A/N Hey guys! Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Special thanks to those people that reviewed to. I really appreciate the honesty. :)

You have now officially concluded your first period to be hell. First off, its theatre, also known as drama, like there isn't already enough of that in your life. Second, Aiden is in this class with you, and your class has to do a play. Not just any play, but Romeo and Juliet. Don't act like y'all didn't see that coming.

As you sat in one of the many seats of the auditorium, you had already guessed who was getting the lead parts.

Aiden would be Romeo, and you figured that the queen Barbie of the school named Amber would get Juliet and for some strange reason that kind of pissed you off. Was it possible that you were jealous of Amber? …No way! You were probably just irritated with the whole situation or something.

"Now, the auditions will begin next week during class. Everyone will be required to recite the prologue, but you can also recite extra lines if you like," your drama teacher, Mr. Stevens, said. "If any of you have questions or concerns please come speak to me now." A few people got up to talk to him while you stayed in your seat, deep in thought.

"Hey you," a snobbish voice said from in front of you. When you looked up you saw a platinum blond with light green eyes in front of you. Amber, of course. "Your name's Nina, right? Nick's sister?"

You don't reply right away, and look at the four girls trailing behind her instead. They were her little followers, and they worship the ground she walks on. They were all fake blondes, not including Amber, and they were school sluts. Sorry if that's not too subtle.

You finally looked away from all of them to look at Amber again. "Yeah, that's me."

She smiled and flipped her long hair. "Well, I think you'd be perfect for the Juliet part." You nearly fell out of your seat when she said this. What the hell was going on? Was this some sort of joke?

"You do know that the Dark Prince will probably be getting Romeo, and I've heard that the two of you have had some history."

The way that she'd said the word history hinted THAT was the true reason she was talking to you right now. She wanted some gossip. What did that bastard say now?

"History?" You asked, an eyebrow raised in question and a frown already on your face.

She smiled and quickly sat next to you. "Yeah, history. He's telling everybody how you two secretly went out with each other over the summer."

Your face paled in shock before you blushed. Your mouth was hanging open, and you were completely speechless. Amber obviously took your reaction the wrong way because her eyes flashed and she grinned again. "So you really did go out with him!"

"What?" You yelled, blushing even more. This was unbelievable!

Amber and her clones squealed. "So are you two still together? Does Nick know about it? Tell everything!"

"No! I won't tell you anything because there is nothing to tell!" You snap before standing up and storming off to the other side of the auditorium where Aiden was talking with his friends.

"Aiden!" You yelled as you got to his group. They were laughing about something, but when you walked up they got quiet. "I need to talk to you NOW."

"Fine then, love. Talk." He said and crossed his arms with a smug smirk on his face, but his friends didn't leave, and you guessed they didn't plan on leaving either. You sighed in frustration and grabbed Aiden's hand, leading him out to the hallway. His friends hooted and cheered in approval, and you rolled your eyes in exasperation.

When you got into the hallway, Aiden leaned against the wall arrogantly, his expression smug. You glared at him and shouted, "We went out during the freaking summer?"

"Oh, so you heard about that?" He asked, acting clueless.

"Of course I heard about it! What the hell we're you thinking?" You yelled.

Aiden stood up straight and took a step away from the wall, towards you. "Hmm…let's see, that little rumor should tie up the score, right?"

He made that up for points! Was he serious? You wondered as you gaped at him. "I can't believe you…"

He shrugged. "I was just getting you back for the black eye."

You walked up to him angrily and poked him in the chest. "You deserved that black eye for being a perverted asshole!"

"Well, I couldn't really help it when you parade around naked!" Aiden claims and gets in your face.

You growl in anger. "I HATE YOU!"

He scoffed. "Not nearly as much as I hate you!"

Then you both glared at each other, your faces so close. You looked into his hazel eyes before your gaze traveled down his nose to his lips, his perfect lips. The next thing you knew, you felt Aiden's hand on your lower back before his lips brushed yours softly. You were completely shocked, frozen stock still.

When you didn't move away he pulled you into a hard kiss, and a jolt went up your spine. You shivered before slowly responding.

You couldn't think, and you just couldn't push him away. No, instead you grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him closer. But just when you were about to deepen the kiss the bell rang, signaling the end of first period. The bell seemed to be a wake up call and the two of you quickly pulled away as people filed out nearby classrooms. None of them were even giving you two a second glance. But you stared at each other for a moment, both in utter shock at each others actions and in their own.

Just as his group of friends came out, you woke up from the thoughts flying through your head. "I have to get to class," you say softly before quickly walking away from him.

You couldn't believe it. You and Aiden had just practically made out in the hallway!

"Nina!" Your friend, Yuki, cried as she hugged you. "How was your summer? Mine was just one big party," she laughed.

Yuki is your always happy Asian friend that thinks life is just one big party. That's her philosophy. Yuki has short light brown hair, of course, and big light brown eyes.

"Hey Yuki. What's up guys…," you say in a daze as you sit down at the cafeteria table with you group of friends.

It was lunch time now, but you'd been in a sort of daze ever since you and Aiden kissed, so dazed, in fact, that you couldn't even remember the details of your last two periods, they were like a blur.

You friends, not missing a beat, glanced at each other then back at you in concern.

"Alright Nina, what's happened?" Tia asked as she ate a bag of chips.

Tia was the strong willed African-American with a bottomless pit for a stomach. She was also involved in every sport at school, so she didn't gain a pound. Tia has dark brown almost black hair that touches her shoulders and dark brown eyes. She's best friends with Yuki and vice versa.

"Will this whole explanation take long? I have to get to the library and get some books before lunch is over." That would be Maria, the genius Muslim-Indian.

She is at the top of all her AP classes, and earns big bucks tutoring people. She wears glasses even though she doesn't need them, but she says it's to attract customers of 'lower intellect'. She only says that on days she feels really cocky though, when she usually gets asked how she got so smart she says, "Anyone can be smart, most people are just lazy and/or are satisfied with average results."

Maria has thick brown hair that goes just below her shoulders and really dark brown or black eyes.

"Hey! Shut up, smart ass." Crazy Christina is Mexican and our student council vice president, of course. She is probably the most daring person in the school, which is exactly how she got crazy put in front of her name. She loves a challenge, and loves challenging people but, she's never won an argument with Eva. She throws the best parties and schedules the dances and crap for the school.

Christina has dark brown hair that is a little longer than Maria's with hazel eyes. Christina is Aiden's cousin, unbelievably, and is best friends with Maria.

Eva sighed, obviously getting annoyed. "Would all of you just let Nina talk, please?" She asks. When they were all quiet she motioned for you to continue.

In case you're wondering, including yourself, this concluded your group of friends that everyone referred to as the Best Brunettes, BBs for short.

Yuki was the best dancer in the entire school. Ask anyone that's actually seen her dance before, and they'll agree. She goes to every big party in town and people always invite her because it's never a party without Yuki there.

Tia, Yuki's best friend, is without question the best female athlete. Some people even claim she's better than some of the boys. She's on the varsity basketball, volleyball and track team, and has been since she was a freshman. If she could be on every sports team the school has at once, she would be.

Maria was every teacher's dream as the best student in our class. That is an amazing feat because, as aforementioned, she's in nothing but AP classes. She gets straight A's, and God forbid if you cross her if she gets a B on any kind of assignment. You and your friends usually just leave her alone until she calms down.

Her best friend, Christina, is practically her opposite though. She's the all time best party thrower in town. She's so good at it, in fact, that a few nearby clubs have asked her to help them plan a couple parties for special occasions. Everybody knows Crazy Christina because every time her parents go out of town, even if it's for a few hours, she dares to throw a party at her place. Since you've known her, she has yet to get caught.

Then there's Eva, your best friend. She's the debate club champ, and she has never lost an argument before. Not to anyone. She's been infamously claimed the best at throwing insults and arguing. There have been many people to try to win an argument with her, like Christina, for example, and they've all failed miserably. Everyone walks away nursing their bruised egos at her harsh insults.

Even though you're the best female fighter in school, and yes it's been proved, you've never dared to try to argue with Eva. Partial credit for you getting that title could probably go to your brother though. He was the one to force you into kickboxing classes with him before you even entered junior high. There isn't really much to say about your title though because ever since you almost got expelled for kicking a senior girl's ass during your freshman year, nobody's dared to get you pissed off enough to fight you.

You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. When you opened them again each of your friends were staring at you intently. "Aiden and I sort of…kissed."

Tia started choking on her chips, Yuki's jaw dropped, Maria took her useless glasses off, Christina seemed had to stopped breathing, and Eva just froze on the spot. They all stared at you wide eyed, and then they all took in a breath at once. Here it comes…


A/N Mhmm, that's it. I really hate these first few chapters because it seems to me no matter how many time I edit them...they still suck. But, personally, I think the later chapters are a LOT better. So if you're kind of weary of this story right now, just bear with it. Please.

And reviews are always much appreciated.