Disclaimer (feel free to skip this)


This story is vastly different from my usual writing style. It was started, in part, as an experiment in what genres I could write. So, please don't judge me as an author based on this work.

Also, this story treads some uncertain legal grounds vis a vis fanfic. I wouldn't post it on ficpress without plenty of good reasons, but I still want to outline both sides of the issue. This is so that no reviewer will feel the need to say 'this is totally a fanfic and I am telling.' 'cause RoW is not a fanfic. Mostly.


Reasons that RoW looks like a fanfic: it is a non-cannon approach to the works of another author and uses the word 'fanfic' several times throughout the narrative. The main character is also styled after self-insertion Mary Sues, and the story contains several false author's notes to preserve the illusion that it is being written as a fanfic.


Reasons that RoW is not, in fact, a fanfic: I have the express permission of Sabrael to write this story. Sabrael wrote the excellent "Crown of Thorns", which RoW is based on.

Fanfic is defined as a non-cannon approach to another author's work without their permission. As such, I believe it is protected under the same U.S. laws that protect parody. This, however, is a non-cannon approach to another author's work with her permission. Basically, Sabrael said I could write this so nyah nyah nyah.


Well, that was all dry and boring. Thanks for sticking with me so far. Now, on to the story…