Stolen Love

By: Danica Loy

"Extra!" "Extra!"

The small newsboy shouted. He wasn't more than 12 years old with a messy mop of thick blond hair peaking out from underneath a dirty old beret that looked three sizes too big for him. Though, it matched his grayed and dirty clothes. He stood on the street corner beneath the flickering street lamp, its light slowly fading into the morning's natural rays. Early risers stepped briskly along the walk. The only sound was their feet clapping against the cracked cement as the passer-bys, bundled up in warm thick coats, tried to wake themselves up with their fingers wrapped tentatively around the cups filled with a steamy drink. They walked away from a tiny open-air shop with a makeshift sign reading in white chalk, "Starbucks".

"It'll never catch on." A murmured sigh breathed from across the empty street. A young man stood at the window of a local general store, his face buried within the Chicago Times. "Victory! Japan Surrenders!" was splayed across the front page in big bold black letters.

"Good Gravy!" It takes blowing up a city, and then they surrender. Japanese sure are stubborn." The man shook his head in exasperation, "But did we have to drop two bombs…" He took off his hat and lowered his head in silent reverence.

Meanwhile, the clerk behind the counter was watching the young man. With her elbow on the smooth sticker-covered surface, she stared at the mysterious stranger. Her chocolate brown eyes glistened curiously. He seemed familiar, but where had she seen him?

It was then the chime sounded, making the young woman jump, breaking herself from her silent musings. Silence breezed through the store as a tall woman stood in the doorway, carrying herself with overwhelming grace and poise. She wore a lavish lavender silk dress that seemed to fit her like a second skin. Her dark tan made her look Mexican or something, even though everyone in town knew she was a pure-blooded American.

The girl behind the counter relaxed a little still maintaining a certain degree of professionalism. Her soft brown eyes hardened as she stared at the posh woman. She knew Madelyn well Ever since they were small children, the girls were neighbors, but acted more like sisters. That is, until high school…

"Hello Jenny." Madelyn grinned, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Her manicured hand smoothed her perfect shiny dyed blonde hair.

"Good Morning, Madelyn." Jenny replied, trying to keep a pleasant air, "What brings you here to this side of town?" Madelyn giggles haughtily.

"For your information Miss Walker, I am waiting for someone special."

"It wouldn't be Ryan McNeil, would it?" Jenny mumbled tiredly.

Madelyn's perfect blue eyes flew wide in outrageous shock. "Where did you get an idea like that?"

Jenny just rolled her eyes, "Please, you haven't been announcing it to the entire town for months for nothing," The young girl sighed, resting her elbow on the counter, her chin cupped in her hand tiredly; "Don't you know anything about gossip?"

Madelyn just scoffed, turning up her nose as if to look down upon Jenny. "You're just jealous, little girl; that Ryan chose to write to me instead of you." Jenny blushed slightly, remembering Ryan's youthful, kind, smiling face. She bowed her head. Madelyn always knew how to get under Jenny's skin, making her uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Madelyn gave a high pitched laugh, and continued, "Now, when Ryan finally comes home, he says he wants to ask me something."

Jenny breathed deeply regaining some of her original composure and slowly lifted her head. "What makes you sure he's coming back?" Jenny pushed away her childhood, the maturity in her doe brown eyes flared. "He was stationed off the coast of Japan last I heard, and everyone knows Fat Man and Little Boy were dropped in that area."

Madelyn, however, wasn't listening with a dreamy look in her starry eyes she imagined her perfect future while on cloud nine. Jenny rolled her eyes exasperated.

"Besides, you're still living in your fantasy just like you did in high school. You're hanging onto a dream that probably won't even come true. At least I moved on with my life. I went to college. I have a good job with good pay. I've forgotten the past with those childish memories." The more she ranted, the angrier Jenny felt inside. Madelyn never had to work hard in her life. Everything was just handed to the little princess. Without warning, she surprised herself as she slammed her fist against the counter. Her petite knuckles curled so tight they were turning white. Tears threatened to fall down her face, but she couldn't let them fall. She brushed them away quickly, hoping Madelyn wouldn't see.

But she did. "Aww…did I make the little girl jealous?" Madelyn croon in a baby voice. "Well, seeing as how I'm such a good and honest woman, I'll give you another chance." She leaned against the counter, her long delicately polished nails clicked against the smooth surface as she stared directly into Jenny's eyes with a devious smirk. "What if we started all over with Ryan; who do you think he will choose; you, a poor working class girl, who probably won't give any time to just him, or me, with much more money so I can afford the finest of everything and give him anything he could ever want!" Madelyn laughed snootily, seeing soft doe eyes downcast themselves, staring at the floor. Jenny bit her lip. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Madelyn was right.

All the while, the man in the corner listened calmly to the women's conversation. His fist, however, was clenched so tight, the slightest movement would rip the paper; he was using to hide himself, to shreds. But he stayed quiet and out of sight until he couldn't stand it a moment longer.

"Sometimes, a family that lives on love is much happier than one living on money."

The two women looked up in shock to see the young man step out from shadows in the corner of the store. He was very handsome with smooth, thick earth brown hair and piercing green eyes. A white captain's hat topped his head as the gold and silver medals decorated the matching immaculately pressed navy uniform.

Madelyn's eyes danced with joy as she squealed in delight, a childish giggle escaping her breath. "Ryan, darling, you're finally home! Welcome back!" She rushed over to embrace him, her heels rapidly clicking the floor, however, Ryan did not move nor did he even glance at her. "I've missed you so much!"

Then he shoved her away to arm's length, like she had a contagious illness that he, himself, didn't want to catch. His emerald eyes flared to life, "I'm flattered you would welcome me home in such a manner, but I feel reserved to share such actions with someone whom I love."

The posh woman feigned a gasp, covering her pouting mouth, looking like she was ready to cry in a moment's notice. "But, Ryan," she whined, "You wrote me all those beautiful and sentimental letters! You said you did love me! Remember!"

Ryan was angry; his normal calm gaze was glowing dangerously. He took a step back, away from her. "Madelyn, you are my friend, have been since we were in school together, but never have I loved you, will never love you. I love another."

Pitiful cries were muffled around Madelyn's hand. "But, Ryan--" He cut her off.

"Those letters were never meant for you anyway, I thought you knew that. I thought you were a friend whom I could trust to give them to the one who the letters truly belonged to!"

"What are you talking about Ryan?" Madelyn cried helplessly, "You're imagining things! Are you sure you didn't hurt yourself over there?"

"My mind is just fine, only confused at the moment," Ryan was on the edge of raising his deep tenor voice to a shouting rage, "for I had thought you would be honest and give my letters to the one person who deserved them, you're so-called best friend!" He ended as he blindly pointed at Jenny.

Soft doe eyes gasped, and a blush filled her whole face. Jenny felt she was going to faint, as she heard Ryan's voice rise even more in fury. "And, I am to believe that it was you, Madelyn Cummings, who stole Jenny's letters for yourself! And while I waiting overseas so eagerly for her honest reply, and her not even knowing she would not even read my words, you paraded about with a bunch of lies on your tongue! Get out! Get away from my sight! I don't want to see you again!"

Madelyn sniffed, then stomped her foot down and stuck her nose in the air. Turning about on her heel, she mumbled, "I don't need you anyway…" before storming out the door, leaving behind stillness in the air. The storm had calmed.

Jenny, however, was confused as she hopped over the counter, and with timid steps walked to Ryan, still staring where Madelyn once stood.

"Why did you say those things?" Jenny wondered, "We were all best friends in high school. I know we've had falling outs before, but you don't mean what you said now right? Madelyn can still be our friend, yes?"

Ryan was, of course, surprised to hear this. "Jenny, I know you may think of me as selfish, but I was only friends with her, to become closer to you. I watched you. You two were so close back then." Jenny's blush lightened slightly. Ryan chuckled at how cute she looked at the moment.

"Well," He sighed in relief as he reached into his pocket, "at least she didn't get my last letter." Jenny looked up curiously as she saw him pull a small envelope from his pocket. Ryan nervously swallowed his pride, and handed Jenny the small package. Both faces heated and turned away claiming lightheadedness as their fingers touched.

Jenny looked down at the envelope; the opening was folded in, not sealed. Running her hand over it, she felt a slight bump. She blushed again, seeing Ryan's hand cover her own. "Jenny, you already stated that you had made the perfect life for yourself. With this promise I give to you, I hope to share in that life with you? Taking his hand away and turning over the package, while his other hand held open her hand, and there it trickled into her hand. A crystal clear cut diamond ring sparkled within the tears as they streamed down Jenny's face. Jenny, still staring at the precious gift enclosed in her hand and tears poured down her cheeks, jumped, unable to control her excitement, into Ryan's waiting embrace. She cried happily into his shoulder.

"I never had a perfect life until this very moment."

The End