A/N Hey, people! This isn't really a new story of mine. I've posted it on another site before this one, and it's recieved some good feedback. But I've moved from that site becuase it was starting to get annoying and came here for a fresh start instead. I've edited it a bit though and tried to catch my mistakes, so it's better than it was. If you don't mind could you please review. I want to know what you guys think. Anyways, enjoy!
"Hey, sleeping beauty!" Someone yelled in your ear as the comforter was ripped from your body. "Wake up!"
"Piss off!" You groaned and buried your face in your pillow as the cold air hit your body. You really aren't a morning person at all.
Suddenly, the pillow that you'd buried your face in was pulled from under your head. "If you don't get up you'll be late for the first day of school."
You had the strong urge to ask, "So what?", but you decided against it. You slowly sat up, and looked towards your nightstand where your alarm clock was supposed to be, but it was gone.
"Oh, man…" Your brother said from a corner of your room. "You trashed another clock?" He held up your clock and a few pieces fell to the floor.
You yawned, got out of your bed and stretched. Every time your alarm went off you would subconsciously pick it up and throw it, from there it hit the wall and was silent, which was all that really mattered. "I think that would be destroyed clock number 27."
"Yeah, uh-huh. Hey, could you hurry up and get ready? Aiden is going to take us today. He should be here soon." Nick said walking towards the door.
You stared at him in disbelief. "Aiden! Are you serious? Are you trying to let my torment begin early?"
Aiden was, to put it lightly, your worst enemy that just also happened to be your brother's best friend. He'd been ruining your life from the day you met him all those years ago, and your hate for him just grew and grew every time you even saw him.
"Come on Nina, he's not that bad," he said walking out of the room.
You followed him. "Not that bad? He's made my life hell ever since we me him! I will not get in a car with him."
Nick stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at you. "Look Nina, you can either walk to school which would take at least 30 minutes, or you can let Aiden drive us."
You tried to think of a way out of it, but when you couldn't you pouted. "Why can't you just take me in your car?"
Nick smirked in triumph. So many girls at your school would kill to see him smirk, but you couldn't really see what was so special about it.
As some sort of sick joke fate decided to play on you and your life, Nick was one of the most desired guys at school with his light brown hair with blonde highlights from being outside all the time and sun kissed skin. His blue eyes didn't hurt his social position in the high school hierarchy either.
"My car is out of gas," he turned and walked down the spiral steps. "Hurry up and get ready, or I'll leave with out you."
You stomped to the bathroom and slammed the door when you got inside. Yes, it was very childish and immature, but you didn't really care at the moment. You absolutely despised being in Aiden's presence, and riding in a car with him was destined for bloodshed, that you knew for a fact. That's when you remembered that you also had kickboxing class after school with him and Nick. Oh hell, that probably wouldn't turn out too well.
You sighed as you walked to the black marbled shower and turned the silver handle on hot. Today was going to be a long day, so you might as well pamper yourself with a nice hot shower before the shit hits the fan.
You were out minutes later, and you smiled in content while you wrapped a fluffy lavender towel around you. You looked into the big mirror at green eyes and sighed when thinking of the day ahead.
You quickly ran some moisturizer through your dark brown hair, combed it, and put it up into a wavy ponytail with two wavy bangs hanging on the side of your face. After that was done you brushed your teeth and gargled some mouth wash then smiled after you were finished, checking your work.
The one thing you were proud of the most was that you had better teeth than Nick, as your dentist indirectly told you, and that's saying something considering Nick's teeth are perfect. There aren't very many things you can beat Nick at, so you were proud of all the small things.
You laughed as you put on your make up, which consisted of eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss, and walked out of the bathroom. You were still in your lavender towel, so when you got around the corner and saw someone standing there staring at you, you slightly blushed.
"Nina, if you really wanted me to see you naked all you had to do was tell me, and I, of course, would've been more than happy to oblige, but don't just come on to me while I'm not prepared." Aiden said mockingly and his hazel eyes sparkled behind his black bangs.
He and Nick had the same hairstyle, kind of long with the bangs hanging in the eyes. All the girls at school absolutely loved it. Yes, that means Aiden is also one of those most desired guys at school. But unlike Nick, Aiden absolutely loved the attention. He was just that type of arrogant bastard.
"Oh kiss my ass Aiden; I just got out of the shower," you said and walked by him to your room.
"Oh, you know I'd love to, but what? No intimate shower details?" Aiden asked as he followed you. Why was he following you? You had no idea, but it was extremely irritating.
You stopped and turned around to look up at him. Aiden was pretty tall, and that was saying something if you had to look up at him considering you yourself were at least 5'9'. He and Nick were about the same height, give or take a few centimeters. It was annoying how physically alike they were. Must be some retarded guy best friend thing.
"What are you talking about?" But you regretted what you had asked when you saw him smirk.
"I know what you do with the shower head, Nina," he said softly, like he was trying to seduce you or something.
You looked at him confused for a second before your jaw dropped, blushing furiously. His eyes went wide and he started to laugh. "So it's true? I was just messing with you, but you really do mas-."
His sentence was interrupted by your fist connecting with his eye. He shouted a profanity before falling flat on his ass, his hand covering his eye. "I don't do ANYTHING with the shower head, and if you want to keep being a perverted jackass I'll give you another black eye. It can match the one that should be appearing very soon." Shaking out your hand, you turned on your heel and walked into your room, slamming the door behind you. Again, it was childish, and again, you didn't really give a damn.
You walked downstairs and into the kitchen wearing dark blue jeans, a red tank top, a dark blue jean jacket, and a pair of red striped K-Swiss. Nick's complaint's met you as soon as you took your first step onto the marble tile.
You may be wondering why everything in the house is marble and fancy and such. Well, your mom is the executive at a large law firm, so your family lives 'comfortably' complete with a big house and damn near marble everything. Since your mom works such a important job though, she's hardly ever home.
"Come on Nina, you could've waited at least a day before fighting with him." Nick said from the table. Aiden just scowled at you with one eye, the other cover with an ice pack.
You shrugged and opened the refrigerator, pulling out a Starbucks vanilla frappuccino from the unsatisfying four pack. They really should make a six pack or something. "It's not my fault, the little pervert started it."
Nick looked from you to Aiden and back again before shaking his head and saying, "I don't even want to know.
Aiden stood up and put the ice pack on the table. "Can we just go now?"
You and Nick looked at Aiden then at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. You really did give him a black eye!
Nick wiped a tear from his eye and looked at Aiden. "My little sister kicked your ass, man," he said and started laughing again. Aiden scowled at you, and you just smiled at him innocently before taking a sip of your drink and walking towards the front door with your stuff.
"I got shot gun!" You called and ran out to Aiden's black convertible Porsche. (Details on how he too has money later) You jumped in the front seat as Aiden and Nick walked out of the house. Nick was biting his bottom lip to keep from laughing while Aiden had his fists clenched trying to control his anger. Today might not be so bad after all.
A/N That was the first part. I hoped you enjoyed it. Review please. Also, if you're confused about anything or have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask. I don't bite...hard.