baby-bopper teen thing is utterly crazy in love- love so much she goes to sleep thinking of the beautiful skate-bait boy with the beautiful hair and yummy body (because like every baby chick, she loves sweets). she doesn't exactly know why she likes him but she wants to tell him to marry her now goddamit. instead she rides around in her shopping cart through empty parking lots just for fun at midnight and squeals and screams as the corners cut to tight and almost send her tumbling from the cart. she is giggling though, because it is great fun.

still, when she gets back to her room, she can't help imagining pictures of her and him entwined and twisted and utterly in love all over the place. she tunnel wishes that they get married and love each other forever and that they have kids and wham bam rockin' sex till their bodies stop them way later. as she wishes this last part she giggles to herself because she knows she is way far gone.

her skate-bait boy might be utterly perfect- that is her conclusion. he is lovely nice, daring, sensitive, and sometimes says the most romantic things without even realizing it.

baby-bop shakes her head, her scruffy choppy black hair stinging her equally black eyes. he just thinks she's a semi-acquaintance friend thing, the kind with a pixie stick body and a bubbly, excited, energetic attitude that drinks coffee that has stunted her growth more than her genetics have. silly girl, he's not for you.

she'd like to ask why not but she knows it would never happen.