Weeks, months, and years have past...
I went to college, graduated, and got a job. I ended up going to the same school as Byron, our classes weren't near each other but we always had time together. Even though I felt alone sometimes I never truly was. I went out with Byron for three years, when I had to end it, his mother wasn't getting better, she was taking too much of his time, he knew it and I knew it was coming, we were meant for each other. After the break up I never saw him again, but just six moths ago he called, he wanted to see me, he needed someone, and even though I knew my husband wouldn't allow it, I went. I went to see him back in our home town I drove down the streets that I always went threw when I was younger, when everything was going bad, I stopped in front of his house and got out. I knocked on his door and instantly it was opened, there he stood in all his beauty standing there looking down at me. even now that I'm married and I'm over him, I can't get over his beauty it was like I was seventeen again and I was falling in love all over.
"Hey" he said in a soft tone,
"Hey" I said with a shy smile. I couldn't I couldn't go back I was married and in love I couldn't think about him, his beauty or how he saved me.
"Come in" he said as she opened the door more, letting me into his house. For the first time I looked around the house. I've always been here, but I never looked I was to focus on Byron, but now I had to look I wasn't going to look at him. The house was small and it was a mess, there was paper and old food all around.
"So what did you need me for" I asked as I sat down on a chair, that he cleared for me.
"My mother died" I turned to look at him, he didn't seem sad, he wasn't going to cry.
"I'm so sorry Byron" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Jamie I need you" he said as he held me tighter. I pulled away.
"You know that if it wasn't for my mother we would have been together. We loved each other Jamie, I never was happy with anyone but you."
"Byron, I'm
married" I said as I sat back down
"What when, did this
"After we broke up I did my usually things, got up, went to class, do homework, eat dinner, go to work. I went to work one night you know how I was working at a night club, well while I was giving people their drinks I bumped into someone." I said as I started to remember that night.
His green eyes looked
at me, he moved his black hair out of his face, and he smiled.
stood there frozen I was like we never had a fight, like part of our
life never happened. When I was about to leave he grabbed my hand and
guided me toward the dance floor as a slow song came out.
Jamie, how you been" he asked
"Fine and you" I
asked as I looked around.
"Fine" he said with a smile
need to get back to work" I whispered
"Shh, just dance,
I have missed you"
"Really" I said shocked
I liked you. When you went out with Byron it hurt me"
"Jamie its true" he said looking into my
I looked up at Byron; I could see the anger on his face.
"You are married to that asshole" he yelled
"Yes" I said as I smoothed my skirt.
"How can you, after everything he did to you"
"Thanks to you I had forgiven him, we dated for few months before we got married. He is a changed person, Byron."
"But you love me right" he said as he looked at me, his blue eyes staring straight into my greenish eyes.
"Oh Byron, you will always have a part of my heart"
"You still love me"
"I love Bryce" I said. He sighed
"Do you really"
"We have three kids and I'm madly in love with him" he nodded. We sat there in silence.
"Well I guess there is only one thing to do" he said. I looked at him and saw a smile on his face.
"And what is that"
"Ask you to help me with all this bills and stuff, my mother died and I have no idea what to do." He said with a fake laugh. I nodded and started to clean up the room.
When Bryce and I got married we moved far away from our town. We moved to the city and even though we didn't know everyone, we knew the people around us, and that was better then knowing everyone. It has been twelve years, now I'm twenty-eight with three kids. I have twin boys and one girl. The boys had blond hair and big green eyes, they looked so much like Bryce as for the girl she had brown hair and my eyes, she was beautiful with pale skin and big pinkish lips. The girl is older then the boys, only by a year. She is five years old and they are four, I loved them more then life.
I just finished packing my bags when Bryce came in and wrapped his arms around my stomach gently rubbing my growing belly. He began to rub the tip of his nose on my ear and whispered
"Are you ready to go?" I nodded and he grabbed my bag.
He took the bags to the car and I put the kids in the car, I sat down and wait until he got inside the car. He looked at me and started to drive. We were going back to our old town.
Weeks, months, and
years past since that day in my room with Jan, after high school I
moved out and never talked to her. I have heard nothing about her
until yesterday when my mother called.
She told me that she found
Jan dead in my room, last week. I asked her why she didn't call me
earlier; she said she was too scared to call, she said that she'll
tell me everything when I come home for the funeral.
It took us four hour to get to the town, as he drove down the streets toward my house, I remembered that time I came to see Byron.
After we cleaned his house we sat down on the table and had some coffee, he took out some papers and we began to figure everything out. He was able to pay every bill and if he wanted he could sell the house. I was telling him about selling the house when I looked up and saw him staring at me.
"I can't sell the house"
"Why not"
"I've lived here all my life, I can't just sell it"
"So you're going to move in here"
"I think that's the plan" he said with a sly smile. I nodded and looked back down at the paper, when I felt his hand on top of mine, I looked up.
"Jamie" he said as he was getting closer to me, I stood up. I had to go.
"Oh Byron I just remembered I have to get going" I said as I grabbed my bags. He stood up and took me in his arms.
"I can't let you go, not like this, not without" he said as he kissed me.
That is when everything
just went down, I forgot about Bryce I forgot about my kiss, the only
thing that was in my head was him, the way his lips brought back so
many memoirs of us together. His hand began to roam around my body,
our kiss began to get more passionate, he lifted me up and I wrapped
my legs around his waist as he began to walk toward his room. He
gently put me down and began to take my shirt off as his lips left
kisses all around my neck and chest. Soon after we were on his bed
the covers over our naked body, I could feel him kiss my shoulder as
everything came back. I got up quickly got dress and left without
saying a word.
I sat in my car crying as I realized that I just
cheated on my husband.
"Honey, are you okay" I looked up and saw Bryce looking at me with concern on his face.
"Yeah I'm fine" I said as I looked out the window.
We made it to the house, where my mother was outside getting ready to leave to the cemetery. She looked up and came to the car,
"Finally, follow me and we'll make it in time."
As we followed her, I thought about how I betrayed Bryce, how he didn't know. I was going to tell him, I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't because I didn't want to hurt him. Because that was the first and last time that will ever happen. There was no point into even think about it.
We stood there everyone in black, I introduced my husband and kids to some family members and then as everything was about to start, I saw him. He had gotten a hair cut, and his eyes were on me, he smiled and I smiled back, but turned to the casket holding Bryce's hand. As I stared at the close coffin I began to think about how I never forgave and that I never will. I felt awful, but I wasn't going to pretend that I loved her when really I hated her.
After the ceremony everyone went back to our house. I was giving my kids some cookies when he came up to me. He looked down at my kids and bend down to talk to them.
"Hi, I'm Byron and you are" he said to one of my twin boys.
"I'm Adam and my brother is Alan" my little boy said as he ran away with his brother.
"How about you" he said to the girl, she didn't smile.
"Lucy" she said as she walked away. He looked up at me and stood up; he touched my wavy long hair and smiled. I slightly pulled away,
"What are you doing" I hissed.
"Jamie I've been thinking about you, since that day. I was going to call, but I was scared of Bryce picking up." He said as he ran his finger up and down my hip.
"Byron please, it's been a year and I just don't want anything else to happen" I said never looking at him
"Jamie why don't you look at me" he asked
"Byron, just go away"
"Is it because you're scared of falling in love with me, are you scared that you might end up leaving your family and just coming back with me" he whispered. I looked up at him.
"Just stop, I'm married."
"And having my baby" he whispered.
"Byron pleases" I said as I could feel the tears about to fall.
"Fine, I'll leave but I want to be a part of the kid's life" he whispered as he touched my stomach I nodded.
"I'll always be here for you Jamie" he said as he left.
Soon after my mother came up to me, I had moved from the spot I was with Byron and I sat down on a chair.
"Do you want to know what was going on before she died" she asked I shook my head. She sighed.
"She was a heroine addict. She would spend hours in your room screaming and yelling, pounding on the walls and floor. She was sick, she needed help but she wouldn't get it. We never kicked her out, because we knew she wouldn't survive. Then last week we came home your father and I and we heard nothing so we walked down stairs and there she was dead and on your bed was this." She held out a folded paper, I took it and she left.
I stood up and walked away from everyone, I made it to the door that went down to my room, I went in slowly going down the stairs. It looked terrible, the walls had dents and scratches there was nasty stains on the carpet the only thing that looked clean was my bed. I walked toward it sat down and began to read her letter.
I know I have been a terrible sister, but I will not apologize for falling in love. I just hope you can forgive me for every thing I said to you that night; I never meant any of it. I hope that your life turned out better then mine did. I just couldn't get over the fact that I ruined our relationship. Plus the addiction is just too strong to ignore. Just forgive me, when you do I'll rest in peace.
Love always your sister,
It was then with tears pouring out that I forgave her. I will always keep this letter. Knowing that she could have been alive if I just forgave her. Now I can't stop thinking if it was ever worth it. I cried for hours, until Bryce came down and found me. He held me in his arms and touched my hair stroking it softly, when I said it.
"I slept with Byron" I cried out. His hand stopped and then he pulled me away and looked me straight in the eye.
"Did you enjoy it" he asked the tears started to fall
"Yes" I nodded.
"Did you even think about me" I shook my head.
"Is this is baby" he said as he looked down.
"Are you happy with what you did" he said as he began to cry
"Are you going to leave me now?"
"Never" I cried as I tried to hug him.
"How do I know if you're lying to me?"
"I'm not"
"Does he know" I nodded
"He wants to be part of his life"
"Then let him, but I will not allow him to take you away from me" I looked up at him and we quickly warped our arms around each other.
That is the end, i hope you guys liked the story. I know some of you might not have liked the fact that she marries Bryce, but i had picked him because i wanted them to get to getter since the beginning. She was the one he wanted to marry anyways.
Well thank you to those you read and review this story.
Now for a treat !
I have a new story coming out soon
Here is a little preview of it.
She has long golden blond hair; her eyes are a light green, so light that they look a little glassy from afar. Her perfectly Pink lips were in a pout and red from the passionate kiss they just had. He touched her rosy cheeks and she closed her eyes moving her head closer to his hand. She was the most beautiful gitl he had ever seen. Her pale skin went well with her soft features.
He has his eye on her since that day he first saw her, the day they met. He remember that day like it was yesterday, but really it was only three months ago. Ginny Miller was having a big 18th birthday bash and he was invited just like the rest of the senior class. It wasn't an ordinary party; it was a formal black and white theme party, champagne, caver, and all that shit. He was dressed in a full black suit, when his friends and him arrived they were given a mask, as he looked around he noticed that everyone had the same mask, then his eyes stopped roaming and stopped on this beautiful girl in a white black dress. She was stunning he had never seen a girl like that in his life. She placed the mask on her face and walked away. He stood there following her with his eyes until his friend slapped his shoulder and held it, grinning as he checked out a girl in a short black dress. For the rest of the night he searched for her, but didn't find her. As he danced with many girls he kept his eyes wide open. Finally he got tried of searching and went to get a drink. He grabbed a beer leaned against the counter and looked at the people dancing. Soon after Ginny and a group of her friends popped up next to him, he didn't take his eyes off the dance floor, he never really cared much for Ginny, she was a snob and he hates being around people like that.
"Kean" Ginny yelled in a high pitch voice. he flinched and turned putting a smile on his face.
"Ginny" he said politely.
That's it for the preview, if you want to read the rest you'll have to wait until I post it. :