A/N Wow, I'm really glad so many people like this. The reviews for the first chapter were amazing, I really appreciate it:) And to answer a certain reviewer's question, I'm still debating on who Kameryn will end up with. Maybe Hunter, maybe Tre...maybe someone you guys haven't met yet. D Anyways, enjoy!
My fist was a blur.
I don't even think my mind comprehended what my body was doing until my fist connected with his face. The next thing I know, Hunter was pulling me back into my room while Kyrin helped Tre up from the floor.
The last thing I saw before my door closed was Tre's shocked, scowling- but still beautiful face. I think I was more shocked about my reaction than he was.
Hunter pulled me over to my bed and forced me to sit down on the edge while he sat down on the floor in front of me. "How did that feel?"
I looked at him and his eyes were shining with suppressed laughter and smiles. Of course, it was contagious and I smiled too. "I'll let you know when the shock wears off."
We were both silent for a second then we both burst into a fit of laughter. I wasn't even sure what we were laughing about, but it made me feel better.
"Wow, Kam. Even though you seem more like a girl than ever, you still hit like a grow man." Hunter said, still grinning.
"Why thank you, Hunter. But my hand stings now." I said and shook it out; the knuckles were starting to turn red.
Hunter smirked mischievously. "Want me to kiss it and make it all better?"
I gave him a look, but couldn't help but smiling. "No I think I'm better off without your cooties, Hunt."
"That damned school has taken all the fun out of you." Hunter pouted.
I scoffed and lay back onto my bed. "That school thinks their successful, but the truth is all the girls there just become really good actors."
Hunter jumped up from the floor and flopped down onto the bed next to me. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that every girl I met in that place is bad, rebellious and not innocent at all. In etiquette classes we would behave like we were supposed to, saying all the proper 'yes and no ma'am's or sir's'. Being sickeningly polite to anyone that could hear. Every girl there is a master of deception." I finished, still staring at the ceiling.
"Did you guys have to wear like little school girl uniforms and everything?" Hunter asked.
I nodded in reply. "Yeah, I even still have it." He didn't speak for a while. I turned my head to look at him to find him with a dazed look on his face, his mouth slightly open. His drool was threatening to soak my comforter.
"Ew, Hunter! Quit having your perverted little fantasies on my bed before you soak it in your drool!" I said and hit him on his head.
"Ow, Kam! You didn't have to hit me! It was just a couple of harmless thoughts. You can't hit a guy for being a GUY, Kameryn." Hunter said while he scowled at me.
I scoffed and rolled off my bed. "From what I recall I just did, now get out of my room."
His eyes followed me as I headed to one of my dresser drawers, but he didn't get up to leave. "Oh, come on Kam. You can change in front of me. It's nothing I haven't seen before."
I pulled out my black two-piece swimsuit and turned to look at him. "Okay that was how many years ago, Hunter? And those baby pictures of me and Kyrin in the bathtub together don't count either."
"So what? Here, I'll change in front of you too." He said and stood up from the bed before taking his shirt off.
I couldn't help but stare at him. Hunter always was a cute boy and he grew up to be pretty damn hot. He was never hard on the eyes at all. The abs and lean muscles in his arms just added to his gorgeousness. Hunter was eye candy in every sense of the word and then some.
"See? All done! Now, it's your turn." Hunter said, grinning. I was glad he didn't notice me gawking at him.
"What are you talking about? You've already changed! All you had to do was take your shirt off. That doesn't even count." I said and put my hands on my hips in defiance.
Hunter started to cross the room to me. "Well then, if it doesn't count you can do the same. Now, off with the shirt."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed again. "Do you actually think I'm going to listen to you? What makes you think I'll actually follow your orders?"
Hunter stopped in front of me and he practically radiated arrogance. "I've developed my little tricks while you've been away too. Not to mention, I've come up with new ones. I think I'll be able to persuade you."
"Try me." I said stepping up to him with a cocky smirk of my own. My eyes wandered to his lips for a second, he was close enough to kiss, and his lips seemed to beg for me to close that small distance, but I didn't think of Hunter like that. I never had, so I returned my gaze to that gorgeous green gaze of his and stepped even closer with my arms folded stubbornly.
Thinking back on it now, I realize that's another thing that got me in trouble in the beginning. My stubbornness and complete obliviousness of knowing when to back down. I just always had to prove how tough I was. I always had to prove that I could take anything the boys could dish out.
Hunter's green eyes flashed in anticipation, and I knew he was about to show me his persuasive little trick, but my door opened and Kyrin walked in. Neither Hunter nor I moved from our staring contest though.
"Hunter, what the hell are you doing, man?" Kyrin asked, he sounded exasperated.
Hunter grinned and flicked my nose before turning to Kyrin and walking towards the door. "We were about to play a game."
Kyrin sighed. "God, you've just seen her after however long, and you're already trying to mess with her? At least wait a few days or something."
It would be an understatement to say I was confused at the moment, but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing that. "What is this? Let's hang out in Kameryn's room without her permission day? Both of you get out."
Kyrin scowled at me before leaving while Hunter winked and followed behind calling back a, "We'll meet you outside at the pool!"
I sighed and shut my door so I could get changed, but when I turned back to my room a noticed Hunter had left his shirt on the floor. I walked over and picked up the black t-shirt, noticing for the first time that it had letters on it.
It read: "I'm too sexy for this shirt" in white letters and I had to laugh. I looked at the shirt a little longer, considering when to give it back to him and decided to keep it instead.
When I shook it out, the identifiable smell of Hunter wafted up to my nose. I could smell the scent of his body spray and the recognizable trace musk of boy. The combination was almost intoxicating, and I found myself outright holding the shirt to my nose and taking deep inhales of the smell.
I never remembered Hunter smelling so good or him being so appealing. What had happened while I was away, and what was I getting myself into?
There was a blood chilling scream, a crash, then silence and darkness enveloped my senses. When I broke the surface of it all I could hear laughter, and I opened my eyes to see my brother, Hunter and Tre the cause of the infuriating noise.
Of course, they'd pushed me into the damned pool while I wasn't paying attention. As soon as I figured out which one it was, he was going to get his ass kicked.
"Hey Kami, since when do you scream like that, huh?" Kyrin asked when his laughter died down enough to allow him to.
I completely ignored him and turned my eyes to the other two boys that seemed to be in hysterics at the whole thing. "I don't see why you guys are still laughing? It wasn't that funny."
They continued to laugh a bit more before Hunter got enough breath to say, "It was a team effort, Kam."
Tre nodded at his words. "He volunteered to help me get my payback."
"Payback?" I shouted. How could someone get payback on someone else's payback? I'd given him a break with that punch to the face! For ruining my freaking life, I should've killed his extremely hot ass.
I paused for a moment before shaking my head at the direction my thoughts were taking. I guess this is what happens when you're stuck in an all girls boarding school without any attractive males in sight for a couple years. You start thinking the male your age you hate the most is hot.
I shot them all glares when they saw me pouting in the water and started to laugh a little. Personally, I didn't see any part of this amusing.
They wouldn't laugh so much with water in their lungs. I thought bitterly before a smirk started to tug at my lips. I took a breath before going under the water and swimming over to the obvious weak link of the group. Well, he was the weakest of the group as far as girls were concerned anyway.
When I resurfaced in front of his smirking face, I held a hand out to him instead of smacking him on the back of his head like I originally wanted to do. It was an innocent gesture, and I, of course, acted as if I had nothing planned. "Shut up and help me out of the pool you dork."
"Aw, Kami! Don't be like that!" Hunter laughed again before taking my hand. Perfect.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion. As soon as Hunter took my outstretched hand, Tre and my brother called out a, 'NO!'. I grinned in my head though, even if they had figured out the totally clichéd plan, it was far too late for Hunter.
I grinned at Hunter, my hand tightening on his. His eyes flashed wide when he finally realized what was about to happen to him. It was too late though. Poor little fool.
One second Hunter was staring at me with those deep green eyes of his, and the next second there was a splash as his body landed in the pool. He really did have pretty eyes; it almost made me regret pulling him into the pool. Almost.
There was a short silence as the water settled again, then Hunter came to the surface sputtering and cursing just as I climbed out of the pool. Kyrin and Tre were sprawled out on the path around the pool, laughing again.
"H-how could you fall for the oldest trick in the book?" My brother managed to get out between laughs.
I grinned and blew Hunter a kiss from the edge of the pool when he growled at me and hit the water in frustration. It was a completely stupid mistake on his part, and he had every right to be disappointed in himself for falling for the trick.
Tre tried to catch his breath as he wiped tears from his eyes. He nodded at Kyrin's question saying, "Dude, it was obvious. I don't know where your head was, but it obviously wasn't where it needed to be."
Hunter opened his mouth to reply, but I beat him to it by sticking my foot out and sort of pushing his body towards the pool with it. He rolled into the pool, but not before yelling out a profanity. He was obviously caught off guard by my sudden appearance behind him.
Hunter pointed at Tre and laughed when he slowly reached the surface again, a glare already on his face.
"Hm, obviously somebody else's head was in the clouds too." I said when Tre turned to aim his glare at me.
Kyrin laughed before stepping back a little then running and jumping into the pool. When he broke the surface he grinned. "I wanted to get into the pool of my own accord, unlike you guys."
Tre and Hunter both glared at Ky before swimming over to and wrestling him under the water. I rolled my eyes at their senseless antics before walking a little ways away from the pool. I knew just how to break that mess up.
I took a breath before charging towards the pool, jumping just as I reached the edge and yelling, "Cannon ball!" before landing right next to the three boys with a huge splash.
When I reached the top all the boys stared at me in awe for a second before my brother and Hunter started scrambling to the edge of the pool saying multiple, 'I'm next's. I grinned at their backs before turning to look at Tre.
"You're not gonna go try to beat my splash?" I asked civilly as I swam over to the edge of the pool, leaning against it. I'd decided to at least try to be nice to him as I stared into those dark, starry eyes of his. Besides, he looked even hotter wet, and there was no way to stay upset with him at that moment.
He looked at me carefully, as if he was deciding if he should make some sort of smart comment in reply or not. He finally shook his head slowly. "Nah, cannon balls aren't my thing."
I raised an eyebrow at him before shrugging. I opened my mouth to reply, but was interrupted by Kyrin and Hunter calling, "CANNON BALL!" together before landing in the pool at the same time.
The splash was huge, and it moved the water and me with it. The back of my head slammed into the wall of the pool and I gasped, but instead of air, water leaked into my mouth causing me to choke. The only problem was that I had to have sunk under water at some point because the more I choked, the more water came in. I was drowning! Panicking, black spots were starting to appear in my line of vision as I tried to summon the strength to swim to the surface of the pool. I never got the chance to though, because the next thing I knew, I could hardly see and my choking fit was starting to slow.
Closing my eyes, I just gave up. I was going to drown here in my own pool, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Just before I fell completely unconscious, I could've sworn that someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the surface though.
A/N I hope you guys enjoyed that one. It's not exactly a cliffhanger either! Anyways, review please. They're much appreciated. Thanks for reading!