A/N One of my more recent stories. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and this one is in first person to those of you that were kind of iffy on the whole second person thing.

My foot bounced up and down nervously, and I bit my bottom lip as I looked at my watch for the fifth time in two minutes. They were now…I looked at my watch again; they were now three minutes late. I sigh and run a hand through my dark blonde, almost brown, hair.

Maybe they wouldn't come and get me after all. Perhaps in those long four years I'd been away at that all girls boarding school they'd decided they were better off and didn't want me anymore. 'They' being my family, of course. I was sent to that school for a reason after all.

I frown and slump in the uncomfortable airport chair, and refuse to think about why my parents decided I needed to get away. I refused to think about how I tried so hard to be like my brother when I was younger. How I would always cut my hair short only for it to grow back a few weeks later. Back when I would put on a hat and act like a boy so that the others wouldn't pick me last for games. I'd had a badass attitude and did things even the other boys wouldn't do so they would like me. So that I could fit in. That's why they sent me away.

I growled and hit my forehead when I realized what I was thinking. "I said I refuse to think about it…" I sat back up in the seat and checked my watch again. They were now sev-.

"Excuse me?" Someone behind me interrupted my thoughts.

I turned with an eyebrow raised and looked up at the person, and the first thing I noticed were those extremely light blue eyes that could almost be called gray. Those eyes were unmistakable and oh so familiar. Those eyes…were identical to mine.

We stared at each other for a while, my brother and I. We knew who the other was the moment we faced each other. You could call it a twin thing, I guess. Yeah, that's right; my only brother that I always admired and tried so hard to be like was also my twin. Go figure.

"Kameryn? Is that really you, little sis?" My brother asked. Pfft, like he didn't already know.

I smile and stand up. "I'm only younger by three minutes, Kyrin."

"Four minutes, actually." Kyrin said with a little laugh as he brushed his dark blonde, almost brown, bangs out of his eyes. Just like mine.

I roll my eyes and try not to grin. "Yeah, whatever twin. Just get over here and give me a hug."

He grinned and walked around the row of seats to me before wrapping his big arms around me in a bear hug. I laughed and pulled away to smile up at him.

"You're taller than me now, and you've been lifting weights too." I say and poke his chest. "You even have boobs!"

He frowned and rubbed his chest where I'd poked him. "That hurt, and they aren't called boobs."

I nod and shove a couple of my bags in his arms before taking the two rolling ones and starting to walk away. "Uh-huh. Well, since you're here, make yourself useful and carry some of my crap, He-man."

Kyrin got his balance and followed after me with a frown. "Do you even know where you're going? And what do you have in these things, Kami? Bodies?"

"Uh, no not really. What the hell are you doing behind me? You're supposed to be leading me to my parents. And don't ask questions when you aren't sure you'll like the answer." I stop and say, referring to my bags.

"Mom and Dad aren't here. They're at home getting your room ready or whatever." Kyrin said as he walked towards the exit.

I stop at this news. "Oh…" I was really excited about seeing my parents again, but maybe they didn't feel the same way and tried to put off seeing me for as long as they could.

Kyrin stopped when he noticed I wasn't following him anymore. He turned and saw the sad look on my face and immediately knew what I was thinking. "Aw, Kami. It's not like that. They're really excited about seeing you again, but they wanted to make sure you were comfortable when you got home. That's all it is, okay?"

I sighed and brought my head up with a smile. "I was just overreacting. Of course they're excited to see me after being stuck with you for four years."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Kameryn! Don't just walk away and ignore me. You don't even know what car I drive." Kyrin called after me as the two of us walked outside to the parking lot.

I stopped and turned around with his keys in my hand, grinning. I pretended to be in thought when I pushed the alarm button. "Hm, could it be the car with the alarm going off?"

Kyrin stared at me in disbelief. "How…when did you?"

"Oh, come on twin! How could you forget my amazing pick-pocket skills? You know better than to hug me like that. God, I was shipped away for stealing too, remember?" I said and rolled my eyes.

Kyrin frowned and snatched his keys out of my hand and turned the alarm off before picking my suitcase back up. "I didn't forget, I just thought you went to that school to learn something." He walked passed me and towards which ever car was his.

I grinned mischievously and followed. "Aw, don't be like that! I was just having a bit of fun with you. Truthfully, I haven't stolen a thing since I left. I actually learned quite a few things there. I'm just saving it for the right people."

Kyrin stared at me like I had just grown two heads. "She wasn't kidding when she said she was saving it."

What he was probably referring to was how I was talking to my parents and eating now. It was lunch time, and my dad had surprisingly made one of my favorite foods for the occasion, since he was a chef at his own restaurant in town. Chicken fettuccini alfredo.

When I'd sat down and my mom had put the plate in front of me, I made a show of putting a napkin in my lap and waiting for everyone else to get their food before eating. The first bite was heaven. I'd forgotten how good my dad could cook in the years I'd been away.

I held a napkin in front of my mouth and finished chewing before turning to my dad. "It's simply delightful, dad. Still one of the best Fettuccini alfredos I've ever tasted." Then I turned to my mom with a soft smile. "And my room looks amazing, mom. I love it! Thank you both so very much."

My mom was on the brink of tears when we'd finished dinner. From what she remembered of me, I was supposed to talk with my mouth full and always forget to say please and thank you. Not to mention, wear baggy boy's clothes with my hair cut short and under a hat. All that had changed though.

I didn't wear hats all that much anymore and my hair had grown past my shoulder blades. Today I was wearing dark blue jeans that fit me and a purple tank top with silver stars and glitter on it.

My dad was shocked into speechlessness when I offered to do the dishes. I smiled and picked up everyone's plate before walking into the kitchen. When the door closed behind me I heard my mom start to laugh and sniffle a little. I nodded to myself and put the dishes in the sink; mission accomplished.

After I finished the dishes, I excused myself and went upstairs to finish 'unpacking'. All I really had left to do was put away the rest of my clothes, and could do that at any time so when I got upstairs I plopped on my bed with a content sigh and closed my eyes.

…What I could've sworn was only five minutes later, someone was shaking me out of my sleep.

I frowned and opened one eye to see Kyrin standing there. I sighed and turned over so my back was to him. "Leave me alone, I'm trying to take a nap."

"There's some people I want you to see, Kam. Come on. Get up for a sec." Kyrin whispered, shaking me a bit more.

"Why the hell are you whispering?" I said and sat up, irritated.

Kyrin rolled his eyes. "My room is right next door."

I stared at him, waiting for him to say more and when he didn't I scowled. "Okay, so fcking what? You know what? Forget it, I don't even care anymore." I ran a hand through my hair and got out of the bed. After stretching, I started for the door.

"Where are you going?" Kyrin whispered, fiercely.

I forgot the manners I had drilled into me for a second since I was still half asleep and said, "To take a piss. Do you mind or do want to follow me into the bathroom to make sure I don't fall into the toilet?" I didn't wait for him to answer me as I walked out of the room and straight into someone else.

I growled in irritation from the floor and looked up to see a guy with extremely dark brown hair and dark green eyes looking down at me. He was hot!

The guy offered me a hand. "I'm sorry. You must be Ky's new girl that he didn't tell us about," he said and looked behind me. "Nice, Ky. She's a hottie."

I scoffed in disgust and slapped his hand away before getting up from the floor by myself. "Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, a little feisty, I see. It's okay; I don't bite…unless you want me to." The guy said lowly with a lecherous smirk on his face.

I looked behind me at my brother. "Get this waste of life away from me before his existence on earth vanishes."

"Hunter, just be quiet man!" Your brother said and pushed him back in the room when he opened his mouth. Probably to say something else perverted.

As Kyrin and the pervert named Hunter argued in the door way, I finally got up off the floor. I pulled my shirt down because it had rode up a bit and ran a hand through my hair.

"Sorry about him, he's not always like that." Someone else said to me.

I looked up at the other guy with a raised eyebrow. I hadn't noticed he was there because of the idiot with the fat head was blocking my view. But dmn, what a view it was. Much better than the last one.

This guy had the most amazing blue eyes I'd ever seen. There was no mistaking them for gray or any other color because they were far too dark. Dark blue eyes that looked like the night sky and when he turned his head, the light reflected off them…almost making it seem that there were stars in those night sky blue eyes of his.

If anyone in the world thought they had gotten lost in someone's eyes before, it was obvious they'd never might this guy. Whoever he was.

I managed to look away from his eyes to examine the rest of him, like his hair. It was kind of long and the bangs which got in his eyes a little, but when he didn't bother to move them out of the way, the effect was amazing. I couldn't really tell if his hair was dark brown or black, but it didn't matter anymore because my gaze had traveled down to see his moderately tan chest. And it stayed there for a while.

The first question I asked myself was; why the hell is this guy parading around my house half naked? As stared at him some more, I came up with the answer that when a guy looked like this, they could parade around this house however the hell they wanted. Since I had the pleasure of enjoying the view, I wouldn't object. Not at all.

"Did you hear me?" He asked and my head quickly snapped up, almost giving myself whiplash.

He was smiling, peering at me through those dark bangs with those eyes of his as I blinked at him. He knew I was staring, but I managed not to blush and opened mouth to reply, but my words got caught in my throat. I managed to croak out, "What?"

It took all the control I had not to hit myself on the forehead right then. God, I felt so stupid!

He chuckled a little and it was a deep, rich sound that made me bite my bottom lip and look away from him, shuffling from foot to foot. All just to refrain from blushing. "I said that we were gonna go swimming in a while. Do you want to come with us…?" He was asking what my name was, and the swimming would explain why he was shirtless.

"Oh, my names Kami and, sure, I could use some sun." Finally, something easy to answer without making myself look like a complete bimbo.

"Kami. That's cute. Is it short for something?" He asked, still smiling.

I nodded. "Ah yeah. My name is actually Kameryn, but I don't really go by that anymore."

His smile slowly faded to a frown. "Kameryn? Kyrin's twin sister?"

Ah, he knew who I was. Kyrin must've mentioned me at some point then. "Yeah, that's me."

He was scowling at me now, but when I was about to ask him what was up Hunter interrupted with a, "Kameryn! Oh, wow! I didn't even recognize you, bud. You've really…matured."

"Uh, you know me?" I asked, confused.

My brother came to my rescue. "Kami, do you remember a little boy that always used to hang around with us when we were younger? He would always help you beat the other kids up for picking on you, and he always helped you act out all your schemes?"

I blinked at Kyrin and thought back for a second then I remembered. "Oh, Hunter! Oh my god, Hunter, its you!" I said and ran to him, jumping in his arms to give him a hug. I remembered Hunter now, he was like another big brother to me, and I couldn't figure out how I didn't recognize him earlier. Maybe it was because I wad still half asleep before, but he had changed a little bit.

"So I guess this means you forgive me for earlier? I just didn't recognize you with the long hair and without the baggy clothes. You actually look like…a girl now, Kameryn." Hunter said as he put me down and stepped back to inspect me a little.

"From what I recall, I'm considered a 'hottie' now." I laughed when he looked away to hide the slight pinkness in his cheeks.

Hunter shrugged. "Well, you've changed a lot. You would've never hugged me like that four years ago."

"She hasn't changed too much apparently." The guy with eyes said…angrily? Why was he upset? Hunter and I looked at him, confused and he sighed impatiently. "Where's your choker, Hunt?"

I scowled at the guy whose name I still didn't know while Hunter realized his choker type thing was gone. Who the hell was this guy?

"Kameryn?" Hunter called, taking me away from my glaring contest with the guy. "Did you use those magic fingers of yours on me?"

I smiled innocently at him and brought the necklace around from behind my back where I'd temporarily hid it and held it out to him. "Sorry, about that. I couldn't resist."

"That doesn't make it excusable."

I growled and turned back to look at the guy with those beautiful eyes. He was starting to piss me off, and he didn't seem so unbearably hot anymore. "Keep your mouth shut. Who the fck do you think you are ratting me out like that? I was just playing around with an old friend of mine."

"Um, sis?" My brother called. "Do you remember that really sickly boy named Tre?" What kind of question was that? I would never forget who Tre was. Just thinking about him made my body hot. Not for the reason you may think though.

Tre the traitor was the little boy that snitched on me when I stole a wallet out from some unsuspecting lady's purse that was walking down the street. I was going to buy my bud and I some ice cream, but instead the police caught me. They told my parents that I could either get sent to a school that could sort me out or it was juvie for two to three years. Obviously, this wasn't my first offense, so those were the choices I was given.

Tre was the reason I got shipped off to that all girls school to drill manners and etiquette into me for four years. I hated Tre with such a passion that was unbelievable. I was even past the point of caring if he'd ever died from whatever disease he had. Hopefully, it was something that made him suffer.

I sighed impatiently and nodded at my brother. "Yeah, I remember the little dckhead. What of it?"

Kyrin opened his mouth to say something, but the guy down the hall stepped up and grinned. "Allow me to reintroduce myself properly, Kameryn. My name is Tre. That little dckhead you were referring to is me."

A/N That's the first part. This one won't get updated as fast as my other story because that one is already pre-written, this one isn't. Um, I hope you enjoyed it. Reviews are always appreciated. :)