to reach the battle. I knew I wasn't going to make it with much to spare, so when I neared the men I leapt between them. Dane collided with me instead of Nathan. I fell hard onto the ground nearby. With what little strength I had left, I lifted my head just in time to see Nathan send Dane hurtling onto the jagged rocks below the shore. Dane was no more. Nathan hurried to my side. I no longer had the strength to hold my shape, so I shifted back to human form.
"Oh, Danny, please hold on. I'll get help. You'll be fine," he almost sobbed. He could feel my life force draining away slowly.
"No, Nathan…it's time for me to go…you need…to rule these packs…" I gasped in pain, "They need you."
"No, Danny! I need you! I can't rule both packs alone. Please, don't make me," he cried holding my hand to his chest. I was so weak. I knew I was dieing. There was no way around it. This was it; I could feel it.
"You'll…always…have me…in your…heart, Nathaniel, my everlasting love." With my dieing sigh, "I love you. And I always will." I floated away on the wind of the storm as the rain began to fall.
I will always watch over Nathaniel and the pack. They are working on combining everything into one super huge pack. Nathaniel is refusing to mate with anyone, which after finding and losing your life-mate, who could blame him. They buried me on the top of a hill in the middle of the field by the shore with flowers as far as the eye can see. I go there a lot to think now, and Nathan does, too. When the breeze blows in from the ocean, Nathan can feel me there with him. I love to run my fingers through his hair from the wind. I'm always with him, and he knows it. He knows where to find me when he needs me. I'll always be in your heart.