AN: Well, I certainly am going to miss writing this story, but I have come to a conclusion. I am going to write a sequel. I already know what it is about and I hope that you guys like it.
Naomi was so tired at the moment. She had just given birth to one boy. She was about to give birth to another one. Then she heard all the noises of the battle below. "I would like to know. Who is winning down there?" One nurse went to the window quickly and said, "Well, that kid is moving all over the place so they can't really get a hit on him." Naomi for some reason yelled out, "YES!" Then the nurse said, "But I'm pretty sure that the army will win. I mean it is one hundred to one. Whoops make that ninety-seven to one." Naomi didn't care, "Yes! This is good." "What, that that kid wins?" "Naomi said, "Well he is the father of two of my children. Besides, he was my ex-boyfriend." "Yah, that's great, but just focus on making these babies," One doctor said. Naomi muttered, "Bastard."
Nick was dodging bullets all over. His clothes were now no good. He was no wearing an undershirt and his boxers. Nick had cuts, gashes, and marks all over him. One bullet had made a small mark under his eyes, because it had skimmed it. Nick was going into the lot. He had to stay in the one place. He got in and fifty of the army men followed. Nick swiped them all away. Then Nick got an Idea. He Piled up cars in the lot and set them one fire. "Watch out! These are my grenades!" Nick started to throw the cars as far as he could which was pretty far. The explosion were heard far a long way.
The street search squads heard them and started to run to the noise.
The building searchers heard it all and started to run.
Nick was finally done with all the men. Or at least he thought. Ten men came out of no where and they would not move till. Nick came out. "What the hell!? You actually think I'll go." Nick stayed there until the people made a hand signal and the roof of the lot started to shake until it cracked. Nick ran out as fast as he could. He looked for the men. Why had they come and why now. Well, it was only ten men, how hard could it be? Nick looked what was in front of him. There were over a thousand men in front of him.
Naomi panted and the second baby came out. This was a girl. Naomi struggled now. The baby was coming out.
Nick couldn't believe what was happening. He really couldn't. This had happened so quickly, so unfairly. First he sees them then they are outside about to shoot him. Nick had to be really stupid to let this happen. He had to kill Naomi, but instead all that happened was the army coming and killing him. Well, there really wasn't much to do now. Nick could not survive this no matter what. Nick started to run as they all put their weapons up. He screamed out, "DDDIIIEEE!" While the army leader yelled out, "Kill him now!"
Naomi panted. The last baby was coming on. She saw some skin of the head.
Nick Ran on and on. Bullets rained down on him and began to slowly kill him.
The baby's eyes could be seen.
Bullets met flesh.
The baby breathed it's first breath.
Nick fell down onto the floor. He was now dead.
The baby came out and Naomi formed a weak smile and died. The doctors all smiled as they looked at the babies. The main one told a nurse, "Get some clothes. We will need to find out which one is which." Then one piped up, "I'm pretty sure that it is the two boys. The girl is less likely." The main one smiled and nodded. "Nurse, take the girl to an orphanage and we'll take these boys to the army."
Two years later
The little girl was taken to a loving family rather than an orphanage. She was named Mary. But the parents believed that it would be best if her last name stayed as beautiful as ever. Crimson.
The boys were taken to a base and they are getting training and the one made by Nick was named Dillon and the other that was named by Eric was named Jason. But the thing is, Dillon has not a spec of vampire in him.
AN: I hope you all liked it. I did and I just noticed that there is a morale. It's revenge can satisfy you, but what happens when it comes back and eats you up? I hope that you guys enjoyed it and that it wasn't a piace of crap. I just wish that I could write better.